So true! You never really know really what all is going on in someone’s life. All the more reason we should all do our best to be good to one another. 🙂
Yes. Some people look so perfect on social media! It is important to remind ourselves that they’re not so flawless when the camera is put away.. none of us are! xx
Needed this reminder today, thank you xx
So true! You never really know really what all is going on in someone’s life. All the more reason we should all do our best to be good to one another. 🙂
Very true think facebook can be our worst enemy for that reason, very easy to judge and jump to conclusions if you’r not careful
Very true. Thanks for sharing this message!
Yes. Some people look so perfect on social media! It is important to remind ourselves that they’re not so flawless when the camera is put away.. none of us are! xx
“Things are seldom as they seem”, I should learn the rest of that song.
I’d have to Google the rest of that one, too!