Has this been an Awful August or an Awesome August for you so far?
I am loving ♥ : Your Birthday wishes! – I just thought I’d catch up on a few things, and I’d like to start with a huge thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes. I truly appreciate everyone who read my post, wished me well, and shared a little birthday cake with me. I’ll be totally honest in saying that in all of my 29 years it was probably the worst birthday I’ve ever had. If it weren’t for you amazing people, I would have felt even worse. I think it’s an accumulation of things, including things being difficult at home, my ongoing health problems, and my age marking 10 years officially since all of my health problems started. But enough of that, I’ll save the negative moans for another day!
I am loving ♥ : Blog Post – I love this post of quotes from Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS Take a look for when you need a pick me up!
I am loving ♥ : Kittykat snuggles – Okay, so I never used to be a cat person, and Virgil can be a total pain in the ass the majority of the time. But, when he’s not, when he wants to be nice and affectionate, he really is a cutie.
I am loving ♥ : Drinkies – Whiskey has been my drink of choice this month. What’s new? It’s a firm favourite, and I’ve gone for Jim Beam (cheaper as it’s often on offer) with Pepsi Max. My dentist will hate me.
I am loving ♥ : Authors – I am absolutely loving Alex Barclay right now! I am currently reading Blood Loss. Before that I read Killing Ways and it was fantastic. This is a crime thriller of the American ilk and features the gloriously sarcastic and lovable, Ren, who has bi-polar. It is intelligently and confidently written, drawing me in to keep turning the pages and I was so sad when it ended. Highly recommended! You can get it cheaply on Amazon, or download it on Kindle.
I am loving ♥ : In The News – This story (you can read it here) about how a hairdresser in Ohio was met with a 16 year old girl asking for her hair to be totally cut off after it had become severely matted. She had been battling depression and thought herself to be ‘worthless’, but needed to do something with her hair for the upcoming school photographs. Instead of shaving off her hair, the hairdresser spent 13 hours over 2 days totally repairing and revamping her hair into gorgeous tresses. A small and wonderful act of human compassion.
I am loving ♥ : Beauty bargain – Lots of fab bargains at Superdrug at the moment, including Herbal Essences half price. Plus, buy 3 hair products and get a free travel set! And there’s free home delivery with a Beauty Card and other freebie delivery options. Just bought more shampoo than I have any sane need for…
I am loving ♥ : Netflix & Chillin’ – Everyone knows Breaking Bad, and I loved it from start to finish. Have you seen Better Call Saul? Season 3 is currently airing on Netflix and I can’t get enough of it! I also got through the rather popular new series Big Little Lies, which was engaging and well-acted, though there should be a trigger warning regarding scenes of domestic violence. Ozark, with Arrested Development’s Jason Bateman, is another top scorer when it comes to new releases, and although it felt a little dark and perhaps a tad slow at times, it certainly had cutting undercurrents that made for gripping viewing. What have you been watching?
It’s so lovely to catch up with what you’re up to and I’m really sorry I missed your birthday, I was on holiday! I’m sorry it was rubbish too, I’ve had my fair share of those too so I know what you mean! I will definitely check out that crime thriller, I love those kind of books. I’m having a tiring August so far, I think the holiday is catching up with me, plus I’ve injured my knee and am hobbling around, let’s hope the month gets better!! xxx
Oh dear, so sorry about your knee! Have you been to the doctor, or taken any anti-inflammatories perhaps and done the whole elevation-compression-ice (big bag of peas!)? Really hope things pick up for you soon too..x
Virgil looks like a sweetie. Give him a cuddle from me.
He’s a sweetie only when he wants to be, don’t be fooled by his cute appearance in the rare photos! 🙂
What a great catch up! I’ve been loving August so far too. I just got a new Pusheen colouring book which I’ve already started making my way through. It’s too much fun ?
By the way, thanks for sharing that story about the hairdresser! I love those kinds of stories 🙂
Glad you liked the news story, I thought it was so touching! I’ve seen a lot of Pusheen themed things in stores but not colouring books, glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂
Well, your dentist has to give you some credit for opting for Pepsi Max rather than full sugar Pepsi! I’ll have to look into those books you recommended 🙂
Awesome to see a list of cool things! Thanks for the positive vibes!
Your kitty is really adorable. And I’m about to check out that hairdresser story. How awesome!!
Kathrin — http://mycupofenglishtea.wordpress.com
Virgil is such a sweetie, isn’t he 🙂 Enjoyed reading your round-up and thanks for the news link, heading over to read that now x
Great catch up – I seem to have spent most of my August getting my son organised for university ? in between times, we’ve also been watching Breaking Bad, haven’t got round to Better Call Saul yet… Also, I was nominated for a music tag which I’m doing tomorrow and I’ve pur your name up if you fancy having a go, no pressure obviously ?? xx
I never watch the news because it never seems to have anything good on it lol but I love the story of the girls hair. You proved me wrong today there is something good on the news :):)
It certainly seems like a rarity but good news does exist! 🙂
I’m hopeful that your next birthday will be brighter 🙂 And I think August has had many good points so far.. Especially since summer is my fave time of year <3
Happy Birthday!
I loved Big Little Lies and went in to knowing nothing so all that ‘stuff’ that you mentioned was shocking. But that’s okay because I would rather go into a story knowing less than the overkill stuff they do these days with movie previews.
Your cat is absolutely adorable, what a cutie! xx
I definitely agree with the underesetimation of the cuteness of cats – I went to a cat cafe recently which reminded me that they can be so sweet. And I can’t get enough of Herbal Essences at the moment, definitely need to try their new natural range! Love this post :).
If you’re enjoying Bourbon at the mo, I strongly recommend having it with ginger beer with a wedge of lime and ice – fantastic stuff!
Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know Better Call Saul had a new season 😉
Neither did I until browsing Netflix (lucky that I did)! Highly recommend checking it out 🙂
I hope your birthday next year is better. Think I might have to try Jim Beam with Pepsi Max
Thank you, and yes you should try it, it’s lovely! 🙂
August has been a mixed bag for me. Ready for September.
Same here, will be glad to see the back of August. Here’s to a brighter, better September for you!! 🙂