CBD is a burgeoning area and it’s unsurprising that those with chronic illness are increasingly interested in its possible benefits. It’s not always easy to know what brand to go for or what strength to try, so personal recommendations can be helpful. I was thrilled to be able to try this in order to share my views here – it’s a CBD oil and brand I’d highly recommend from my positive experience. They ship worldwide, with free delivery for those in the UK & EU.
You can find Brown’s CBD oil here. You can also use the code CAZ10 at the checkout for 10% off!
The CBD Range
The products are : HPLC Lab tested, vegan certified, UK legal, full spectrum plant extract, gluten-free, 100% natural, organic, and additive free. They’re pharmaceutical quality and made to GMP (good manufacturing practice) standards to ensure the products are of the highest standard.
Brown’s offer a range of Golden CBD Hemp Oils, RAW CBD Hemp oils, Water soluble CBD, and hemp tea. Their main product, which I’ve been lucky enough to try, is the ‘Golden CBD Hemp oil’, which is available in different strengths. It’s filtered and decarboxylated for the best purity, taste and CBD concentration.
This CBD oil comes in 10ml bottles of the following strengths :
- 5% CBD / 500mg
- 10% CBD / 1000mg
- 15% CBD / 1500mg
- 20% CBD / 2000mg
- 25% CBD / 2500mg
As per the product description on the website : “Being a full spectrum CBD oil, it also contains trace amounts of other cannabinoids such as CBDA, CBDV, CBC, CBN, CBG & THC (<0.2%). The presence of these cannabinoids allows the user to benefit from the entourage effect, which is where multiple cannabinoids work in synergy which increases absorption and the overall effectiveness of the oil.”

The hemp oil is produced from the organically grown Hemp Cannabis Sativa in the EU via CO2 extraction. The process is under the supervision of PhD scientists, and the extract is lab tested by Eirlab. This CBD is, of course, completely legal in the UK.
To Use
The directions for use are the same for all of the oils, but keep in mind these are guidelines and you’ll need to find what works best for you.
Suggested use is between 1-10 drops, which you can repeat 2 or 3 times a day. If necessary, you can gradually increase your usage once you get a feel for how it’s working for you. I’d suggest starting small and slow, so I started with one drop twice a day for the first two days to see what it was like. You can then increase slowly from there if/as required.
The oil comes packaged in a small bubble-wrap envelope without a box, as part of Brown’s commitment to being eco-friendly and reducing excess packaging.

For first time use, tear off the plastic. Shake well before use, and put the drop(s) underneath your tongue. For the best effect and full absorption, keep it there for at least a minute before swallowing.
The bottle should be stored in a cool dry place, and of course kept out of reach of children. A 10ml bottle contains enough for approx 200 drops.
Taking CBD as an oil is a more efficient way of getting the goodness as it should absorb more effectively, being both long lasting and fast acting.
This is classed as a food supplement but it’s still important not to take more than the recommended dose, and it should be emphasised that it’s not intended to treat/prevent/cure any disease. Please speak to your pharmacist or GP if you’re unsure of whether this is suitable for you to use, especially in relation to any other medications/treatments you may be taking.
What Are The Potential Benefits Of CBD?
Due to legal restrictions, Brown’s can’t make any medical claims about what their CBD oil may be able to do or help with. I’m not a doctor or a scientist, so I can only say what I’ve discovered through research, online articles and consumer reviews of using CBD. There are a range of potential benefits with CBD.
Many people find it can help with a range of mental and physical issues, from anxiety and poor sleep, to symptoms of numerous diseases and chronic pain. Some research is showing possible effects on chronic conditions like MS, with CBD oil potentially helping alleviate some degree of muscle spasticity. Although more research is needed, the findings are very intriguing and it’s not surprising more people are wanting to give this stuff a try.
There’s another benefit to this particular CBD oil. Hemp seed oil is referred to as “nature’s most perfectly balanced oil” thanks to the 3:1 ratio of essential fatty acids, which are essential for human health as part of a balanced diet.
My Thoughts
The company
It’s a refreshing change to deal with smaller businesses, where instead of being a nameless number you’re actually valued and you can expect friendly customer service for any queries you may have. It’s a down to earth, straightforward process of ordering that feels supportive from start to finish. It can be daunting ordering products that you’ve not tried before or using a new brand, so I really liked how approachable Brown’s is. You can ask questions at any time, even after you’ve purchased the product if you want to check the usage.
For reassurance, you can view a copy of their certificate of analysis on the website. You can also contact Brown’s to request lab reports for any of their products for extra peace of mind.
Website, Price & Delivery
The website is easy to use and navigate, and each product has adequate information to help you make an informed decision.
CBD oil typically isn’t cheap. There are some eye-watering prices out there from companies charging a small fortune to jump on the CBD bandwagon. But this isn’t a fashion trend, and most of us don’t have lots of spare cash to spend to help our health. The prices at Brown’s are, from comparing across numerous products/brands online, very reasonable. Free delivery (UK & EU) and the 10% off code you can find in this review post, make the cost all the better. I think what you pay for a 15% CBD oil is a good investment for your wellbeing and value for money when you consider the excellent quality.
The delivery was fast and efficient. What I think is fantastic is that delivery is free! Brown’s sell worldwide, and it’s free delivery on every order for addresses in the UK & EU with no minimum order value. It’s free first class delivery in the UK, and free standard delivery within the EU. You must be over 18 to purchase.
The 15% CBD Oil
I was kindly send the 15% CBD Hemp Oil to try. A few years ago, when CBD first made a splash on the UK high street, I tried a 5% oil that I found to be too low strength and not the best quality. I’ve been keen to try a reliable oil ever since, so I was super excited to get to use this! If you’re not sure on what strength to go for – which is personal choice and preference – my suggestion would probably be either 10 or 15% as they’re a good midway point.
The bottle is a soft matte in black, so although this means you can’t see how much of the product is left, it does look swish and professional. The dropper is better than most I’ve used for other liquid supplements and makes dispensing a lot easier.

Most CBD oils seem to have an odd scent and taste, quite musky. This is normal with CBD. The one I tried before was, quite honestly, pretty strong and nasty. I was expecting the same with the Brown’s oil, but I was nicely surprised. This was nowhere near as strong in taste despite having a greater CBD strength, so while there’s the classic musty-ness to it, it’s far more pleasant to taste and use. Take a sip of a drink or suck a Polo to help diminish any lingering aftertaste.
I’m happy to report that I’ve not had any untoward effects. My experience has only been a positive one actually, so it’s a product I’d like to continue using in the future.
When dealing with different chronic illnesses and pain, it’s hard to pinpoint changes in how you’re feeling and ascertain what impact something like this has. After around a week of daily use, I’m just starting to increase the dose a little, but I find 15% is a good strength for me as I don’t want to use too many drops each day so as to make the bottle stretch a little further. I do think it’s helped take a little edge off my anxiety and it seems to help with relaxation. I also like that CBD can work a little magic internally without you necessarily being aware of it straight away. Having essential fatty acids is an added extra to the benefits as I know I probably don’t get enough in my diet. If you can use this CBD oil alongside pain management, prescription medications where appropriate, and other wellness therapies, then I think it’s an excellent combined approach to chronic pain/illness. For those without chronic health issues, CBD oil can be a fantastic addition for your wellbeing and self-care kit in helping with the likes of relaxation, easing anxiety and aiding sleep.
Some people may find a big difference from using this pretty quickly, others a smaller improvement to certain symptoms or types of pain on a gradual basis. The effects will be different for everyone, so it really is a case of needing to try it to see for yourself how it works for you as an individual.
Based on the information provided on the website, my interaction with the brand and my experience of using the product, I’ve been thoroughly impressed. There’s a good range with appealing CBD strengths, free delivery, it’s a down to earth and approachable company, an easy to use dropper bottle, more pleasant taste, and high quality oil. All in all, I’ve been super happy with the experience and Brown’s CBD is therefore a brand I’d readily & happily recommended.
You can check out Brown’s CBD here. They’re also on Facebook & Insta.
Want to try it for yourself? Use the code CAZ10 at the checkout for 10% off!
I hope this can be of some help to those looking to try CBD oil. Have you ever used it? Is it something you’re hoping to try?
Caz ♥

[ This is a collaborative post – I was sent this product in order to be able to share my honest thoughts with you here ]
Just smoke pot. 😀 It’s cheaper. Wonderful review, you did a great job! 😀
???? If only it were legal in the UK! I’m really glad you liked the review, thank you! Have a lovely end to your week.xx
This is such a great product for so many. You did a fabulous review. You rock.
Have a fabulous day and week, Caz. ♥
Aww thank you, Sandee! It really is an excellent product for so many, I hope this can help others looking to try CBD. I hope the week is treating you kindly ???? xx
Many states now have legal marijuana, and many more have medicinal products….they have proven invaluable to people with sleeping disorders and stress, and CBD products are proven to provide pain relief as well, especially creams that soothe aches and pains…these products have much stronger research here and the results have been extremely positive – plus, marijuana isn’t addictive and you can’t overdose on it, so its being used now to help people with addictions to other pain pills…
Sadly medicinal marijuana use isn’t a ‘thing’ here in the UK and it’s only CBD without THC that’s legal. I have a feeling they’ll try to crack down on that more, too, maybe find a way to add more tax on it. It’s so sad because as you say, the results seem to be jaw dropping and so many people can and do benefit from it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ????
This is so interesting to me, Caz. I have written about my interest in CBD but have been awaiting my neurologist’s guidance. As you know, the sourcing and dosing are critical, as there are many questionable products and promises being made.
One concern I have is whether CBD oil might interfere with other meds I must take. Do you have any knowledge about this?
I think you’re right in waiting for your neurologist’s thoughts. From what I can see online, the main interactions may be with Clobazam and Valproate, but research appears thin on the ground. More can be found here https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/1439.html . I’ve not had any untoward effects or interactions from my experience with anything I take (like Tramadol, Citalopram, nutritional supplements, etc) However, everyone will be different and actually the way you metabolise both medications and CBD will be different to the next person, too. So I think some of it will be trial and error and seeing how it works for you. I’d definitely speak to your neurologist and/or GP about what you’re currently taking to get their thoughts on it, then if they give the go-ahead, start off on a lower dose. The strengths start from 5%, but I didn’t find this was enough personally for a noticeable effect when I used that ages ago with a different brand. That said, you vary the drops you take per day to suit your needs, so it’s pretty flexible. I’m very happy with the quality of this Brown’s CBD but I’m afraid only your doctor/specialist would be best placed for advising where your current medications are concerned. I’m not sure if that helps at all? Thank you for your comment – I do hope, if they say CBD is suitable, that you can try it and find it beneficial as part of your treatment and management plan! ???? xx
Thanks very much, zcaz. The link is excellent. I’m glad you take your responsibilities in recommending such products do seriously and you are cautious and well-informed,
Sorry for typo on your name, of all things!
It’s perfect timing that you discuss CBD Oil. I don’t know much about it but I’ve been hearing a lot lately. Is CBD fused water like the oil? Been hearing about that also. When the conversation comes up, it’s all positive. I think it’s worth investing in for your health.
Thanks Caz.
I totally agree on how it’s worth investing in your health, and I definitely think it’s worth trying because it’s one of those cases of ‘you don’t know until you try’. A very good point about the CBD infused water. Of course, I’m not an expert, but my initial impression is that it’s a bit of a fad. An over-priced fad at that. They typically have very, very little CBD content so you’re far better off going for an oil that’s purely CBD if you want any benefit. Always worth checking what the water contains if you’re interested in it, I’m just giving my opinion because I don’t like to think people are being taken advantage of when they want to try something to help their health. Is CBD something you’re interested in giving a go then, Darnell? ???? x
I have been hesitant to try this because there is no proof that there are benefits. It is nice to hear that it has been helpful with your anxiety. Insightful post
Research is still on the thin side but studies are showing some good results already. It’s hard to quantify things like this objectively because so much – like stress levels or pain levels – are pretty objective and can’t be measured easily. Personal experiences are, like the small amount of research, also showing some really exciting results because of the way it metabolises and affects cells. I’m usually very sceptical but I do think there are a lot of people who’ve been helped considerably by CBD so it’s worth keeping an open mind about I think. Is it something you might try? Curiosity eventually got the better of me when I’d been hesitant for a while too! ???? xx
Great review of this product. I take CBD pills which are great they don’t leave that nasty taste in my mouth like the oil. I’ll have to give this a try. Thank you
That’s why I was so glad this tasted a lot better. You can still get that musky-ness from it but it’s a lot better than most out there I think. How do you find the pills in terms of benefit to you, Masha, and how does the % strength compare? I’d be very interested if you were able to compare like-for-like strength and see the difference between pill and liquid form! Thank you for your comment ???? xx
I use CBD for my leg neuropathy and it is a life saver. I recommend it to anyone with chronic pain.
Aw it’s wonderful to hear you’ve found CBD to be beneficial for your nerve issues, so many people find benefit where chronic pain is concerned. Do you mind me asking what strength you find helpful? It’s brilliant there’s another option for managing pain that can be effective ???? xx
The strength is very confusing to me. I believe it is 50mg though. I could be completely wrong because I take only 1 little dropper full at night and that isn’t 50mgs. So there is my confusion.
The strength is what confuses me and I think a lot of others, too. Seeing the % strength is easier, at least in my head, to understand the strength of this stuff. So basically, 5% equates to 500mg. If yours is 50mg strength, it’s less than 5% strength, but that would suggest there’s next to no CBD in it. Perhaps it’s the equivalent of 500mg, that might make more sense. Maybe they just need a smiley face scale to quickly & easily show what the product is! ???? xx
I finally figured it out. My CBD is 3000mg and I take 50mg in the little dropper each night. It relaxes me and eases my pain so I can rest.
Great review, Caz! Too bad they only ship over there. I’m thinking about picking up a CBD tincture my pharmacist sells. The lady who always helps me raves about how much it helps her achy joints. I think it’s especially beneficial that this one has more cannabidiols than just CBD. I’ve always been a believer in using undiluted cannabis products, but of course this is still very problematic for those of us living in places where it isn’t legal. For us, these hemp derived products will just have to do. xx
They sell internationally – Sorry if I didn’t make this clear enough, Michelle. I amended the post a little again to try to make this more obvious from the outset. They post to the UK and EU for free, and there’s a small flat-rate postage charge for elsewhere in the world. You’re right, the legality issue is very restrictive in terms of the products you can use, but it’s reassuring that many people find CBD without THC to be beneficial. I hope you do get to try CBD and that it can help, even a little is better than nothing. Do you know what the strength is of the CBD your pharmacist cells? I’d check the strength, directions for use (ie. how many drops they recommend), how it’s made / what quality standards they have for peace of mind before you buy. Thanks for the comment lovely xx
Thanks for sharing a great review Caz! It’s good to read such a thorough review of CBD oil. I know lots of people find relief from using it, and I’m glad it seems to have helped take the edge off your anxiety. Pinning this!
Thank you very much, Terri! I’m glad you liked the review, and I hope it can help some folk looking to try CBD but aren’t sure what to go for or which brand to buy from because there’s a lot out there but it’s daunting not knowing where to trust in terms of quality and reliability. xx
glad you found something that works – tx for passing along
Thanks, da-AL! Lots of people find CBD amazing as an addition to their self-care kit or for pain management, so hopefully this helps those looking to give it a try, too. xx
Thanks for this Caz, i have to admit that I often start with something and then don’t continue or I get a little bit confused by dosages etc. This was a great review and it really helps to know how it as helped you – I could do with all the relaxation I can get at the moment!! xxx
I saw your Insta post… I’m always here if you ever want to chat, I’m just so sorry things are so stressful and difficult. I’m like you with starting things (with the best of intentions) then not continuing for whatever reason. I find writing things down helps me stick to what I’m doing a bit better and then I don’t forget what dosage of something I’m supposed to be taking either, which happens way too often! ???? Thank you for the comment lovely, sending hugs your way xx
Thank you Caz. I have not tried CBD oil but I have not ruled it out for the future. It is good to get feedback on the variations of strength and effectiveness. I find the same variations with different brands of vitamins and minerals.
Absolutely, there’s a lot of different types and strengths out there so it’s good to get a feel for what’s available and some feedback of personal experiences to help you decide. It’s just difficult reviewing it in terms of effectiveness because it’s a case of ‘you don’t know until you try it’ to see how it works for you and how much of a benefit you’ll notice. Some people swear by the stuff and say it’s changed their lives, others find it just helps a little. I do think this is a good company with good quality products though, so they’re worth keeping in mind if you ever do decide to give it a try. Thanks for the comment lovely – I hope you have a restful weekend ahead! xx
This is a really helpful review. I haven’t tried CBD oil, but I know it has helped quite a few online friends. It’s fairly expensive, so always good to read a good review from someone I trust.
I’m always weary when it comes to spending money on anything, let alone when it’s pricey. I do think user reviews can be so useful in cases like this so I hope it helps as I do think that on balance this is better value for money than others I’ve come across, a good small company to do business with, and great quality oil. Do you think CBD is something you might try one day? Thanks for the comment Liz, I hope you have a restful weekend lovely ???? xx
My brother and brother in law use marijuana based medicines for chronic illness. Marinol used to be one. They are big advocates for medicinal helps as they have witnessed first hand so many terminal illnesses (and severe mental illnesses) hugely effective ways under treatment.
Praying for you, Caz. Hope God sends you healing and comfort! <3
Me and God love you!
I do wish marijuana-based medicines were legal and more accessible worldwide as they seem to work wonders for so many people. I’m glad your brother and brother-in-law have found them helpful for their chronic conditions. Thank you for sharing – I hope you can get some rest this weekend and find a little comfort from all the pain you’re in ♥ xxxx
My sister uses CBD pill for her anxiety and is a strong advocate for it too.
I’m glad CBD has been beneficial for your sister. Does she use it in conjunction with other treatments or instead of prescription medications? It’s great it can help such a wide variety of issues, mental and physical. Thanks for the comment, Alice! xx
I’m glad you’ve tried it C. I hope you can continue to use it and that it helps.
I know people who’ve tried and loved it and people say it hasn’t helped at all. I think it’s individual.
One thing someone once said is that it can create a haze and for people who dissociate at all it would exacerbate that.
I’m happy I finally get to read what you wrote….
I hope this week brings good things and peace your way
Love, light and glitter
That’s odd, I hadn’t heard of it creating a haze before. Is that a CBD product without the psychoactive THC compound? I definitely agree that it can help so many people that you don’t really know how it’ll help until you try it as it’s such an individual thing. Thank you for your comment lovely – I hope the week ahead is kind to you! ♥ xx
I think it is/was about the CBD part of it. Which makes sense if you think about how too much can make some people high.
I wonder how much that requires, surely quite a lot. Then again, everyone is so different (like my mother can be pretty tipsy after just a few sips of beer!) so it’s quite possible some people are quite sensitive to it. Good point to keep in mind, Eliza. Definitely shows that the guidelines are important so as not to exceed the recommend dose! x
Wow. What an awesome review Caz. I was very interested in this post as I think CBD has incredible benefits for a lot of folks. A gentleman I knew who used to come into the post office I ran was severely epileptic and was given CBD oil to help control his seizures. It was interesting to hear him speak of the benefits he was receiving. Quality is definitely key though. There are so many scammers out there, of course!
Do you think you will continue to keep this in your regimen? Any reduction in chronic pain, anxiety, depression or other obnoxious symptoms would be a huge benefit to well-being.
Thanks for making me aware of this particular brand. ♥
Aww thank you, Holly! Really glad you liked the review. I think having personal experiences can really help in making decisions with stuff like this as there are so many brands out there that it’s hard to know what’s good and what’s not; I’ve been very impressed by the quality of this particular stuff, so I’m happy to recommend it. I’d like to continue with it. I actually noticed – as an odd benefit – that when I take it at night it slows my heart rate a little (I’ve been having really fast and loud heart beats in the evenings before bed, I think possibly due to my inhaler, and it’s pretty offputting!) So I’m very happy about that strange but welcome effect. I didn’t know you used to run a post office! How long ago was that? It’s fantastic that gentleman was able to use CBD oil and that he found it so helpful. It really does seem very versatile and beneficial for a lot of individuals. Thanks for the great comment, Holly! I hope you have a lovely rest of your week ???? xx