Home Lifestyle A Quick Guide To Surviving Lockdown 2.0

A Quick Guide To Surviving Lockdown 2.0

by InvisiblyMe
A white background at the top with a digital outline of a house and germs around it to suggest the coronavirus. Inside the house is 'stay home'. Below this is a black stripe with white text for the post title - A quick guide to surviving lockdown 2.0. Below that is a red stripe with white text for InvisiblyMe .com.

As the UK is bracing for the second national lockdown, with many countries worldwide are going through similar restrictions, it’s time to take a deep breath and remember that we can get through this. It’s a tough time for everyone for different reasons. For those with chronic illnesses, the essence of not going out may not be very different to normal, but the difficulties with getting groceries, being overwhelmed by the news or struggling to get your medical care might be.

This collaborative post takes a look at a few suggestions to help you get through lockdown 2.0.

Lockdown Round 2

In the UK, the first lockdown was hard enough for many people, and now another one is here itā€™s no wonder weā€™re all scared, frustrated and on edge. We can get through this difficult time, but itā€™ll take a bit of work. Let’s take a look at how to survive lockdown 2.0.

Declutter Mentally & Physically

A tidy up can be good for the soul, and getting your physical space at home more organised and tidy might just help you to feel a little calmer mentally, too. It’s time to let go of what doesn’t serve you or what you don’t need, to let go of the things that are hurting you, and usher in the things that support your wellbeing.

Gather Your Essentials 

Thereā€™s absolutely no need to stockpile – remember what happened last time? Photos in the newspapers of elderly people unable to get the essentials because of selfish shoppers? Donā€™t do that. You can be about you and yours without hurting others. Just get what you need. Supermarkets aren’t closing, so you can get food once a week or as required just as you would usually. We’re already seeing supermarket shelves going bare, with loo rolls the victim yet again.

If you need prescriptions, place your orders now and make sure you’re able to collect them or have them delivered. If you need supplements online, purchase them now. Think you need more to keep you occupied, like books or games? Gather what you need.

Knowing you’ve got what you need for the time being might help ease a little anxiety. Don’t forget, it’s not forever, just the upcoming weeks. If you are shielding, try different online supermarkets at different times of the day to get a delivery slot. If you’re struggling to find anything and don’t have anyone nearby to help you, give the supermarket a call or speak to your local council to see what other help might be available.

Find A Way To Socialise 

You may be over the whole Zoom thing, but you still need to socialise. We probably all do in some way to some degree. We need human connection. Start a WhatsApp group, or schedule in catch ups on the phone with people you love. Try to check up on people you care about. They may be going through things you know nothing about. 

Drop someone an email or a text to let them know you’re thinking of that. Try a video chat with your relatives, or write a long email with photos. Forums, blogs and Facebook groups are all places to communicate, too.

A woman in a yellow top, with dark curly hair and dark skin is looking out the window; she's wearing a mask and has her hands up to the glass as though in lockdown during the pandemic.

Show Kindness

Now more than ever it’s a time of coming together – at a distance – and supporting one another. It can feel as though the world is splintering and the selfishness of many individuals lately makes us feel angry and disheartened, as though the goodness is being sucked out of the world. But that’s not true, and there’s a lot you can make a difference.

A small gesture, whether it’s an email to let someone know you’re thinking of them, a little gift in the post, offering to do some of their chores around the house, or picking up a neighbour’s groceries if you’re able to, can brighten someone’s day. Even a smile at a stranger can leave a lasting impression. It needn’t be a grand gesture. Sometimes the smallest, simplest of things make a big difference to another person.

Make Sure Youā€™re Caring For Yourself 

Take the time for plenty of self care. Drink water. Cook meals. Take naps. Keep taking your medications. Find time for mindfulness and meditation. Do things you enjoy. Make time for peace and quiet. Find something to laugh at each day.

Look at added ways to support your mental and physical wellbeing. For example, things like cbd gummies can help with better managing anxiety or helping with sleep. Take regular supplements as needed, like Vitamin D, C, B and magnesium. Please speak to your doctor if you have any concerns or if you’re already taking other prescription medications.

Just make sure you do plenty of research and everything you do is with your health in mind. 

Do What You Need To Do

Just allow yourself to ā€˜beā€™. There can be so much pressure to be super productive and use this time to do a whole host of new things. Ignore the pressures and what others are doing.

You donā€™t need to learn a new language. If you’d rather spend hours lounging in the bath, or watching Netflix for 3 days straight, do it. Nobody is judging you. If they are judging you, donā€™t worry about it because they have their own lives they should be focusing on.

For some of us, rather than being bored we’ve found ourselves with more to do, more responsibilities to take on and more stresses. It can be frustrating to hear of others doing all these wonderful new things they never had time for, or moaning about being bored. Just focus on what you’re doing and what you need in order to better manage life right now.

We just need to get through this – we donā€™t need to come out of it as different, smarter, richer or more productive people.

Indulge In Distractions

Distractions can be great for both chronic pain and stress, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed then find something to occupy your mind and sooth your frazzled nerves. Distractions can be anything from breathing exercises, listening to music & being with a pet, to focusing on an art project, reading and playing games.

A collage of four photos with different chronic pain distractions. Top right are paintbrushes, top left are knitting needles with pink wool. Bottom left is someone making jewellery. Bottom right is a birds-eye iew of a desk with paper, card, scissors, pencils and tape for a craft session.

Try Journaling 

Journaling can be a great way to understand yourself better and notice patterns in your feelings. Many people are put off journaling because they think they have to write a neat, cohesive story every day. You donā€™t. Write a page one day and a sentence the next. It doesnā€™t even need to make sense, and you donā€™t need to read it back. There are many journaling techniques that could suit you. 

Try To Keep Some Routine To Your Days

Getting out of your usual routine is to be expected, and fine. Donā€™t get up at 6am if you donā€™t have to or want to! However, do try to get up at the same time each day. Donā€™t stay up all night just because you can if you think it’s not going to do you any favours the next day.

When we lose structure in our days it can be harder to motivate ourselves or stay on top of the things we need to do, including self-care. Some routine can be beneficial to your mental and physical well-being, not to mention your sense of meaning and achievement.

When it comes to the latter, start celebrating every accomplishment, big or small, without comparing them to what other people are doing right now. It’s easy to feel you’ve not done enough, but if you look a little harder you’ll probably find you’ve various things to be proud of.


If you’re struggling, please reach out. Speak to a friend or loved one, offline or online. Speak to your GP or call a mental health crisis line. A list of telephone numbers, along with mental health freebies like free meditation apps and colouring pages, can be found here.

A close-up of a wooden shelf with a small white house decoration to the left, and wooden blocks spelling out # stay home to the right in relation to the coronavirus lockdown.

We will get through this. Focus on what you need to do to keep well, and look out for one another.

Related Reading :

[ This is a collaborative post & as such the ideas expressed here are that of the author ]

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johnrieber November 5, 2020 - 4:26 pm

This is a terrific list – a guide to surviving lockdown and elections is much needed here in the US right now!

Sandee November 5, 2020 - 5:04 pm

We’re doing fine with all the rules. I think many are getting very tired of it too so we just stay home. All great advice here. The best thing we can do is be kind to each other.

Have a fabulous day, Caz. ā™„

The Daily Trotter November 5, 2020 - 5:28 pm

This is a great post and great advice. The biggest takeaway for me here is don’t focus on what others are doing focus on our own lives. I don’t want or have to keep up with the Jones’s as they say. I also love journalling helps me with my thought process x

Jo Jackson November 5, 2020 - 5:33 pm

Great tips as always.

Liz November 5, 2020 - 6:41 pm

A great guide, Caz.

I am frustrated with the idea of 2nd lockdown. But it’s not surprising we have it.

I am also stressed last few days, but relaxing mote this past hour now I am playing dvd’s again. (Now I have got external dvd plsyer working on my new laptop.) Its my relief as you know.

Prior to the above, it was lots of emailing, after I received a reply to a formal complaint I sent day before to the council. (A very upsetting and disgusting day, that day.)

And I washed my pots; nearly 3 days worth mounting up at the sink.

Smithasbakelove November 5, 2020 - 8:04 pm

As usual a very timely and useful post Caz. I would definitely hope people don’t hoard this time around. But definitely stock up on the essentials.

Nisha November 5, 2020 - 9:28 pm

Fantastic Post Caz, a much needed one during this time .Most of all being kind to everyone so important Indulging in a hobby is a great distraction as well. I am hoping to get re-organize and de-clutter as well. Heard about the second lockdown in UK , you take care of yourself well and stay safe.

B November 5, 2020 - 10:04 pm

Great tips. I need dustractions and declutteting.

Same here. This is going to be a long month.

da-AL November 5, 2020 - 11:36 pm

another healing post – I’ve found that while I’m eager for lockdown to be over, it’s helpful to realize that it’s for the greater good & how wonderful it is to see everyone doing their part

Bernadine November 6, 2020 - 2:15 am

Great tips! Hoping this virus will pass soon! Leaving your blog with a follow šŸ™‚

Rachel November 6, 2020 - 8:24 am

Excellent, useful advice. ????

trippingthroughtreacle November 6, 2020 - 1:04 pm

Great tips and advice Caz :). I am just about to write a post about parenting in times of lockdown, I find I need to do all the things that you mention plus add a bit more creativity for my kids’ sake, otherwise they climb the walls after school and the weekends! I am hoping to find something ‘arty’ that they enjoy doing to give them a little bit of a project, but also the opportunity for self-care. Keep yourself well lovey xxx

forresting365 November 6, 2020 - 1:18 pm

These are some great tips, Caz!!! I really like the “Find a way to Socialize” tip….I tend to be quite a hermit, which only feeds into the lockdown thing…and that’s NOT a good thing. We do need other people. Also the whole find something to laugh about daily….that’s crazy important!!! AND….Your comment about everyone just getting through it and not having to come out smarter, richer, more productive, etc. is brilliant!!! SO TRUE!!! All of these are great suggestions! Sending You much Love and I hope Y’alls lockdown passes swiftly!!! ????ā¤ļø????????????????

Masha November 6, 2020 - 4:25 pm

Really great tips, some much needed during this time I think around the globe. thanks Caz,

Masha November 6, 2020 - 4:26 pm

Ooops I hit send before I was finished, wanted to say stay safe, much love to you <3

Christy B November 6, 2020 - 6:31 pm

Distractions all the way, especially while awaiting the election results! Thanks for these tips to get us through the second wave, Caz xx Stay safe

Ann Coleman November 6, 2020 - 7:55 pm

Great tips, Caz! Thanks for sharing. I’m curious…do the stores in the UK limit the amount of toilet paper you can buy? Here they learned to do that after all the bare shelves. I’m hoping that helps us in the upcoming weeks!

Gemma November 6, 2020 - 8:06 pm

Another amazing and uplifting post Caz. I’ve got to admit, I’ve felt a bit of a mess (mentally) this week as we’ve headed into lockdown and my self-care has been lacking, but your post has reminded me how important this is, especially now. I also believe spreading kindness is more important than ever right now and, in honour of this, I just want to say thank you for the fantastic and insightful things that you share with us all! šŸ™‚ Stay safe and well.

Gemma x

Terri, Reclaiming Hope November 6, 2020 - 9:55 pm

You’ve given us some fabulous tips as usual Caz! Right now, we’re pretty open in our state, but if things keep going the way they’re going, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some additional restrictions in the near future. Of course, just because things are open doesn’t mean we’re out mingling. We go out for shopping once a week for groceries, and visit other stores if we need something, but we’re in and out as quickly as possible. You make such an important point about doing what WE need to do, not comparing what we’re doing to what others are doing. As you said, “we donā€™t need to come out of it as different, smarter, richer or more productive people.” Of course, I must confess, I wouldn’t mind the “richer” part! ???? I hope this lockdown won’t have to last too long and reopening can happen safely soon. Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

Despite Pain November 7, 2020 - 10:05 am

This is the year when some people have had a wee taste of the social part of life with chronic illness. It’s not easy having to stay at home all the time, therefore we have to find ways to make it better and you have listed some great ideas to do just that. Hopefully the lockdown won’t last too long, but at the same time I hope it goes on for as long as necessary to try to get this under control again. What a year!

Janelle | thenellybean November 7, 2020 - 6:34 pm

I love this, and I’ve definitely indulged in lots of distractions myself! I completely agree with the tip on socialising, it’s something that I’ve never been very good at and it does take that bit of extra effort to keep those connections going especially since we’re all so isolated at the moment. Hope you’re safe and well Caz xx

James Viscosi November 7, 2020 - 9:13 pm

Since my company has had us working fro home for years, I’ve pretty much been able to stick to my routine, except there’s a lot less going out anywhere, obviously. We haven’t seen anyone in person really since March, and of course there’s been no dancing since then either. šŸ™ But at least we can still interact online with friends. The last few months, most Sundays, I’ve spent a few hours in an online game with an old friend from college, which has been nice.

We’ve got friends and relatives who are “over” the pandemic and starting to have and attend large gatherings at peoples’ houses again. We’re already turning down “mask optional” Thanksgiving invitations and such. These are the sorts of behaviors that have made Lockdown 2.0 inevitable, unfortunately. The virus is a lot more patient than we are!

The Oceanside Animals November 7, 2020 - 11:16 pm

Charlee: “And find a kitty to pet! Purrs are very healthy for humans!”
Lulu: “What about tail wags?”
Chaplin: “I don’t think those have been scientifically studied yet.”

Amorina Rose November 8, 2020 - 1:42 am

Especially kindness

Kim November 8, 2020 - 11:04 am

These are some great tips Caz! We went food shopping for some essentials last week and noticed some shelves were already bare. Although not as bad as the first lockdown! It’s awful to think how many people go without because others are so selfish. I’ll still be going into work everyday, like the first lockdown, so in my spare time I’ll be trying to go out for walks to clear my head.

Mrs. Ramā€™s Jams November 9, 2020 - 12:17 am

Ugh! I didnā€™t realize a second lockdown was in place in the UK. Iā€™ve been too distracted by the US election and teaching that I didnā€™t have any headspace for anything else.

I like the idea of journaling! And getting up at the same time everyday (as well as going to bed at the same time everyday) is so important and creates a little normalcy. I know if I mess around with my sleep schedule I can expect a fibro flare in my near future.

I hope you find lots to keep you entertained during the second lockdown.

Lindsay November 11, 2020 - 2:53 pm

Some people are already starting to stockpile over here in California, and we’re not even in a lockdown yet. It’s hard to understand how people didn’t learn that hoarding supplies wasn’t necessary the last time – there’s plenty of everything to go around if we all just buy our share! The toilet paper company isn’t going to suddenly stop making it.

In the beginning of the pandemic, I felt the need to be super productive and try to accomplish a lot of things. But that feeling burned out. Now I just want this over with, and I just want to survive in the meantime. I don’t need to earn new professional credentials or take a class or learn a new language. I just need to keep from going crazy, whatever that looks like.

Great post, Caz! Sorry to hear about lockdown #2.

mistermuse November 13, 2020 - 4:02 pm

It seems to be a lot harder for extroverts (than for introverts) to “survive” lockdown I feel sorry for people who don’t read, don’t have an interesting hobby, or simply don’t want to spend time educating themselves to become truly informed independent thinkers. I realize people can’t help being what we are, but we CAN become better versions of what we are.

Cassie Creley | Starlight Through The Storm November 16, 2020 - 2:19 am

Such a great list Caz. I especially appreciate the reminder to keep socializing. Iā€™ve been thinking up ways to do new games/activities with friends over Zoom to keep things interesting, and weā€™ve all found it refreshing. Weā€™re aiming for a Zoom party once a month. šŸ™‚


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