It’s the age old expression. When life gives you lemons… What do you do? Find the ripest ones and throw them at …
I wanted to share a wonderfully honest and heartfelt post by Natalie, who blogs at Surviving Life’s Hurdles, detailing her hurdles with …
It’s the age old cure for all that ails you, and sometimes you really do just need a few minutes of peace …
My hair used to be so thick as a kid, I remember complaining about it. It wasn’t fine enough to do anything …
When you’re told you’re going under the knife, there are a lot of things to take into your consideration. Maybe it has …
Winter Is Coming Winter Is Here! For whatever reason, be it my hormones, thyroid, deficiencies or otherwise, I feel the cold. A …
2016 has been a mixed bag, for myself personally as well as the rest of the world. We’ve lost a lot of …
It’s that time of the year again, as Christmas frenzy gives way to a huge clean up and promise of a “fresh start” …
1. To Do Lists Are Your Friends – When feeling like there’s a lot to do and not sure where to start, I …
An important one to remember, because every day, every minute even, is the chance to start again. Don’t give up, don’t give …
There’s a delicate balance between caring too little and too much, and neither comes without its pitfalls. Caring too little can make …
This year I decided to indulge in the Halloween spirit and buy pumpkins. I’ve never actually carved a pumpkin before and felt …
Apologies for being away for a few days and not being around to answer messages or read other blogs very much. Got …
I’m doing something a little special today – A guest post from a fellow blogger, Ella. Thank you for sharing! 🙂 As …
My journey with mental health, especially anxiety, hasn’t been a smooth ride. It took me a long time to come to accept …
Ladies, I’d like to know if I’m alone here in my experience with gynaecologists of the male variety. When there’s not much …
Given the limited time you get in a GP appointment, whittled down to 10 minutes in the UK, it can be difficult …
Today, Monday 10th October 2016, is World Mental Health Day. It’s an important day to get people talking, because talking about it …
General Info & AwarenessLifestyleMy JourneyStoma Shenanigans
Why Today Is An Important Day
by InvisiblyMeMy “coming out” post for having an ileostomy stoma bag in honour of Colostomy Awareness Day 2021.
I’m one of those people who, many years ago, bought a yoga mat and a few DVDs for yoga and pilates, and …
You are more than parts or symptoms or a broken body. Sometimes it feels as though my life is dictated and consumed …
It’s not a personal affront. It’s not me simply being boring and miserable (though it may be a bit of the latter). …
Thanks to the rise of social media and everyone with a mobile being an amateur photographer, we can barely escape seeing what …