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Disclaimer :

This is a personal blog of my own experiences and opinions. I am not a medical professional; any suggestions or ideas do not substitute seeking professional advice. I will not be liable for any errors in information, nor any losses or damages arising from the content of this site.

I am the legal owner of all content unless otherwise stated, and no material is to be published or modified without my written consent. The content of guest and sponsored posts are the responsibility of the author. My product reviews may appear on my account on other sites, in their entirety or edited. This blog may use randomised banner advertising, which does not imply my endorsement. Affiliate links may be used for products or services I recommend, but I am not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any such advertisers or other comments left on this site. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Thank you  🙂

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Privacy Policy :

In accordance with the GDPR changes that came into effect on May 25th 2018 –

It is my understanding that Wordpress and associated plug-ins store the name, gravatar, comment, email address / website if one is supplied and IP address when individuals comment. Cookies are required to ensure the website runs correctly and may be used in such instances as to remember whether readers with to view the desktop or mobile version when on mobile devices.

Please be assured that your personal details will not be shared or sold by myself.

If you do not consent to having your information processed by Wordpress and any plug-ins in this way, please do not follow or comment.  Readers are free to subscribe or unsubscribe as they wish.

I use affiliate networks, such as Amazon’s Affiliate Program, to link to products in some posts, and my blog shows advertising, such as from Google Adsense. In addition, where a post is sponsored by an outside party, I made this known by stating it is a “sponsored” post.

For further information, please see the appropriate privacy policies for Wordpress and other services.

I do not make use of an email newsletter, so these changes may not necessarily apply to this blog. However, it is important for me that my readers are comfortable with the workings of this site as I value each and every one of you.  Please get in touch if you have any questions.

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