Quick Quote : Daily Choices
Each Day Brings Us New Choices
Sometimes it can be hard to remember we still have choices. This quote explores how we may have more choices and control than we realise.
When so much of our health seems out of our hands and our situations may be constrained, it’s easy to feel as though there’s nothing we can do, no choices of our own we can make.
But we do have choices. Big ones and little ones. Whether that’s whether to relocate to a new city or what to have for dinner, they will be different for everyone but they are there.
We can take back some control over the things we can change and the choices we can make. Don’t give your body, your situation or other people your freedom of choice. Don’t give away your ability to affect change in your own life.
Feeling constrained and out of options in big areas of our lives can bleed into the smallest, day to day things. It can lead to a paralysis of decision and hopelessness and helplessness.
Maybe it’s a choice to rearrange an appointment or say no to an invitation because you really don’t feel up to it. Maybe it’s a choice not to listen to your brain when it tells you you’re rubbish. Maybe it’s a choice to get a second opinion. Maybe it’s a choice about what you’re having for dinner and whether to use the best plates for a change. Maybe it’s a choice to take time out of your day to look after yourself. Maybe it’s a choice to start making choices!
Empower Yourself & Make Your Choices Count
Make them count. Make choices with purpose and free-will. Think about your needs, and the things that would make you happy. Think about what your body and your health need.
When you see obstacles, don’t give up. Think outside of the box. Find another way to get where you need to get to and to take the actions you want to take.
Focus on the things you can do and the choices you can make, even if they seem like really, really small things. Remember that you have choices. You have a voice. You have a life to live the best you can by accepting what you can’t change and taking action on the things you can, making your own choices over your thoughts and actions.
Caz ♥
If we don’t care for ourselves then we are doing ourselves a disservice. We can make good choices or bad, but those choices should not be made by others. Well said.
Have a fabulous weekend. ♥
That’s very true indeed. Thank you for the great comment! I hope you’ve had a peaceful, positive Sunday 🙂
I think in all but a few situations, the majority of us are where we are in life because of the choices we made. People don’t like to believe that, since it is so much more comfortable to blame your parents, society, or anything but one’s self.
It can be hard to take responsibility for the choices we’ve made and face the choices we have; it’s important to recognise the things we can change though and the power we do have over our lives, whether it’s the big things or the tiny day to day things. Thanks for the great comment 🙂
I think it is very important to be aware of the choices we still have. This helps not to get swept away in the daily turmoil.
That’s very true 🙂
Great post!
Khanak x
Thank you, glad you liked it! x
Hey there!:)
Hope you are well. I nominated you on my post for The Versatile Blogger Award: http://iscriblr.com/the-versatile-blogger-award/
Feel free to participate, no pressure if its not your thing to do.
I just wanted to give you some well deserved recognition for your amazing blog!:)
That’s very kind of you, thank you! Will check out your award post now, thanks Richa! 🙂
Great post! Very inspiring. 🙂 I think taking a moment during even the most hectic of times to stop and remember that there are always choices we can make to change things in our own lives can be very helpful. Especially when everything feels so overwhelming in life.
It’s so easy to forget and feel so weighted down and at a loss for things we can do when life gets overwhelming; it’s good to have a reminder. Thanks for the comment, I’m really glad you liked the post! x
Awesome x 1000! You’re uplifting us with this one, Caz xo
Thanks, Christy – I’m glad you found it positive to read! 🙂
Another sensible post, its so easy to think that you dont have a choice but you do. I know I need to tell myself that I have a choice when I feel certain negative things. Also very true when it comes to self-care
It can be hard to see the things you have some control over, the choices you have, when life gets in the way and things get tough. It’s good to have a reminder. Thanks for the great comment, Suzanne – have a good week 🙂
Thank you Caz. I really needed this reminder. You are a very compassionate and inspiring writer, don’t ever stop. Your words help many!
That is incredibly kind of you to say, that’s really made me smile – thank you!!
Have a good rest of the week 🙂
Love this post and one I really needed to read this week. It’s so true that we should focus on the things we can do and the choices we can make, even if like you say, they feel really small. Great post ?xx
I think we all need that reminder from time to time – I’m glad you liked the post! Thanks so much for the lovely comment, Emma, have a good week 🙂
Excellent advice. Personally, when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, I find it helpful to make lists of things I have to do and tick them off as I complete them. That helps remind me that I am in control of those aspects of my life at least.
Love your graphic too, by the way. It would make a great poster!
I love lists, too, and always find a sense of control, calm and motivation when getting everything into a list, seeing what’s what, and ticking things off. Great point! And thanks – I’m glad you liked the graphic, Nick 🙂
Thanks for sharing….I enjoyed reading it.
I’m glad you liked it – thanks for taking the time to read & comment, have a great week =]
Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely reflection. I needed this reminder. I love your last line, it reminded me of one of my favorite prayers — for “serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
I love that prayer quote, it’s very empowering. I’m glad you liked the post – thanks for the lovely comment! 🙂