Ill health, relationship problems, money worries, government frustrations, healthcare woes, troubling world events. There’s so much stress and heaviness to contend with every day. Let’s lighten the mood a little and have a look at a small selection of March funnies to hopefully put a smile on your face today. Enjoy!

When You Gotta Nap, Anywhere Will Do
From cute to what looks ridiculously uncomfortable, animals sleeping prove that when you got to nap, almost anywhere and any position will suffice. You can find more examples over on Bored Panda.

Ducking Cute
How sweet is this? Little puppy plus affable duck equals friendship goals.
Bizarre Construction Fails
When the job seems quite straightforward, how can it go so badly wrong? Here’s a selection of pretty stupid construction fails that’ll leave you scratching your head.

An Enviable Way To Go
As someone with a sweet tooth, I can appreciate the concern here. ‘Death by gummy bears’ doesn’t sound quite like you’re living your best life as ‘Death by bears’ does.

Giving Is Better

A Wheely Bad Accessibility FAIL
This is definitely NOT what inclusive & wheelchair accessible means.

Tatt’s Crazy!
One tattoo fan decided to get her five a day with an onion tattoo… on her armpit.

Howling at the moon? This wolf looks more horrified than anything else.

When does a cute baby not look like a cute baby? When it’s tattooed and aged by 90 years at the same time.

Anyone else as terrified of spiders as I am? Best look away for this one.

The fastest way to a six pack, even though it looks more like a rash than tattoo abs.

Eminem as an M&M. Interesting idea!

Times have clearly been tough for Pikachu.

I hope these made you chuckle, if only briefly!
Take a look at more Funnies on InvisiblyMe here.
Caz ♥
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Thanks for the laughs – needed them!
I’m glad you liked them! I hope this week is a brighter one 💚 x
Very good! I love the kittens! – George 😎
Kittens are always a winner for cuteness 😺
I have a feeling that even when I think about these later today, I’ll still be laughing!
I hope so 🤞🤞🤞 Laughter is good for the soul! x
It’s been a long week. Thanks for the smiles Caz, just what I needed. Xx hope you’re doing OK x
I’m glad they made you smile & I really hope the week ahead is a bit brighter & easier for you guys 🙏 xx
Feels like they drank bfr starting those constructions 😅😂🌚
I actually hope there was drink involved to explain those kinds of mistakes!! 😂😂😂
oh yeah lol 😂 btw miss interacting with you dear Caz 😊 I will try to keep up with your posts, it has been a while, I hope you are doing great ✨🙈🥰💕
Glad you like! After your recent post, I keep singing “…don’t wanna hear about it, every single one’s got a story to tell…” Can’t get it out of my head so thanks for that! 😆
Some funnies there Caz. I can’t get over that white dogs sleeping position. It must be Practicing Yoga or something.
How horrifying that tattoo. I would certainly avoid looking at anyone with a spider tattoo like that.
I’m glad you like the funnies! I think doggy yoga is a strong possibility there 🐶 Yeah, the spider tatt gives me the creeps and makes me itch. I found a humungous spider in the bath upstairs a few days ago. It was huge. Properly monster size. To say I freaked out would be an understatement! x
The animals are adorable except for the wannabe spider. He’s horrific. Everything else is hilarious! Thanks for the chuckles, Caz.
The spider is monstrous, isn’t it? Gives me the creeps just looking at it! Glad you liked the others though & I hope the week is treating you kindly so far, Nancy 🙏 x
Pikachu needs to lay off the crystal meth! Also, hard pass on the spider face tattoo, but if it were a facehugger from “Alien”, THAT would be cool …
I guess if you were forced into getting a face tatt, the long fingers would be better than furry spider legs. But it’s a close call 😆
Charlee: “Yep. The surest way to make sure you get your naps in is to just nap wherever you happen to be.”
Anywhere, any time. Nap. Just do it.
LOL! This went for so darn adorable to STRANGE! Great share
Adorable to strange, that’s just how I roll 😆 Glad you liked them – Hope you’re having a good week so far lovely! xx
I loved it! LOL
Hope you are having a great week too!
What a fun post Caz! Thank you for making me laugh, after a hectic week at work, this was great therapy!
I’m glad it brought a smile to your face! I’m sorry work as been so hectic lately – I hope this week is a bit of a quieter one for you, fingers crossed! 🤞 xx
Thanks for sharing. I needed a laugh.
My pleasure – I’m glad they made you chuckle! 💜 x
I laughed out loud at many of these! I love all the animals!
Yay, I’m glad you laughed! Laughter is good for the soul. I’m tempted just to do a post on cute or funny animals. You pretty much can’t not smile at animals 💜
Yes, your post made me chuckle.
I want to be a cat or a dog. They can sleep any place, any time and they always look cute.
That picture of the window in the door to the toilet is a nightmare I used to have lol. Oh and the spider tattoo. I think that will be my new nightmare. But some of those tattoos…wow! Those people need to live with those. And the poor baby lol.
Thank you for a fantastic post.
Hurrah, I’m glad these made you smile! I’d happily be a cat or dog, too. Maybe a cat, just because they’re the true Lords Of The Manor & get away with being super duper lazy allllll the time. You had a window looking into the toilet, or is more of a hypothetical nightmare? I’d just never pee ever again. I remember my friend when I was a kid had a bathroom with almost clear windows in the doors. Almost clear. What the hell?! I always tried to hook a jumper onto it so nobody could see in but it made me unbelievably anxious, especially at parties when you couldn’t be sure someone wasn’t going to need to pee at the same time. Terrifying 😆
These are all so funny, Caz. The smiles and giggles I got from them were very welcome. I love the animals’ sleeping positions, and the disabled access sign on the steps takes some beating. I wonder where that is. Some of the tattoos are horrific, especially the spider face. I couldn’t kiss that if you paid me! And that poor baby, he will be forever remembered in that way by future generations – poor little thing. Thanks for the really good laughs, Caz. Much appreciated. How are you doing at the moment? Hugs Xx 🤗🌼💕
Aww I’m really glad you liked them, Ellie! If it can make you smile just for a brief while, that’s priceless. Some really are pretty mind-boggling though, right? Makes you wonder how they’re even real 😆 I’m okay thanks. Well, not exactly but it’s the easiest answer! How’re you holding up? I know things have been tough for you, and with the therapist leaving.. Always here if you want to chat. Sending lots of love 💜 xxxx
The spider on the face! Ugh… My husband has a black widow on his arm and it creeps me out, but the face! Wow. I love the cute nap pictures especially that first one with the kitty. My cat’s sleep in the weirdest places and weirdest positions and it always makes me laugh.
Hahah a spider on the arm would be enough for me to always stand on the other side of his body 😂 To have it on the face is pretty bold. I wonder if that dude really liked spiders, or just wanted to get people to stay away from him? Aww cats are pretty awesome in their own weird ways, and you can’t not laugh when they’re adorably weird. I’m glad yours make you smile too! 😺 xx
Those cutie cats at the start of the post had me smiling BIG ❤️❤️❤️
Hurrah, that’s just what I wanted to hear! 😁 It’s hard to not smile at cute cats or other animals, but felines have a way of being particularly adorably weird. Hope you have a lovely week, Christy! xx
Caz, you made me smile! I especially enjoyed the animals. <3 <3 <3
Bringing some smiles is exactly what I’d hoped for, I’m really glad you liked these, Cheryl! Animals are the cutest (and weirdest sometimes) that it’s hard not to smile 😺 I hope this week is good to you lovely xx
Thanks for the humour today! I needed it!
Fun, Caz!