I hope you’re all keeping as well as possible. I’m very sorry for having been rather MIA for a while now. That goes for everything online, from blogging myself and reading other blogs, to replying to emails and posting on social media. Things have been extra overwhelming with the house move plus health issues, and I’m just not getting the time to do anything I’d like or need to do. Not to mention that the longer you’re away, the harder it is to come back. I thought I’d do a little mini-me update in the interim. Prepare to be bored.
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New Home 🏠
We finally moved home and county in August, woop! Byebye Gloucestershire, hello Worcestershire. No, we didn’t move very far!
It has been immensely full-on and I feel I could rant a lot here about how much of it was left to me to handle, but I’ll bore you to tears. I thought about taking some photos to share on Insta etc of the house, but I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to see that sort of thing. And the house is a mess, because I can’t keep on top of that either. Would you want to see new home decor photos?
There has been more to do at the new house than perhaps anticipated, so I’ve been arranging plumbers, painters, handyman guys to put together furniture. Much time has also been spent on dealing with problems. And the cost. My lord, the cost.
I think I’m cursed because almost everything I’ve done, touched or bought has had an issue or fault, from furniture arriving bashed up and drawers not aligning, to a faulty TV I spent weeks trying to return and light fittings coming away from the ceiling.
Alas, we’re getting there now. Sort of. Some things are just going to have to wait a little longer to get done.
I think I’ve just been non-stop trying to get things done in the little time I have between dealing with health issues that I’ve barely registered that we’ve moved. It sounds weird, I know. I certainly don’t appreciate it as much as I should and would like to. There are a lot of benefits to having moved and I’d like to feel the gratitude a bit more when I get a chance to “smell the roses”, as they say.

Parental Health Problems Galore
Health problems seem to hit all at once, don’t they? My dad’s bloods have shown a growing increase in ALT, something which is dangerous as it can indicate toxicity for those with rheumatoid arthritis taking Methotrexate. The GP practice seemed to think it appropriate to just sit on it and schedule a telephone call in 6 weeks’ time. I did not agree. I called his rheumatologist and spoke to someone else in the department when she wasn’t available. They very kindly advised on what to do with reducing his Methotrexate then booking another test in two weeks’ time and going from there. It’s a shame patients don’t get paid for doing the job of a GP for them.
My mum has had one thing after another but hasn’t really got any answers or improvements. She’s becoming like me – difficult, with nothing quite fitting the boxes of specific criteria! It has been a lot of back and forth and pushing but we’re getting a few things underway.
She also has a date for a lumbar spine nerve block injection, which will be a little way to travel and with a surgeon who was immensely ignorant when we had a consult with him, but I’m going to keep an open mind and my fingers crossed to breaking point. I paid for a steroid spinal injection for her before which was insanely expensive and sadly did absolutely nothing. This time, it’ll be a bit higher up and in a very specific foraminal area where certain nerves are compressed between vertebrae. I’m terrified, perhaps more than she is. It’ll be on Tuesday 10th December, so she’ll change her mind a million more times by then so I don’t know if it’ll go ahead or not.
My Health Moans
I’m not going to bother going into my health too much as it’ll bore you silly. A few things – I’m still immensely frustrated with how I lose so much time with one thing or another, the cluster headaches/migraines are really kicking my ass, vertigo and nausea seem to be ramping up lately, the cold weather is not a friend to the joint pain or fibromyalgia, and I’m getting a lot of bowel twists (thankfully nothing that has sent me to A&E lately).
Mentally and physically I’m just frazzled. I’ve let myself get so wound up that I’m exhausted while my dad sits and watches TV and snarks at me, but it’s hard not to let it get to you. I just need some rest, and preferably without feeling guilty about not being productive. If anyone else has figured out how to do this, please let me know!
One disconcerting issue is my heart. I’ve had tachycardia for a couple of years now, which nobody I’ve told seems to have given a crap about. I finally got a GP to listen and I discussed it as a sole issue, rather than more in passing. She arranged a 24hr ECG. This apparently shows the the elevated heartbeat but also other concerning abnormalities so I’m being referred to a cardiologist. Well, the first GP said to refer urgently given the risk of cardiac arrest, then the next GP said there was no point in bothering. So now I need to speak to another GP and see whether they care or not.
Did I say before that two old ECGs that were done – that I were told were all normal – show signs of heart problems, damage and even that I’d had a heart attack? Funny that nobody thought it important to tell me. I’m hoping they’re wrong because an ECG can only tell you so much, but to only find out recently after trying to beg for my results is not cool.
Christmas Is Coming! 🎅 How Did That Happen?
I can’t get my head around the fact that we’re now in December and the C word is just around the corner. Where has the time gone?! I don’t think I’ve come to the surface to breathe for a while and now the year has disappeared.
My wonderful online friend sent me this beautiful wee reindeer, which has given me a kick up the bum to start putting up some tinsel 🦌

Are you feeling totally discombobulated by it being December? Have you got your Christmas decorations up yet? 🎄
Caz ♥
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Hi Caz. With everything that has been going on, isn’t it any wonder you are wondering how Christmas is here. It does not feel like December is here. It don’t feel real. Nothing does.
The good news is you’re settled into your new house and you’re moving forward-through process of elimination-with your health and your parents’ health. I would love to see images of your new home. Hopefully, you and your family will be on the upswing when you update next. Good luck to you! 🙂
Always good to hear from you, never boring. Congrats on moving to the new home! I love adding new furniture pieces to a room. It makes the space look so much better than using older stuff from a different place. Yes. Lets see some pics! Health problems with mom and dad are a pain (no pun intended) but they have you as their health advocate. Once the house is complete, you can rest by watching dad watch TV. Lets see what he thinks about that. 😄 😄 As always…be well.
Moving is one of the most stressful things for anybody and trying to do it with no one in good health doesn’t bear thinking of. I hope you get a chance to start enjoying the benefits of the move soon.
Looks like you have way too much on your plate right now. Take care of you.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Caz. Healing hugs to all in your family. ♥
Hi Caz, thank you for this update! I m glad to hear you are settled into your new house. It takes time to get everything done after moving in. Hopefully everything will come into place soon. I hope you get a better diagnosis on your heart problems, it’s bad not knowing what’s going on with such important issues. Christmas arrived far too soon for me too!
Caz, you’re doing the best you can! Try not to overdo things…take those rest breaks! I admire all that you’re doing! Sending love and spoons!
Hi Caz, try not to let the uphill struggle and hopeless GPs not to mention the extremely difficult relative to break your wonderful sense of humour. So sorry about your added health worries. Hope Xmas is lovely.
Much love 😘 XXX
Java Bean: “Ayyy, maybe it’s just me, but it does seem like cardiac problems and a possible heart attack are things that the doctors would MAYBE want to mention to you …”
Charlee: “Your parents are lucky to have you to advocate for them! And you are also lucky to have you to advocate for yourself! We all love our Dada but when it comes to advocating, that is more Mama’s job around here …”
None of it sounds easy but the house move must feel like it’s tipping you over the edge. Keep strong, all of you!
You certainly have been busy! That’s an adorable little happy reindeer ornament!
Congrats on the new home, Caz.
As for a tip, for starters, try not to be hard on yourself. Once we lower our expectations, everything’s easier.
Btw, tachycardia is a flare’s good friend. Maybe that’s why nobody’s fretting about it.
Happy holidays, hon. Hugs and kisses.
I hope you were able to have a bit of Merry Christmas!
Ahh, here we are. Latest post. Christmas has now come and gone . . . well, we are on the 7th Day of Christmas, but the actual day has passed. It is New Year’s and for you I think it actually IS the New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope 2024 is great for you!
Hiya Caz,
Hope you’re feeling a little brighter now that we’re into 2025! I’m just trying to catch up with everything too and I hope health-wise things are going to be a bit better soon. It’s tough juggling a move as well as everything else! Hope Christmas was a good one for you and take care x