Helloooo there, how’ve you guys been lately? I hope everyone is as well as possible. It’s been a little while since I bored you last with one of these mini-me-updates so it’s about due! I’m rather behind (yet again) with blogging and everything else, which I partly blame on the flu & being unwell, so I apologise.
– Health Update –
My post-op follow-up was uneventful, and the issues I’ve been having, including the last A&E visit, have been put down as ‘one of those things’ as part of the recovery process, which can take eons. I’m not that patient, but with any luck there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with my stoma so I’ve just got to be extra cautious with certain things and hope for the best!
I had spirometry testing and various other appointments over the last few weeks too, such as rheumatology (waste of time and left in tears). And also a rather frustrating follow-up with neurology. The consultant was beyond aggravating and seemed to make the discussion about my eye pain, migraines and the onset of cluster headaches into a competition. He used to have migraines, so he tells me, and they were always ‘sooooo bad’, I couldn’t possibly have had bad ones or clusters because he did and they were ‘soooo much worse’. Etc etc. Then he told me I’d grow out of it. So there we go, by the age of 35 I will, according to Dr Brains, have grown out of migraines!
I have tests booked now for October at UCLH for something semi-stoma related. I’ve not been to London for years but unfortunately there’ll be no time for being touristy as the day will be full with 4 tests. My eyes have watered at the price of a return train ticket. It’s a 2-2.5hr journey, yet tickets cost around £180 because of having to leave so early in the morning. Ouch! So much for cost-effective, eco-friendly public transport…
I posted recently about the flu jab for this year and had mine the other week. While I was fine with it last year, 2-3 days after it this year I got a sore throat, 2 days after that I started to feel like death warmed up and my immune system has been battling the stupid flu ever since. They say it’s a coincidence as you don’t get the flu from the jab, but I’m still pretty grumpy about feeling incredibly rough-er than usual!
It was also World Ostomy Day not too long ago. You can check out my post for it here.
And Invisible Disabilities Week, which I posted about earlier this week.
– Personal Update –
I had my hair chopped off, which you may have seen on my Ostomy Day post. I hate it. I felt like I needed a change after my last A&E list and was increasingly self-conscious about how thing and gappy my hair was, which seems more noticeable when it’s long. But above shoulder-length hair does not suit me, especially when the hairdresser wants you to have a bob but you don’t, so now I’m even more self-conscious…and it’s still thin and gappy. D’oh! There are more important things in life, but it still bugged me. Note to self: avoid hairdressers for the next 5 years.

My father turned 70 at the end of September. Sadly, although we’d hoped to pop into town for drinks & a bite to eat, he wasn’t well enough to go so we didn’t really get to celebrate, which I feel awful about. I did risk life and limb hanging a banner and balloons by awkwardly crawling on the furniture, and he liked the personalised card I got him and the BreakYourOwnNews funnies I made (definitely recommend trying this out if you haven’t already), so he didn’t totally get to avoid the ageing process!
I attended a meeting as part of a government review a few weeks ago. Such reviews are undertaken when investigating the likes of medications or medical devices, when things have gone wrong to assess the damage caused to patients and to deliberate as to whether they are safe and how to proceed with their use. Being involved in such things can give us back a little power as patients, to become more vocal, more engaged in the process and have our voices heard so as to improve things and protect future patients. While the outcome won’t be known for several months, my fingers are crossed that something good will come of it all.
Back in September, I managed to take my folks out to Woodchester Mansion during the freebie Heritage Open Days. Glad it was dry weather as regular rest breaks were needed on the picnic benches out the front. The mansion is not wheelchair friendly but for those with walking difficulties the trek to the mansion, which is nearly a mile from the car park through gorgeous woodland, is made easier with a mini-bus service on certain days. The expansive grounds were jaw-dropping and the mansion is steeped in history, cemented in time as a half-finished project when the last owner ran out of money, kept going by the Heritage trust so visitors can enjoy the scenery and incredible architecture.

– What I’m Loving This Week –
Breyers Ice-Cream – Seriously can’t get enough of the stuff. High in protein, tastes delicious, low calorie (just as well as the tub doesn’t last me longer than one sitting) and on offer in supermarkets recently so I’ve stocked up. Good to have on hand when not feeling well or struggling to eat, such as with stoma problems. The 3 I’ve tried, and thus my favourites, are Cookies & Cream, chocolate, and caramel. Yum!
Olay Daily Facials – I was lucky enough to get to try these for free with SuperSavvyMe as a product tester. While they’re more expensive than my usual face wipes, these are little 5-in-1 miracle workers to remove dirt and make-up, cleanse, exfoliate, soften, and hydrate skin. I can have somewhat sensitive skin but have found these to be gentle enough without drying out my skin, providing I dab a little moisturiser on afterwards. They’re very soft cloths & the process is quick and easy, which gets a thumbs up from me for requiring minimal effort! Considering they’re so effective at cleansing and leaving skin feeling fresh and looking brighter, while combining several products in one, I’d recommend them for being better value for money as a result and really pleasant to use.
You can get them at Boots (3 for 2 on selected skincare with free delivery to store) and also at Superdrug (buy one get one half price, free delivery over £10 for BeautyCard holders) if you want to check them out as a well-deserved beauty treat!
Bookish Love & TV To The Rescue
Depression Is A Liar – Danny Baker
I received a copy of this from Liz, an amazing fellow blogger after she very generously hosted a giveaway. The book is an eye-opening insight for friends and loved ones of those with depression, and also an encouraging read for those dealing with it themselves. It gives a little hope and encouragement that moving beyond the grip of hopelessness, despair and the darkest of dark days is possible.
Check it out on Amazon where it gets a fab 4.5 star rating.
Harlan Coben – Home
I LOVE Harlan Coben – He’s an excellent writer and I’ve loved every book of his I’ve read because you can’t help but keep turning the pages. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t read this one before so I was over the moon when I realised. Literally, geek excitement and a big grin. For fans of Coben, you’re in for a treat with more Myron & Win escapades, and for those new to the series, it’s an engaging, emotive read that keeps you guessing (as a good crime thriller should) with sharp wit and sarcasm a plenty to lighten the edges. Brilliant! You can find it on The Book Depository.
Just getting into Westworld Season 2 this week – Anyone else seen this yet? No spoilers please! Such an engaging, intricate and enjoyable show, highly recommended if you haven’t already seen the first series. I’m also looking forward to This Is Us Season 3 and Better Call Saul S04.
Have you enjoyed any great reads lately, or have you got anything interesting on your to-watch schedule?
Happy Friday, everyone! I’m going to try to calm down a little after attempting to catch up the last two days & try to get over the flu this weekend. What are you up to? I hope you have a flu-free, enjoyable weekend ahead 🙂
Caz ♥
I hope you feel better soon Caz, keep warm ???? I’ve just put some of that ice cream on my shopping order ????
Thank you lovely ♥ I hope you like the ice cream, I think it’s moreish (hence why the spare freezer is full of it..!) Let me know what you think when you’ve tried it 🙂
Aaargh, this neurologist really didn’t help. I am glad I am not the only one who still enjoys ice cream in fall. Thanks for keeping us posted, and have a good time.
Ice-cream is a year-round thing for me 😉
You have a very busy schedule. Not a fun busy either, so sorry for that. I hope you get answers, nothing worse than people not believing you or saying you will just ‘outgrow’ it.
I wish things were busy fun, but then I don’t have the energy for anything so it’s probably just as well! Thank you for the lovely comment, Laura. I hope you’re well and that you have a good week ahead 🙂
So many things, Happy Birthday to your dad. Never tried the Olay facials but I love Breyers ice cream, actually I love any ice cream 🙂 Hope you can focus into some gratitude things and relax and have a beautiful weekend. <3
Thank you, Masha ♥ Glad you’re also a Breyers fan – I’ve restocked the freezer with the stuff, it’s lovely. Do you have a favourite flavour?
Great update and gosh, you’ve been busy. I say that as my days are equally medically orientated and feel the drain on our energies when appointments are close together. I totally relate to your hair saga, I ended up with a Pixie cut for a while so as to hide the patches and thinning effects of shock and meds, it is finally starting to regrow after years of drastic changes and now I’m stalled as to what to do with it! Seems I’m never happy with it – it’s my weakness and soft spot. Thanks for the recommendations, you’ve urged me to do more writing myself as I use it as a release as reading is still difficult and my concentration is still being reconstructed. Have a great weekend yourself and take good care. Regards Samantha
You’re right, it’s a drain with appointments, especially when not feeling well. I’m sorry you can relate with the whole hair thing, but I’m glad it’s starting to regrow. What would you like to try with it? Do you find it’s a little thicker at the top now it’s regrowing? I find writing to be harder for me than reading in terms of concentration and simply the ability to do it, but everyone’s different and sometimes you just have to go with whatever’s ‘easiest’ (even when nothing seems ‘easy’!) Thanks sharing and the lovely comment, Samantha – I hope this week treats you well ♥
Caz xx
Glad you’re doing well.
I had my hair cut yesterday, but I’ going for longer and a different style.
Love his books and have read many.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
I hope you’re happy with the haircut, a different style can be quite refreshing! Glad you’re a reader of Harlan Coben, I think he’s amazing! 🙂
Happy Birthday to your dad! My mum is 7o today. X I’m sorry your neurology appointment was so rubbish, it doesn’t sound like he could have been anymore less helpful. ???? can you see a different one next time? I hope you have a lovely weekend. ❤xxx
Oh no, how’d I miss this before? I’m really sorry, Heather, I thought I’d replied ages ago! Wishing you mum a very Happy (and very belated) 70th! ♥♥♥
Hi Caz,
One of my jobs is in security, so an uneventful day for me is better than a bad one. I got the ‘jab’ two weeks ago but only felt a sore forearm…this year. Last year I believe I experienced what you did this year, “Flu Like Symptoms”. Sounds like the flu to me. The Woodchester Mansion is breathtaking. Id like to see it someday. Thanks for the update. Enjoy the Bryers ice cream.
Hah, yes I can see that an uneventful day at work for you would be a good one! I hope you have more uneventful ones than not. I’m glad you’ve had the jab and haven’t had any side-effects this year, that’s good to hear. Thanks for the comment – stay well and have a lovely weekend =]
Hard luck with that flu jab. My husband had a reaction with his a couple of years ago so I was worried about him having it this year as he’s due to have a coronary bypass at the start of November and, by now, is barely able to move around at the best of times. On the other hand, he can’t afford to have flu, which would get his op postponed for certain and could even finish him off That may sound dramatic, but he was frighteningly ill with it last Christmas and he was much healthier (otherwise) back then – hadn’t then been diagnosed as having a dicky heart). He decided to have the jab last week and has been fine, so don’t let it put you off having it next year.
It’s a catch-22 isn’t it, especially if you’ve had a negative experience with it before but you’re right, when the chance of catching it is so potentially dangerous.. I think he made the right call with having the jab. I hope he’s doing okay this week. I’m not sure when the surgery is, but I want to wish him all the very best. He’ll be in good hands so I hope it goes as well as possible ♥
Hey Caz! Read your piece. Hang in there kiddo! I see you are TV fan. Here are some recommendations you may like: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Very funny! The First with Sean Penn. Good writing and character driven. The Man in The High Castle!. Most excellent series and my personal favorite, If you choose to watch any of these shows let me know what you think..
Aw thank you for the recommendations! I’ve heard good things about The Man in The High Castle so I’ll have to try that one again (started the first episode once but didn’t make it to the end & failed to go back to it). The First is one I’d only recently heard of so that’s on my list! Thank you for the lovely comment, Benn. I hope you’re well and having a good weekend 🙂
Happy belated birthday to your amazing father! Please let you father know you were raised to be an absolutely wonderful young lady that offers SO much love and support to so many! I do believe you are pretty incredible, so your father must be as well. With his birthday being at the end of September, he might be a Libra like me so I have LOTS of love for him as well. I was trying to download the book Depression is a Liar, but because I am in the states I wasn’t able to. I definitely want to read this book though. With the move over and getting adjusted to my new job, money is still really tight, so I have to wait to purchase it until things are better financially. I am so glad you shared this though. My husband has been battling with depression on and off for way too many years. I just keep trying to be supportive and encouraging to him. I hope you have a great weekend Caz!!.
Awww that’s so lovely! Thank you for the wishes for my dad, I think Libra’s are awesome! I can see the logic in holding off on purchases right now, you’ve got a lot to adjust financially to with the new job and move. I’m sorry your husband has been fighting his own battle with depression, but he couldn’t have a better, more empathic and supportive wife than you Alyssa so I think he got lucky there! Sending you both my very best wishes and I hope you’re doing okay..xxxx
I’m glad you can look at the lighter side of things. I hope your health gets better too. Depression really is a liar!
Thank you very much, Alice! I hope you’re well – Have a lovely weekend xx
Glad you enjoyed the book, after you won it from my giveaway. It’s certainly a good book for all.
I think I have taken a glance at Breyers ice-cream. But I can’t remember what shop I may have seen it at.
I remember having a reaction to the flu jab, two, or three years ago. I have been fine with others, but that year, when I did have a reaction and mentioned it at work, she said there had been a paper explains symptoms from the flu jab and it matched what I was saying.
I have not thought about the flu jab this year, with everything going on. I think it will be like last year, catch me when I least expect it. Lol
I’ve bought it at Sainsbury’s and Tesco, think I’ve seen it at Morrisons too. I personally think it’s lovely, especially those flavours I mentioned. Shame tubs like this are very pricey when not on offer, which is why I’ve stocked the freezer when they’ve been on sale! 🙂
It’s definitely a weird one with the flu jab. I’m sorry you had a reaction to it a few years ago, too. I’m in the second week now I think of flu and getting the snot monster and coughing symptoms to go with it now too. I’d hoped it would have gone by now. Last year, however, I had it without any flu afterwards so perhaps it’s hit and miss. Do you think you’ll get it this year? There’s still time to book it in if you do want it.. Thanks for the comment and I hope you’re doing okay. I’m a bit behind on life at the moment so I’ll catch up with your blog asap 🙂
Dear Caz, sending my best wishes that you’re well soon — I never feel emotionally well when my body isn’t, especially if it’s something headachy. When I first read the title to this post, thot maybe you were expecting lol
Hahah the only thing I’m expecting is more flu at the moment, sadly! Thank you so much for the kind wishes – I hope the weekend is going well for you and that the week ahead is a positive one 🙂
Those appointments sound so frustrating 🙁 Is there some way you can get to see someone else? X
Very frustrating, and sadly too many of us know what those are like 🙁 I’m giving up with the neurology side of things, and possible rheumatology too, but I’m going to try the GP again with the unanswered questions to see what she recommends. Thanks Kirsty. I hope you’re doing ok – have a lovely weekend xx
Wow Caz, just a tad busy!. I haven’t been able to get into any good books lately. Try to read and can’t seem to concentrate which isn’t like me, as I could read all day if I could! M and I did watch the latest Better Call Saul and it didn’t disappoint!. Hair stories. I chopped off my shoulder length naturally curly hair into a pixie cut a year ago and it was the best hair decision I have ever made!. So much easier on my arms to dry and style. Well, have a relaxing weekend if you can and enjoy the Autumn sunshine.????x
I’m sorry you’re struggling with concentration, that gets me a lot too. Thankfully, with a really good book I can focus a little better (anything else in life is another matter!) Ooo glad you’ve both seen the latest Better Call Saul and that it’s up to expectations. I’ve always wondered whether I’d have the guts to go pixie with my hair because I love the style, I just don’t have the face for it, and then I’d probably be all the more conscious of my skin. I can’t win! Really pleased you managed to go for it and loved it, shorter hair really is so much easier to deal with. Thanks for the fab comment, Toni – I hope the weekend is treating you well 🙂
And I hope you start to feel just a little bit brighter soon. You deserve it.x
That’s very kind, thank you! I hope you are keeping as well as possible this weekend ♥
Be proud of all you achieve and how interesting your posts are Caz despite feeling unwell! Quality over quantity anyday!
Aw thank you lovely, that means a lot! =]
What your neurologist said shocked me and made me really angry- “They were always ‘sooooo bad’, I couldn’t possibly have had bad ones or clusters because he did and they were ‘soooo much worse’. Etc etc. Then he told me I’d grow out of it. I experience terrible migraines too and he had no right to compare his situation to yours because every individual is different. It pisses me off when people start to compare there situations to yours and pass comments like that. How rude. What made you leave your rheumatology appointment crying? I’ve had a busy week too with lots of tests, appointments etc so I understand how you feel. It is so good to hear things are going well with your stoma now but I am sorry to hear you’ve had the flu. I really hope you feel better soon and the fresh hair cut looks nice.
Wish your Dad Happy birthday from me!
You’re right, it’s infuriating and sadly this sort of thing happens too often. The rheumatology thing was more complicated, but it left me feeling pretty fed up. Luckily I don’t have a follow up now for 12 months so I can forget about it. I hope your appointments and tests have been going okay… Sending hugs and thanks for the comment 🙂
Thanks for the update. I always look forward to them. Happy belated birthday to your father!! Ice cream is always good. ???? I hope you feel better soon~ ❤❤
Thank you for the birthday wishes for my dad! Glad you also agree that ice-cream is always good! 😀
Have a lovely week, Rose xx
Hi Caz,
just to say Happy birthday to your father. I am very tied to my father as well, and it is great that you are also. I am sure that you will be great. Try to concentrate more on health,because autosuggestion is very important.As mother Theresa said “Do not call me at demonstrations against the war.Call me on the demonstrations for peace.! I wish you the best
Thank you for his birthday wishes, that’s very kind and it’s lovely to hear your close to your own dad. I love that quote, Mother Theresa was an incredibly lady! Take care Ben and I hope you have a positive week ahead 🙂
Your comment about ‘Dr Brains’ did make me chuckle, though so sorry to hear he made it in to a competition. You’d think he’d know better. And so sorry about the flu jab playing games with you 🙁 I’ve added those books to my Amazon wishlist. Thanks for the recommendations. x
It was certainly an odd appointment with Dr Brains; I’ve never lost my cool and yet I felt like I could have said what an idiot he was when I left. Hope you enjoy the books if you get them at any point (I love Harlan Coben so he’s definitely an author worth checking out!) I hope the week is a good one for you, Rachel, and thank you for the comment x
Hi Caz,
I hope you are feeling better; the flu can be such a ‘pain’!
The neurology consultant you saw reminded me of a cardiac related appointment I had during 2014 when my blood pressure was doing all sorts of strange things and my heart would speed up like the wind. My ‘usual’ heartbeat is rather slow/normal. However, it was beating up towards the 100 bpm mark and above, which wasn’t very comfortable.
The consultant assured me that his heart often beat this fast and it was nothing to worry about… He then proceeded to give me a list of his medical problems. I wasn’t amused. 🙂
It was lovely to read of your loving connection with your dad… Happy Belated Birthday to him…
Have a good week…
Hugs and Kisses
It’s about 3 1/2 weeks on and I’ve still got flu, but this week I’ve been greeting by the snot-and-cough monster, so hopefully when that passes it’ll all leave me alone!
Heck, that consultant you saw sounds like a right barrel of laughs, making light of your BP (which should have been taken far more seriously – how did it go after that?) and then carrying on about his own issues. And they say you should leave your personal life at the door before you go to work… guess this guy forgot the memo!
Thank you for the birthday wishes for my dad and the lovely comment, Carolyn – have a great weekend 🙂
Oh Caz, I’m so sorry your rheumatology and neurology appointments went so badly. It’s worse than awful when the people who are supposed to help you feel better end up making you feel worse.
Happy belated birthday to your Dad. I hope he’s feeling better. I love that you did what you could to make his day special even if he didn’t feel well enough to go out.
For what it’s worth, I think your hair looks fantastic! I’m really sorry you didn’t get what you wanted though. I know what a pain it is waiting for it to grow out when you’re not happy with it.
Sending hugs your way!
You’re right, when those that should make you feel better only end up making you feel worse it’s pretty disheartening.
Thank you for the kind wishes for my dad. And thanks about the haircut, I guess I’ve just been feeling more self-conscious lately.
Have a lovely weekend, Terri xx
Nice reading the updates , it’s inspiring to see your positivity and strength through all the trying times. indeed .Dad’s 70 th birthday is indeed a special moment ,Best wishes to you and family!
Thank you so much, Nisha, that’s very kind! I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead =]
Just left a comment and got an error so not sure if this one will be a duplicate. Your hair looks cute! But I know what you mean. I cut mine, regret it, and then let it grow, and then it’s too unmanageable, then cut it.. vicious cycle! 🙂 Hoping today is treating kindly. Too many people feel unwell after the flu shot for it to be coincidence (as they insist) but that’s all I’m going to say about that. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your update, it’s always neat to learn more about people here.
Wordpress errors are so frustrating so thank you for persevering as this hasn’t shown up as a duplicate. Thank you, I don’t know about ‘cute’ but I think I look even younger than I did before so if nothing else I’ll have chopped off a few more years! 😀
I hope you’re doing okay Mishka and I hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂
Sending you love and healing vibes I hope things are okay and get better soon! I am cutting my hair soon and am a little scared ahah xx lots of love
It’s Nov 20th you’re getting the chop, right? You’re doing it for great reasons & I’m sure you’ll look fab 😀
Thanks Susie, have a lovely weekend xx
Your hair will grow back soon and then you can do one of those great retro hairdos ????♀️ As for Olay facials oh yes they feel so luxurious!!
Hah yes I’ll have to give a retro ‘do a go, I love them!
Glad you also like the Olay wipes, they’re lush aren’t they 🙂
I am so sorry you were not feeling. Hope it cleared up for you!
Hope your dad was still able to have a blessed birthday!
I’ll have to try your ice creams! 🙂
I binge watched La Esclava Blanca recently. I didn’t care for Nicolas nor the disdain toward religion at times, but I understand why so many of the characters would be conflicted as they grew up with different beliefs, and life around them seemed to imply that no one was true to their faith. I was caught up in the story line regarding Sarah, Victoria, and Miguel. I had to binge about 62 episodes within 4 or 5 days to find out what happened to them in the end. 😉
I don’t know whether they do Breyers in the US, but if they do I’d definitely recommend.
I haven’t come across La Esclava Blanca before, but that’s impressive binge-watching, 62 episodes in less than a week!! Must be good… will have to check it out 🙂
Thanks Gail, I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead xx
I’m sorry to hear your op didnt go so well with the reocvery, but as with everyhing, time is the best healer, sending lots of love! <3
Time is often a good healer, you’re right. Thanks for the comment – I hope you are well! 🙂