The fight may be invisible, but we are not.
A person with an invisible illness is still a person. A friend, a child, a parent, a colleague, a lover. An invisible illness does not define you.
A person may look fine / happy / healthy. They may feel the opposite mentally and/or physically. Looks can be deceiving. Look a little deeper.
Learn to care a little less about any negative opinions and judgements of others. Be proud, walk tall and live without apology because you owe no explanations.
Through raising awareness, there’s a hope of greater understanding, less ignorance and more compassion.
We all need a little more compassion towards each other and towards ourselves, for whom we often save the harshest words.
For more information on what invisible illnesses are and how they affect lives, you can check out one of my first posts here. If you need help and support, please reach out and speak up. A friend, online support group or professional – Your GP, or a service like the Samaritans in the UK when it comes to mental health, are good places to start.
You are not alone. ♥♥♥
This is so true, especially as there ae so many illnesses both physical and mental that come under this category. It doesn’t take a lot to be kind. Its very unfortunate that there are people who pretend to be ill to play the system (I always wonder who these people are though and how they get away with it), as this makes it so much harder for genuinley ill people.
One of the main truths people have to be assured over and over again. 🙂 Cause it’s hard, and we all should support each other.
Well said Caz! We don’t want pity, we just want understanding and support! x
Very well said! Sigh…so many suffer and we fail to notice. 🙁 Your blog is such a crucial one, and you are blessing so many with your transparency and courage!
That is very kind of you to say, it’s much appreciated – thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment 🙂