Dry skin can be a challenge to deal with, and the changing weather, regular washing and being indoors more often may play a role in exacerbating it. Today I’m sharing a collaborative post on how to passively help your skin day to day. Enjoy!
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Dry Skin Nightmares
Living with something like dry skin can be near maddening. This isn’t the sort of condition which is easy to get used to, with people often finding that they suffer with this sort of ailment with differing intensities throughout the year. Of course, there are loads of products on the market which are meant to help with conditions like this, but many people don’t want to add a huge amount of work to their daily routine.
To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best tools on the market to passively fight dry skin as part of your normal routine.
Hand Wash
Most people use hand wash at least a few times each day. When you go to the toilet, before you cook a meal, and before and after going out are all common times when people will use water and hand wash to keep themselves hygienic. Of course, though, many soaps contain harsh chemicals which will wreak havoc on already dry skin. Soap free body wash can be a great way around this, giving you the chance to keep yourself clean without harming your skin, while also moisturizing yourself in the process.

While not a lot of men wear makeup, this category is plenty big enough to have a place on this list. Makeup will often dry people’s skin and irritate it far more than simply not wearing it, but avoiding the stuff can be very hard, especially if you care deeply about how you present yourself. There are plenty of makeup options on the market which contain moisturizer, and these can be used to ensure that your skin doesn’t dry out when you make yourself look great.
Washing Up
Not a lot of people think too much about dish soap when they are doing the washing up. Products like this are found everywhere, and usually contain little to no moisturizer. This makes it well worth wearing gloves when you’re washing up. Along with this, it can also make sense to wear gloves and other skin protection when you’re using harsh chemicals like bleach. Some washing products do contain moisturizer, and these will be worth using if you’re able to find them.

Dressing Up
Clothing and dry skin can often create a very uncomfortable pair, with one reminding you of the other. Of course, though, walking around naked isn’t exactly an option, unless you want to move to a different kind of society. Instead, using materials like cotton which are good for dry and sensitive skin can be a very good idea. Not only will products like this look and feel just as good as any other clothing, but they can give you a great deal of comfort when dealing with dry skin.
With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of finding ways to passively fight dry skin. Many people struggle with work like this, finding it hard to know what needs to be done when they are fighting dry skin on a daily basis.

Related Reading :
Do you struggle with dry skin? Do you find anything in particular triggers it and makes it worse?
[ This is a collaborative post & as such the ideas expressed here are that of the author ]
Excellent tips. Since I’ve not had my pedicure in over a month my legs are ever so dry. I need to work on that.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Caz. Stay well, my friend. ♥
Sandy and I are cognizant of the need to protect our skin, especially in the Florida sun. We look for “clean” products and use body lotion, etc. Many people like the wick away clothing, but I prefer cotton. Stay safe, Caz! Thanks for the tips!
Yes!! With all of this panic handwashing and dry wintery-weather, my skin has become so dry! I keep lotion at my desk and regularly apply, but I have also been looking for soaps that are less harsh.
Great post, Caz!
So important to wash your hands, but we sometimes forget about the chemicals in some products. I’ve been using raw coconut oil on my hands at night before bed. It works well. I’m thinking about bringing some to use during the day. Thanks for the reminders Caz. We need them.
I hate dry skin. I’ve just kind of learned to accept it, I guess.
In the winter, I find my hands extremely dry. I also started to use gloves while loading the dishwasher and noticed that that helps a lot. I probably should look into getting a more gentle hand soap. Great tips,Caz!
Thank you so much for posting this. I don’t find it near maddening… it’s full on maddening! LOLOL It’s been snowing here all week (Michigan didn’t get the memo it’s Spring), and my skin is not liking that one bit! 🙂 xo
I’m quite lazy when it comes to my skin, particularly during the lockdown – cos no one’s going to see me anyway, is my attitude. When I’m travelling in particular, I’m always buying lotions and potions in duty-free but I forget to use them. I do like to have my feet nice and always lie to treat myself to fortnightly pedicures – again, cos of the virus, I’m having to look after my own feet.
Being a former NHS worker and constantly having my hands under a tap or alcohol gel I have tried loads of different hand creams even the really powerful ones, but the one I go back to every time is soap and glory hand food.
As for makeup, I use a CC cream with a moisturiser in it too, I used to have quite dry skin but in the last few years, it’s thankfully now pretty much normal.
I am though missing my pedicures 🙂
Hope you are staying safe Caz xx
Caz I never stop learning from you.
I always wash the dishes without gloves.
Don’t know if it is the macho in me or what.
Just never used gloves.
Will keep this in mind at my next supermarket trip.
Great information! I have dry skin and it really bothers me. Itching is the worst! I use lotions but it doesn’t always help. I didn’t realize that about clothing drying out your skin.
I am definitely washing my hands more now than ever before. With two little dogs getting lots of cuddles and pats throughout the day, Caz, I’ve always washed my hands often. However, I now seem to be so conscious of keeping things ‘germ free’ – I am washing more and more!
I do use gloves in the kitchen, however, I do believe I need to be more conscious of using them for the regular cleaning jobs as well.
Great tips, Caz; as per usual… 🙂
Yes, my nose and lower legs, and I’ve tried changing soups, creams. Nothing. It works temporarily. Maddening, indeed.
My hands have dried out a lot with age and hand washing. I’ve started using a good oily hand cream lately.
As we are still experiencing snow here in NY and with the constant hand-washing, your post offers terrific reminders! Thank you and enjoy the weekend!
OH LORD, Caz!!! You just reminded me I REALLY should be wearing gloves when I do the dishes and clean. I’m 55 and have never developed this practice. My 61 year old sister and I were looking at our hands the other day, laughing! We both pledged to start wearing gloves. Sigh. Better late than never….and of course I haven’t bought any yet. ????This was a great post. Thank You! I hope You are well…sending hugs Your way! ????❤️????
The year we were without a dishwasher, when I did the dishes by hand, my hands got really chapped. They definitely noticed it at the dance studio. I remember our instructor asking me one time, “Haven’t you ever heard of gloves?”
I am kind of lazy when it comes to skin care. Probably because I don’t have dry skin, but nowadays washing hands is so frequent that skin becomes completely rough. Will definitely keep in mind and follow all your advise!!
I’ve recently developed a psoriasis breakout on my face it’s impossible to hide with makeup makes it worse I think. I do love the brand la Roche Posey for skin creams that at least take the irritation down.
Since COVID became rampant, I’ve been washing my hands to the point of dry and cracking skin. Thanks for these tips!