It is with great sadness that we have to face another heartbreaking atrocity in our world, with the recent terrorist attacks in London on Saturday night. You can’t escape the media coverage, the news headlines, the Facebook statuses. The outrage, horror, shock, anger and grief are palpable.
My thoughts are with those affected, and my heart aches for those who have been injured or have lost their lives.
This is on top of political instability, social care and health care financial crises, economic turmoil.
It’s hard to find the positives when faced with such an unstable and scary world. But they are there, quietly hiding for us to find them.
It’s important to think of the courageous and persistent efforts of the emergency services and medical professionals. It’s important to think of the individuals who helped others amidst the panic. It’s important to remember the solidarity felt between groups, town, cities and countries. Many will gather tonight for the Manchester concert or watch it on television, despite the growing concerns of another attack. This is the power of the “united we stand” mentality.
Against the violence and hate there is compassion and hope. Whatever happens, however negative the world can seem, there are good people out there, there is thoughtfulness, and there is strength.
Be safe and take heart, because there is more compassion in the world than there is destruction.
A lovey post in these difficult times.
It really shocked me to read about the attack in Manchester, as it’s so close to where I live when I’m in the UK. I couldn’t quite believe it when I scrolled through BBC News this morning and learnt of the latest tragedy. Now, more than ever, we mustn’t allow these events to divide us, for we can only overcome them together.
“…we mustn’t allow these events to divide us, for we can only overcome them together” – I couldn’t agree more.x
Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt and beautiful post. My thoughts and prayers are with everybody that has been involved in these awful attacks.
We truly must remain compassionate.. and your post reminds us of this <3
Lovely post .I have a great sympathy for the victims in the Manchester Attack.Its a sad news and your thoughts have a healing effect on survivors.
Thank you. ♥?
Such beautiful words. We need more of this in these difficult times.
Thank you. And yes, we certainly do.