Stress can be devastating on your body, mental health and life in general. Today I wanted to share a fantastic guest post on ways to relieve stress at home, to give all of us a little inspiration and motivation for healthier, happier living. Enjoy!
Stress often strikes at the most unhelpful of times and can be exceptionally difficult to deal with. If you’ve been feeling stressed or anxious and would like to try a few simple ways to relieve stress at home, consider the following ideas:
1. Listen to music or calming sounds
Music is a great way to distract yourself from all sorts of stressful situations, and can also help to improve your mood. Online, you’ll find plenty of playlists tailor-made for people looking to reduce their stress levels. Give them a go when you’re finding it difficult to deal with your stress after a long day. Additionally, you might like to try ambient sounds to calm yourself down. Spend some time in a dimly-lit room and relax to the sounds of rain or the jungle, and you’re sure to feel your stress levels decrease.
2. Take a bath
Taking time away from distractions like the internet and other people in your household, even just for half an hour, will help you to clear your mind, so if you’re lucky enough to have a bathtub in your home, use it! One of the best ways to relieve stress, taking a hot bath will help you to relax and think over the events of your day. You might like to read a book or magazine during your bath, or just sit back and relax; either way, a hot bath is sure to help you to de-stress. Try a scented bath bomb or light a scented candle to create the ultimate stress-free environment.

3. Exercise
One of the most efficient ways to relieve stress, exercise helps to reduce levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline and to improve levels of wellbeing.
Fortunately, you don’t need a gym membership to reap the benefits of regular exercise – it’s easy to find exercise guides online and work through them in the comfort of your own home. You might even like to build a home gym; having a dedicated place to exercise in your home will help you to motivate yourself to exercise regularly. Exercise can also aid sleep, which in turn can lead to reduced stress levels; poor sleep patterns are a major contributor to stress.
4. Watch what you’re eating and drinking
It can be difficult to resist a cup of coffee in the morning or a quick drink with your colleagues after work, but unfortunately, both caffeine and alcohol can increase stress levels. Caffeine is well-known for increasing anxiety levels due to its use as a stimulant, while alcohol works as a depressant if over-indulged in. Limit your consumption of both, and try to maintain a healthy diet – you’ll likely see a difference in your stress levels relatively quickly.
5. Keep a journal or talk to others
Writing down your thoughts and feelings is one of the best ways to keep track of how you’re doing from day to day. Keeping a journal will help to improve your skills in self-reflection and give you insights into what’s causing some of your more complex feelings. If writing isn’t something you’re interested in, simply talking through your feelings with others can result in improved feelings of well-being. Confide in your significant other or a close friend about what’s going on in your life, and you may feel your tension levels decrease significantly. If you’re really struggling, you might like to speak to a professional.
Stress can be debilitating, so if you’re experiencing high levels of it, it’s best to try to manage symptoms early on. Lowering your stress levels will significantly improve your feelings of well-being, and help you to live a calmer, more productive life.
[ This is a sponsored guest post and as such the ideas and opinions expressed are of the writer. ]

Thank you for sharing this absolutely amazing information! I definitely need to follow your advice because I am a walking talking stress case. Your post was fantastic!!!
Glad you enjoyed the post!! You’re not alone in being a walking talking stress case – hopefully we can both make little changes and look after our wellbeing every day to work on reducing it. Thanks Alyssa! x
A good article, the bath and exercise thing definitely work for me. I really notice my stress levels increasing when I dont get out of the house much during he day for whatever reason. Also intersting about the caffeine and alcohol but I cannot bring myself to cut either out. Not a heay alcohol drinker but a heavy tea drinker who likes her cider.
“A heavy tea drinker who likes her cider” – that sounds just like me! I’m glad the baths & a little exercise helps you. I wouldn’t mind getting back into having relaxing baths more often rather than showers, I do think there’s something quite therapeutic about them mentally and physically. Thanks for the comment 🙂
Great ideas! 🙂 It’s always good to have new options for de-stressing, so thank you for sharing! <3
Yes, every little helps so I hope you find some usable ideas & reminders here. Thanks for the comment 🙂
I’m all about the bath, except when I’m in the hot tub. And in the bath you can also play some nice music, have a glass of wine, distract yourself with a book…a nice unwind.
A hot tub sounds brilliant! But a bath with a book, music, drink is a pretty good alternative 🙂
I definitely need to start journaling more and have actively thought about this quite a few times and not done it. I really want to get a bullet journal as well and make a self care, meditation, kind of section- like a weekly checklist for that. I have cut down on my coffee a ton, i was having up to 3 cups a day at one point. I am down to 2 at most- but 1 most days. I actually notice a huge difference in my anxiety the next day after drinking- the anxiety is wayyyy worse for me after a binge drink, it’s crazy.
Journaling is something I used to do but then got out of the habit of, but I’d like to pick it back up too. Perhaps you could start small, get yourself a journal and some pens first, then gradually start using it when you feel like it until you build up a routine. Interesting you notice a big difference after drinking and you’re probably not alone there; well done on cutting back on the caffeine when you can! Thanks for the fab comment Shannon 🙂
All great ideas! My favorite is taking a bath.
Can’t beat a relaxing bath, though I do love long hot showers too 🙂
Some great ideas. I have a bath most nights and I definitely find it helps me unwind after the stresses of the day! ?
I’m glad you find it helps you relax and unwind. I wouldn’t mind opting for baths more during the week in place of daily showers every now and then as there’s certainly something soothing mentally and physically about a soak in the tub! x
All great advice. I like the bath one the very best. Okay, it’s cold outside.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
A long warm bath is certainly appealing when it’s cold! 🙂
Some great tips , my biggest regret is that these apartments only have wet rooms. Your website is looking brilliant too ?
I think a long hot shower with some lovely smelling shower gel & shampoo can be just as therapeutic (I tend to mostly take showers but I try to love every second of them). Thank you, Elaine – Still working on the blog layout so I’m open to any suggestions as to how to make it better 🙂
How helpful and needed this post is! Thank you for sharing it!
I pray this nomination for The Versatile Blogger Award brings a smile, and lessens your stress! 🙂
Me and God love you!
Thank you Gail, that’s lovely!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this post its quite a nice little reminder to take time for yourself and do things like listen to music! I also find watching world through the window quite peaceful!xx
Yes, watching the world through a window can definitely be quite calming and grounding, that’s a good one Sophie! 🙂
great post and truly simple ways to relieve stress indeed!