Home General Info & Awareness The Sunshine Vitamin – Why Vit D Is So Important

The Sunshine Vitamin – Why Vit D Is So Important

by InvisiblyMe

Vitamin D. The so-called ‘sunshine vitamin’. But there are probably quite a lot of people that don’t quite know what it does, how it’s used & stored within our bodies, or just how important it really is.

I personally knew very little about it until a few years ago, when a specialist at the osteoporosis clinic did a simple blood test to discover I was chronically deficient, and probably had been for several years. With nearly non-existent levels, it was quite a wake-up call, and studies suggest many of us may be deficient to some degree without knowing it.

It’s perhaps all the more important to consider it during the winter months, but even during summer many of us likely don’t get the levels of the good stuff we need. With the current lockdown, it could be argued supplementation is going to be more widely needed with us spending far less time outdoors.

Vitamin D & Coronavirus

Vitamin D has been in the news more recently with research suggesting a potential link between Vitamin D and Coronavirus. One study has found found that the highest death and infection rates are in populations with lower Vitamin D levels.

Another study, by Northwestern University, concluded that those with severe vitamin D were two times as likely to suffer complications from the virus.

It has been suggested that optimising intake of vitamin D be promoted during the pandemic to benefit general health and immune system functionality. Dr Lee Smith at Anglia Ruskin University claims that “Vitamin D has been shown to protect against acute respiratory infections” and notes how older adults, often more deficient in Vitamin D, are the ones more vulnerable to the effects of the virus. Nonetheless, research is still minimal and additional trials are needed to fully ascertain the link between the vitamin and the virus. 

Regardless of whether low Vitamin D is linked with infection and mortality rates with the coronavirus, this vitamin is vital to everyday health.

Now’s a good time to consider whether you need to get your Vit D checked or add it to your regular supplement routine.

Further reading : Covid19 – The Link Between Vitamin D & Coronavirus.

How Do We Get The Good Stuff?

Vitamin D can be made naturally in your body in response to sunlight. We tend to get about 90% of our Vitamin D from the sunshine, which isn’t too reassuring if you live in the UK where the sun tends to go into hiding 360 days of the year. To get the benefits, you’d need about 15 minutes of full sunlight, on bare skin, throughout the week. You may get this if you go on holiday somewhere warm and sunny, but this top-up probably won’t last you long enough as it’s stored in the body for around 2 months. Sunscreen also prevents as much goodness from being absorbed by your skin, so it’s a tricky predicament.

It can also be absorbed from certain foods, but these are quite limited. They include some fortified gain/dairy products, some red meat, egg yolks, and some oily fish. Whilst it’s required by law that manufacturers add Vitamin D to infant formula milk, the added levels in everyday products can vary but are often only tiny amounts.

What Does Vit D Do?

This magical vitamin is surprisingly important and plays various roles in the body.

Vitamin D is vital to bone health. We need it because it helps the body absorb calcium (and phosphate) from the diet, which in turn is important for teeth, muscles and bones.

Vitamin D is needed for healthy functioning of your heart, lungs and brain, as well as for fighting infections.

Vitamin D boots your immune system and supports the body’s cells in various ways throughout your life. Your respiratory system, bones, brain, cardiovascular system, immune system and muscles are therefore all aided by Vitamin D.

Once your body grabs some Vitamin D, it gets sent to your liver and turned in to 25(OH)D, which is then redistributed throughout your body. Various tissues then transform it magically into ‘activated Vitamin D’, where it goes on to perform its duties.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Many won’t experience any symptoms, but some may, especially with a more chronic deficiency. At the extreme, it can cause Ricketts or lead to weak, brittle or thin bones. Some more commonly reported symptoms can include :

  • General aches and pains
  • Pain in your bones and weakness
  • More regular infections (from weakened immune system functioning)

With generalised symptoms, or no symptoms at all, it’s easy for Vitamin D deficiency to go unnoticed or misdiagnosed.

A lack of it has been linked to various problems beyond bones, though research is still up for debate and strong evidence is lacking in many areas. It’s thought it may up the risk of depression, and play a role in migraines and some cancers. My chronic Vit D deficiency is likely to be partly to blame for the osteopenia I now have, being one small step away from osteoporosis at only 27 when I was diagnosed. It can also result in muscle weakness and exhaustion, as if ageing the body simply through the lack of this vitamin.

Am I Likely To Have A Deficiency?

Certain factors can put you at a higher risk of low levels. For instance :

  • If your skin doesn’t regularly get sunlight exposure (many don’t because of indoor-based lifestyles or use of suncream)
  • If your body needs more than it usually does, ie. during pregnancy
  • If you are vegan and unlikely to get many food-based sources
  • If you have digestive issues that mean your intestine may not adequately absorb Vitamin D
  • If your kidneys aren’t adequately converting Vitamin D into ‘active’ Vitamin D (as often happens in older age)

Getting Checked

A Vitamin D blood test, which looks at the 25(OH)D level, is not routinely done, at least not in the UK via the NHS. If you suspect you may be deficient or are experiencing unexplained symptoms speak to your doctor and ask for a Vit D blood test.

If you’re in the UK, you can also try a home blood test from Medichecks, which I’ve reviewed previously here.

You can save 10% by using this link & the code INVISME10 at the checkout.

Should I Supplement?

Always get your level checked first and speak to your doctor about supplementing. Generally speaking, it’s claimed we need 10µg daily (which is the equivalent to 600IU if you’re under 70, or 800IU if 70+). For average use and Vitamin D top-up, OTC supplements can be a straightforward way of preventing deficiency. If you have a chronic deficiency, however, you may need to be prescribed a ‘loading dose’ like I did, which is a far greater amount of Vitamin D than any OTC supplement would offer.

When I was initially tested around the time of my osteopenia diagnosis, they found my Vit D levels were almost non-existent. After the losing doses I was told I’d probably need to be supplementing every day for the rest of my life. I’d certainly recommend having your levels checked and if you feel you may benefit from topping up, especially if you don’t get enough outdoors time in the sunshine, then it’s handy to consider supplements. While getting vitamins through diet and lifestyle are considered to be ideal, it’s just not possible for everyone; not everyone can make or metabolise certain vitamins, so supplementation can be vital.

Suggested Supplements …

There are a few different formats you can try for Vitamin D (as a D3 supplement). I’ve given examples for each with the best value purchases I’ve been able to find.

Liquid Dropper : Nature’s Aid Vitamin D3 Drops

This is advertised as a kids’ supplement but it’s also for adults. I used this for a couple of years and it was okay-ish, but I personally found it too greasy and oily to take, which wasn’t super pleasant, and it’s also messier. It’s still convenient enough for children or adults with absorption issues and it’s a well-known brand.

Drops @ Amazon UK / Drops @ Amazon US / Drops @ eBay

Oral Spray : BetterYou Vitamin D Oral Spray

I’ve previously reviewed their Magnesium spray, which is incredibly popular. This Vitamin D offering is an oral spray for quick absorption and ease of use.

BetterYou @ Amazon UK / BetterYou @ Amazon US (lower IU) / Direct from BetterYou / BetterYou @ eBay

Tablets : Lindens Vitamin D3

If you prefer a quick tablet supplement and you don’t have absorption problems, then I’d recommend Lindens. I use them for other things, like probiotics, and with their Vit D you get a high potency (choice between 1000-5000iU) and plenty in the pack to make it excellent value for money.

Lindens @ Amazon UK / Lindens @ Amazon US / Lindens @ eBay

Gummies : Boots Vitamin D Chewable Gummies

This is now my firm favourite, having moved from liquid form to chewables. The Boots Vitamin D gummies are well-priced and can often be found on offer, including their typical 3for2. They taste really good for a supplement with a sweet-like chew texture and blackcurrant. They’re so easy and convenient for use anywhere, they’re mess-free, a decent strength and pleasant to take. I’ve bought a lot of these now and I’ll continue in the future. They come in a tub of 30, so a month’s supply, and each tasty chewable gummy is 25 .

A stock image of the Boots Vitamin D gummies in blackcurrant flavour. They come in a clear plastic tub with screw lid.

Boots Gummies (UK)

If you’re struggling to get the test or treatment you need, persevere. Your health is worth it.

Have you been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency? Is this a vitamin you try to supplement?

Caz  ♥

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As always, it’s worth noting that I’m not a medical professional; please speak to your GP or specialist if you have any concerns.

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John Rieber June 3, 2020 - 3:41 pm

A vitamin you can get – for free – just by standing outside and embracing the warmth of the sun. Living in Los Angeles, it’s not a difficult thing to do!

InvisiblyMe June 4, 2020 - 5:11 pm

Oh how I wish I lived over there – my body wasn’t made for the grey rainy UK! Keep topping up your Vit D, John! x

Masha Ellman June 3, 2020 - 4:42 pm

Great info Caz, I started taking vitamin D a few years ago, before that I had no idea how important it was. Stay well xo

InvisiblyMe June 4, 2020 - 5:12 pm

It’s great you’re already on the ball with Vitamin D. It’s one of those things we often don’t know much about or how important it is unless we either read about it or a deficiency gets flagged up because it’s already become severe.x

Sandee June 3, 2020 - 5:10 pm

I live in California and we have sunshine more than not. I love getting my dose of vitamin C.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

InvisiblyMe June 4, 2020 - 5:38 pm

I’m not jealous, Sandee. Not jealous one bit…! ???? I hope the sun stays out for you this week xx

Darnell June 3, 2020 - 5:49 pm

Vitamin D is the one to take if nothing else. Before Covid-19 I was using it for nightly leg cramps. That helped but getting it from the sun (if you can) is far better. Hope all is well by you Caz. Good to hear from you.

InvisiblyMe June 4, 2020 - 5:58 pm

It’s great if it’s been helping you with leg cramps; magnesium can be good for that too as lack of it can affect muscles, leading to cramps. You’re right, if you can get it from the sun that’s great – I think I need to move to the States and find somewhere sunny! ???? Stay well, Darnell xx

Laura Beth June 3, 2020 - 6:03 pm

I’m very careful in the sun (Fair skin curse, easily burn, skin cancer scares and family history), but I do my best to get a daily dose. I’m glad I live in an area where the sun is around most every day! Great information – Thank you!

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:17 pm

If ever you fancy swapping, Laura – my grey, cold & rainy corner of the UK for where you are – just say the word! ???? I can see why you’re extra careful in the sun, that seems very wise just in case while still getting a little fresh air and indirect sunlight when you can. xx

B June 3, 2020 - 6:24 pm

I had aches and pains, bone and muscle issues for months, probably caused by the deficiency of sunshine here. Ever since I started taking vit.D supplements, I’ve been feeling much better.
Didn’t know about the link with coronavirus. Good to know.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:18 pm

Vit D deficiency often isn’t considered, at least not initially, as a possible issue, even when you’ve got symptoms like you had. It’s strange because it’s quite common, affecting a lot of people to some degree. It’s great that you’ve been feeling better since boosting your levels with supplements, really good to hear! Thanks for sharing your experience  ♥ x

Holly June 3, 2020 - 7:48 pm

Awesome information! Vitamin D is a powerhouse in the body. We really do suffer unknowingly when our levels drop to non-optimal levels. I was in much the same boat as you a few years back where my levels were almost literally undetectable. At that time, I was immediately started on a Vitamin D prescription in VERY high dosages. It amazed me how long I had been suffering with pains and other symptoms and didn’t know why. Vitamin D deficiency can be the cause of hair loss too, especially in women.

All of your points under, “Am I likely to have a deficiency?” are excellent! These 2 for me were particularly true: —
If you have digestive issues that mean your intestine may not adequately absorb Vitamin D
If your kidneys aren’t adequately converting Vitamin D into ‘active’ Vitamin D (as often happens in older age)

It’s an easy blood test to get and the results are (typically) accurate for most people. I am grateful you are bringing awareness and education to this critically important topic of health. I’ve shared & hope more folks will take this seriously! ♥

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:22 pm

Powerhouse, that’s a good way of putting it. It’s strange that vitamin D often isn’t considered, even when the levels are low enough to be causing numerous symptoms. It’s quite common so a lot of people will be deficient to some degree, a lot of the time without knowing it. Sounds like you had a very similar experience, including with the very high doses initially. I actually ended up getting that treatment twice by mistake (I think it lasted three weeks, I can’t remember) and an error in the paperwork resulted in me being super dosed up on it which probably wasn’t very safe either! I’m now on a regular top-up dose daily for the rest of my life. Do you continue to supplement as well?

Vitamin D really is so important and it’s worrying to think how many will go undiagnosed or unaware for so long. Always worth keeping it in mind and/or getting tested, totally agree. Thanks for the comment & for sharing, it’s much appreciated! ???? xx

James Best June 3, 2020 - 10:28 pm

Hello Caz I have Nominated you for ” The Amazing Follower Award “. This fits you like a glove Caz. You and your blogs on healthy stuff is what we all need. I take Vitamin D3 tablets twice a day. I feel better taking the extra two tablets a day. Thanks fo rthe information on Vitamin D Hugs and this <3

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:28 pm

Aw thank you for the nomination and the great comment, James. It’s fab that you’re already supplementing and feeling better for it, very good to hear! x

Kim June 3, 2020 - 9:56 pm

Such an informative post Caz. I try to get outside as much as I can, but being fair skinned I burn very easily which has it’s own set of problems. I’d certainly think about getting tested though as I’m prone to illness and my IBS gives me a bunch of digestive issues already.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:26 pm

Same here with the burning, Kim. It’s a bit of a catch-22, especially as lotion is so important to protect your skin with cancer concerns, but at the same time you’ll be absorbing less vit D. If you’ve not been tested, and knowing you’re in the UK with our miserable weather, I’d definitely suggest getting a test. For most people daily regular supplements should suffice, but it might be better to ask for a test prior to supplementing just in case you’re very deficient, in which case they’d likely put you on a higher dose initially. xx

gaillovesgod June 4, 2020 - 7:12 am

It is amazing what D3 can do! And it is amazing how 15 minutes in the actual sun provides so much more than 6 months worth of supplements.
Just dropped by to say hey! Hope you are doing well!
Me and God love you, Caz! We believe in you!

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:30 pm

Absolutely, Gail! I wish we had more sun here in the UK but a lot of people also have problems with that, whether it’s fair skin, not absorbing enough Vitamin D or so on, so supplements can be the only viable option for some. Still, I wouldn’t say no to a little more sunshine here whether I absorb it or not ???? Thanks for the comment, Gail – how’re you keeping at the moment? Sending my love, stay safe & as well as possible  ♥ xx

Kirsty June 4, 2020 - 7:48 am

Yes, I had a bunch of tests a while ago and one of them confirmed that I am deficient in this area. I hadn’t thought about it much until then, but it’s definitely worth looking into. Thanks for the reminder X

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:32 pm

I’m glad it’s been flagged up for you, it’s one of those things that often doesn’t get tested or diagnosed for ages, if at all. I hope you can get your levels topped up, perhaps with supplements if you choose to as we don’t really get the sort of sunshine needed with our usually rather miserable UK weather. xx

carol hannah June 4, 2020 - 8:51 am

Hi Caz, another informative and insightful post. Vit D is definitely necessary. As a London taxi driver who worked nights, hubby barely saw the light of day and became very unwell. When he eventually (never heard of) went to the GP, he was given a prescription for massive doses of Vit D, to be taken over the next 3 days. He got better very quickly.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:45 pm

Thank goodness your hubby got the right help from the GP. All too often Vit D doesn’t get considered or tested for, which seems so strange when so many will be deficient in it to some degree. Glad he got a high dose to boost his levels; does he take daily supplements to keep it level like I do? It’s great the initial supplements made such a big improvement for him! xx

watchingthedaisies June 4, 2020 - 11:05 am

A great informative post Caz. I hope you are keeping better. I remember my mother lining us up as children to get spoonfuls of cod liver oil, rose hip syrup and malt. I have been taking an omega 3, 6,9 plus D3 supplement for 17 years for my arthritis, and it really helps. x

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 3:47 pm

Sounds like your mum was on the ball with the supplements and it’s great you’ve taken that on yourself over the years, too. I’m not great with the Omega 3, I need to get into a proper routine with those rather than ad-hoc when I remember them. It’s great that your supplement routine can help your arthritis in some way, really good to hear! Thanks for sharing your experience xx

Ruth Ciani June 4, 2020 - 2:48 pm

This is a great post. I don’t think we can emphasize enough the importance of vitamin D. Especially since there has been so much bad press about natural sources, like sunshine, eggs and meat. Is it any wonder there is so much illness in the world?

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:06 pm

Totally agree on how you can’t underestimate or underemphasize the importance of Vitamin D. So many are likely deficient to some degree for one reason or another, yet it doesn’t get much press and it’s often not tested routinely. Thanks for the comment, Ruth xx

Natalia June 4, 2020 - 3:34 pm

Thank you for sharing something so useful! And to think I haven’t taken much vitamin D because I’m locked in my house. I will spend more time in the backyard.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:10 pm

The current situation means most of us will probably be getting even less fresh air and Vitamin D, you’re right. It’s worth keeping it in mind and getting a little more backyard time in if you can, though still with sunscreen to protect your skin. Thanks for the comment, Natalia! xx

Terri, Reclaiming HOPE June 4, 2020 - 6:30 pm

Thanks so much for sharing this important information Caz. Vitamin D does some amazing things in the body. It’s kind of scary how we can walk around with a deficiency and not even know it. I try to get outside for a little while each day to get some sunshine so I can ‘top up’ my levels. My calcium supplement also contains D3 so I hope that means I’m getting plenty. Like you, I’ve had osteopenia for years. I’m due for a bone scan in September, and I’m dreading it…. It seems like it gets worse every time I get one. Again, thanks for the great info – I’m sharing on FB and Pinterest!

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:15 pm

It’s a somewhat common deficiency so a lot of people will have it to some degree, yet it’s not that well publicised and doesn’t tend to get routinely tested for either. Quite a few calcium supplements contain D3 as they work hand in hand, so that’s great you’re getting both. I probably should have been on a calcium supplement but I’m at least trying to have a glass of milk most days (still not enough, so I do need to do more). I think my 5 year scan will be next year so I won’t be far behind you – wishing you all the best for yours in September. Do you take any prescription medications for your bones, like Alendronic Acid? It seems so wrong that it’s often not offered for those with osteopenia and that there’s not more that can be done for people (many of these meds aren’t available for those pre-menopause either). If the scan does show increased thinning it might be worth seeing what else is possible to try. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience, and for sharing the post – it’s much appreciated!  ♥ xx

Nisha June 4, 2020 - 8:09 pm

Yes indeed, Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise these days and these tips and supplements are very useful .

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:28 pm

Thanks, Nisha! It’s good to be aware of the vitamin & keep the need for it in mind. Thanks for commenting xx

Sean June 5, 2020 - 2:29 am

Sounds like there are a lot of good reasons to get outside as much as possible this summer!

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:28 pm

Absolutely – shame this whole virus thing makes it rather difficult to get out safely unless you have a garden! x

Wendy June 5, 2020 - 6:53 am

I have been deficient before but I’m not now. 2 big things changed, I found out about I have Celiac and fructose malabsorption, and I moved to Tucson, Arizona. I think I can get 15 minutes of sun a day here while sitting inside my house! That’s how bright it is here! ????
I can’t imagine the symptoms you must have been having with such low levels, that sounds awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

You are welcome to share my sunshine anytime. ????️

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:31 pm

With any digestive issues comes the possibility (and likelihood) of problems with absorbing and metabolising different vitamins and minerals. Wow, it certainly sounds like an ideal place for free Vitamin D. Can I join you in Arizona then? I’m pretty fed up of the grey and rainy UK! Keep safely getting your sunshine vitamin top-up ???? xx

Despite Pain June 5, 2020 - 10:56 am

Living in Scotland, I don’t get much of it. I was really enjoying the weather last week and tried to get out more, but suddenly, it feels like Autumn! It’s wet, cold and windy. I take supplements for my osteoporosis and there is added vitamin D in them, but I really wish I could get it more naturally.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:34 pm

It was a sharp turnaround, wasn’t it? Glorious sun for a few days and then overnight it was a total change back to grey, cold and rainy. Sadly I don’t think we’re ever going to get adequate sunshine in the UK, perhaps even more so in Scotland with how cold you get it there sometimes. The supplements for osteoporosis containing Vit D sound good as calcium & Vit D typically go hand in hand, so it’s two birds with one stone, so to speak. Thanks for sharing, Liz – Let’s hope the sun comes back soon! xx

Jo Jackson June 5, 2020 - 11:21 am

Interesting how it could be linked to CV.

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:36 pm

I thought it was an interesting find, too. It’ll be a case of waiting to see how further research illuminates the topic but I’m curious to see what else they learn in the near future…

Denise Salmon June 5, 2020 - 6:08 pm

Very Important information… thanks for sharing

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:37 pm

Vit D is definitely important, it just sadly seems a bit less well known about than it deserves to be. Thanks for reading, Denise! x

Nick June 6, 2020 - 10:07 am

Another excellent post, Caz. I have been taking Vitamin D supplements for about five years now, after initially being recommended to do so by my oncologist (I was on hormone therapy and this can affect your bone strength over a long period). It is certainly interesting that low levels could be linked to more severe Covid symptoms (and worse outcomes).

InvisiblyMe June 6, 2020 - 4:40 pm

That’s a good point about other treatments having a knock-on effect to bone health. It’s good you were given Vit D alongside this and can continue to take it to keep your levels adequate as the lack of consistently decent weather in the UK wouldn’t help either. I’d be interested to see what future research shows about the possible relationship between the sunshine vitamin and the virus, too. It’s still early days but I imagine more full-scale research will be around the corner (you know, after the virus is gone and it’s too late for us to use any of the findings!) I hope you’ve been doing as well as possible lately, Nick. Thanks for reading! x

Gemma Orton June 6, 2020 - 6:05 pm

Great info!
I took vitamin D spray for a while a couple of years back but just kinda stopped for no reason. Although I’ve been stuck in for 3 months now I have been trying to make the most of my garden. And we’ve actually been quite lucky with weather till this week!

InvisiblyMe June 10, 2020 - 4:39 pm

I get a bit like that with Omega 3, randomly stopping. I need to get back into a more structured routine I think. Hopefully you can get a bit more fresh air and sunshine soon – it was such a sudden change from warm and gorgeous to grey and rainy, wasn’t it? With any luck summer is around the corner… Hopefully! xx

Anthony Burgess June 7, 2020 - 11:29 am

I must step outside every now and then to get some sunlight otherwise I take a pill. I hope you are well my friend.

InvisiblyMe June 10, 2020 - 4:42 pm

Sounds like a good plan, Tony! Stay safe at work, I hope it’s going as well as possible.x

James Viscosi June 7, 2020 - 2:09 pm

I’ve been taking a Vitamin D supplement for years because I hate being out in sunlight (which is obviously why we live in Southern California), but I have no actual idea what my levels are. Might be good to find out!

InvisiblyMe June 10, 2020 - 5:04 pm

It would be interesting to know what your levels are but taking a supplement should be reassuring in that it’s likely your levels are adequate. If ever you want to swap California for the grey & rainy UK, all you need to do is let me know ????

Michele Anderson June 10, 2020 - 12:46 am

I’ve been taking vitamin D to see if it will help my asthma since I can’t give up my crazy cat. Good post Caz 🙂

InvisiblyMe June 10, 2020 - 5:05 pm

I’m sorry your cat makes your asthma worse, that’s a tricky one. Do any antihistamines help at all? It’s always worth trying with the Vit D and it’s an important one anyway. I’m glad you liked the post, thanks, Michele xx

lavenderandlevity June 10, 2020 - 2:31 am

I first had a doctor think to test my vitamin d levels while I still lived in one of the sunniest west coast states of the U.S. It absolutely is possible to be chronically deficient even if you are outdoors for hours on a porch in a sunny place. I can attest to that! Moving to the darker, colder northeast didn’t make my levels either worse or better. I’m just one of those many spoonies who will presumably be taking supplements forever no matter where I live. Vitamin d deficiency seems endemic to those who are chronically ill, sadly, but at least it’s a fairly easy quality of life improvement improvement to implement once you find out you are deficient. I definitely recommend every spoonie get tested. In an ideal world, it would be a routine thing just like a CBC for anyone with a chronic illness as part of routine first-line management.

InvisiblyMe June 10, 2020 - 5:09 pm

I’m sorry you’ve had this deficiency too. That’s the thing with this vitamin and getting it from sunlight – you actually need a lot of it, not everyone absorbs & metabolises it adequately, and sunscreen is necessary for skin health but can reduce the vitamin D getting through. Yours is a prime example of deficiency being possible despite sunshine and being outdoors. At least, if we were to look for a silver lining, supplements are quite cheap and readily available in different forms. I do wish more people were aware of this vitamin and that more GPs would routinely test for it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience lovely xx

Smitha June 12, 2020 - 6:05 pm

Never knew there are sprays for vitamin D. Thank you for the information.

InvisiblyMe June 16, 2020 - 4:56 pm

I think I only discovered them in the last two years, which is brilliant because different products suit different needs and preferences so there’s something for everyone. Thanks for stopping by lovely, I hope you’re having a good week so far! xx

Gemma June 19, 2020 - 9:30 pm

Thanks for sharing such a fascinating and educational post. As someone who suffers with gut issues, I like to try and get outside every day to top my vitamin D levels up. It is harder in the winter though!


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