A CBDiablo Guest Post
CBD is a burgeoning industry, and it’s a popular supplement among those with and without chronic illness & pain. CBD oil has a range of potential benefits and as the market grows, so does the product line and number of manufacturers. With increasing choice, how do you know what to look for? Today I’m sharing a brilliant guest post from Ian, Co-Founder of CBDiablo, to answer some of the questions you may have when navigating the chaotic world of CBD. Enjoy!
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So, something popped up on your timeline about a new ‘revolutionary’ cannabis extract which is said to battle everything from IBS to anxiety and depression. The immediate impression is disbelief, but it’s cannabis so it piques your interest and you decide to take the plunge – this the experience of many first-time buyers.
Beyond that you may experience the sheer terror at how many CBD companies there are and how many variations are available, while each claim to ‘be the best’.
As somebody who works, lives, breathes and loves this stuff, I wanted to clear things up and try to give level headed advice as to where to begin – the rumours that ‘CBD is a con’ represents the smoke from an impending fire caused by unethical marketing practices.
Hopefully during the course of this post you will learn a little more about CBD and be able to use some of the tips to help you avoid feeling ripped off.
Exactly How Does CBD Work?
One of the major issues consumers face is the overload of information in regard to the medical benefits of CBD. I think it is very important to understand what CBD does inside our body.
Technically, it is illegal for retailers to make medical claims as CBD has not undergone the ‘right’ rigorous medical testing to fully establish its true benefits – most of the claims you will read online are anecdotal or pure speculation (some are true, others are outrageous).
You may already know that Cannabinoids (including CBD) attach to a network of receptors called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which is woven right the way through every part of us and is essential for our body’s ability to regulate normal and healthy bodily function; obtaining this brilliant internal balance is called Homeostasis.
When the ECS sees a change in the norm (inflammation could be an example) it works to restore balance. It is a little known fact that the body naturally synthesises Endocannabinoids (Cannabinoids that are produced inside our bodies) to action a regulatory response, however there are cases when our body is deficient. This can be either caused by an inability to create Endocannabinoids or Cannabinoid receptors, because we create an abundance of enzymes that break down Cannabinoids, or because of external influences (such as our diet). The outcome is that our internal balance may never return, which can lead to a number of negative wellbeing outcomes.
CBD (along with 1 Terpene and other cannabinoid compounds) maintains the healthy balanced working of our ECS. You can support your ECS with a regular Phytocannabinoid (plant-based) supplement like a full spectrum, 10% CBD oil like this (shameless, I know!). Alternately, a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, exposure to the sun (not too much) and a regular pattern of sleep will give your ECS a fighting chance.
In short, CBD supports your body when doing its thing – it’s why everybody has their own unique experience of it.

How To Avoid The Con?
The marketing of CBD has reached fever pitch and you can purchase anything from the humble CBD oil to the infamous CBD pillowcase. It seems that many product producers have decided to stick CBD into just about anything in the hope that it will attract willing buyers – please resist the temptation to blow your hard-earned cash on a fad. Instead start with the basics: an oil, paste or something similar.
So how do you find a CBD product that works?
Expectations Of CBD
First of all, this is blunt (sorry) but some may need to re-adjust their expectations. Often CBD feels like a con because it has been so oversold. There is a chance that CBD will not cure all of the world’s ills. CBD should be considered as a small part of a greater lifestyle change – there may be plenty of environmental, dietary and behavioural changes that need to be addressed before CBD can do its job. For some people the benefits of CBD are life-altering, for others, the feeling is more ambient (so ambient you may not even notice it).
If you do your careful research and find a brand that you trust, you’ll know the CBD is working away in the background somewhere.
Trade Associations
As the CBD industry is largely unregulated, there is a lot of room for random people to sell CBD oil without proper knowledge. They may buy the cheapest oils they can (or simply a hemp oil) and say it has CBD in it. You will find companies across the CBD-asphere who claim to have ‘Award-Winning’ ‘premium’ CBD oil or that they are the ‘biggest CBD retailer’ in the UK without any kind of challenge.
The Cannabis Trade Association are a body which somewhat regulates CBD companies to ensure they are not part of the problem. To become a member the CTA must approve the products, website content & the business owner to hold them accountable for their actions. So, if you’re looking for a trusted company, have a look for those who are part of a trade association.
Start Low & Slow
One of the biggest misconceptions is more CBD = more benefits. CBD doesn’t work this way and there is no evidence that your body will use all of the cannabinoids that you consume. Most people only really need between 200mgs – 1000mgs (especially if the oils are full-spectrum and contain a wide range of cannabinoids, including THC, and other synergetic phytochemicals such as terpenes).
CBD works best over a period of time, so starting slow will enable your body to get used to the cannabinoids and use them more effectively. If you need to increase, you can until you reach your sweet-spot.
CBD can be expensive so it may be best to get a low dose and increase, rather than taking twice the amount you need. Do not allow yourself to be sold a very strong £150 oil when it isn’t always needed.
Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum (THC Free) & Lab Reports
There are two types of CBD products that you should buy: full-spectrum & broad-spectrum, which contains other minor Cannabinoids/ Phytocannabinoids but almost no THC. There are lots of companies who mis-sell CBD oils based on this classification – full-spectrum is considered a more effective formula so many sell broad-spectrum with the wrong label.
The easiest way is to look at the lab report for that particular batch. These reports should show the content of the other minor cannabinoids but the one to look for is THC – anything with less than 0.03-1% is too low to be full spectrum. Something like a CBD paste can contain up to 0.15% – 0.2% THC so the difference between the products is huge!
If in doubt, email the company with all questions you want answered: How is this oil produced? What is the extraction method? Is this produced with a hemp extract or a distillate? Where is this oil produced/ sourced? What makes this oil different to another I have tried/ another of your competitors? Put them to the test and if they themselves do not know, then it is a good indication that this may not be the best brand for you.
Top Tip: Even if a company publishes its lab reports online ask them for their most up to date batch report. Check the date and makes sure it isn’t more than a year old. If it is, they may have only tested the first batch and not the current batch you’re looking to buy.
Consumption Method Of CBD
Finally, your chosen consumption method will also change the effects of the CBD. If you take the oil sublingually (under the tongue) then you absorb more than when CBD is taken via the digestive system (ie. capsules) – the effects of the CBD will be more general with oral consumption.
Topical CBD is absorbed directly into the skin so will provide a targeted dose, rather than improving your general sense of being. This would be perfect for targeting that particularly itchy bit of skin or a tight muscle. There are about a million ways to take your CBD (including putting it in your belly button) but you maybe need to think about the consumption method which works for what you need CBD for.

The End : A Final Note On CBD
My hope is that you have read this post and learned a little more about how CBD works, and some ways to avoid being ripped off. There is still a lot of learning to be done so as the CBD industry grows, these goalposts will likewise change. There is some impending legislation which will hopefully clean up the market, but it may also sell it to the highest bidder. Here is hoping the future is bright for CBD!
Written by Ian McLaren: Co-founder of CBDiablo
Related Reading : CBDiablo Review & 10% Off Discount Code

Hopefully this post gives you a greater insight into CBD & covers some of the questions you may have. Do you have any other queries? Is CBD something you’d like to try?
[ This is a sponsored guest post & as such the ideas expressed here are that of the author ]
I’d also like to add a little note here to say that while CBD may be natural, that doesn’t mean it’s always safe and suitable for all; please speak to your GP before starting a new regimen and check that it’s appropriate alongside any current medications or supplements you’re already taking.
I always wondered what the differences are, and benefits, what is real, and just a gimmick. But it is hard to find any thing out there that is easy to understand, or that doesn’t conflict with what another report says. It seems to me that if it is natural, and not man made it would be good for you. I wonder how it does with anxiety. Either way great information Caz. Thanks once again 🙂
It took me a bit of investigating at first to get my head around CBD, too, and with so much choice it is harder to figure out what’s quality, what’s a gimmick and what might actually be effective. Once you find a trustworthy product, it’s a case of not knowing how you’ll find it unless or until you try it as everyone responds differently, but in terms of anxiety that you mentioned, that’s where many people find the benefit. I’m glad you liked the post, Margaret! ???? xx
hahaah I had type you up a whole novel about this post Caz but cut it to this. Thanks for the information. It has helped me in more ways than you will ever know. 🙂 🙂
A terrific guide for those who want to know more!
I think Ian did a great job too – thanks, John! ????
Very nice post, great info. xoxo
I’m glad you liked it. Thanks, Masha! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.xx
Excellent article! Very informative!
Ian did a great job putting this together so I’m glad you liked it, Benn! Have yourself a great week ahead ???? x
I’ve learned a lot more reading this. I’ve heard about the scams. People in pain and the scammers just want your money. Shame on them.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Caz. ♥
Shame on them, indeed. Where there is vulnerability or curiosity, there is money to be made. I think it pays to be cautious and to do our research before trying anything new. Thanks, Sandee – I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend ???? xx
This post was very helpful. The THC in the product and its results are vital. Thank you for pointing that and other concerns out.
Absolutely, and the THC issue is what often causes some confusion over cannabis and CBD. Thanks for the comment, Darnell. I hope you’re getting in some chill time after a long week! x
I’ve never been able to understand the different strengths, with some in mcg and others in percent, yet no idea what we should be going for. So start small, and see where to go from there, that sounds sensible, I’ll have a look at cbdiablo and see what they have. I don’t want to spend too much but I do want to try it and have something that is good quality. Really good article thank you.
The labelling of CBD can get confusing, I agree. It helps to learn some of the basics before shopping for a CBD to try and looking into the brand so you know what you’re getting. I think starting small is a good idea and CBDiablo have a good range of products if you’re in the UK. I’m pleased you liked the article and I hope CBD can be beneficial for you in some way. Thanks, Samantha ???? x
Great information, Caz. Enjoy your weekend ????
Glad you liked it, Svet. I think Ian did brilliantly with giving us an overview. I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend & taking the time to chill and enjoy! xx
Thank you for sharing this! It answered a lot of my questions.
That’s fantastic, Michelle! So glad the post could be useful. Thank you for letting me know – I hope you have a great week ahead ???? xx
Such a helpful post. The world of CBD is so confusing and I would have no idea where to start. This is all clear, helpful information. Thank you for sharing this post.
I’ve likewise found the CBD world to be a bit confusing. It took me a while getting my head around things so I was really pleased to be able to share Ian’s post, which I think gives a helpful overview. Thanks for the comment, Liz – I hope the week ahead treats you kindly! xx
Charlee: “Good information! Thank you for sharing!”
Chaplin: “The last year or so of Dennis’s life, he was taking CBD oil for his hip dysplasia, IBD, and osteosarcoma, and we think it really did help keep him comfortable and let him stay with us longer!”
It really is wonderful that Dennis had some benefit from CBD. It’s not as popular within the furbaby realm but hopefully that’ll change so more owners will be able to consider CBD as an option for their pets. xx
“As the CBD industry is largely unregulated, there is a lot of room for random people to sell CBD oil without proper knowledge. They may buy the cheapest oils they can (or simply a hemp oil) and say it has CBD in it.” — Exactly! I love that this is talked about in your post. To me, it’s not only angering that these companies get away with outright lies. What’s worse is someone who might benefit from CBD oil writes it off after trying a product that isn’t any good, anyway.
I also love the bit about adjusting one’s expectations of what adding CBD can or can’t do for them. Plus, every one reacts to it differently. I may feel much calmer and in less pain, but you may try it, and think, “Dang, this isn’t at all worth the cost!” It really is something to be considered in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, stress management, talk therapy when needed, etc. Then, and only then, does CBD reach its full potential, in my humble opinion. 🙂 I found great relief using the tinctures, but the cost is a bit steep for my taste unfortunately.
Another great part is the start low and slow. More doesn’t equal better always. This is such a brilliant point, because people have been sold this notion that 500mgs might help but OH BOY, try the 3000mgs! (Nevermind that the 3000 is also nearly $300!)
These are such great tips and tons of helpful information my friend. Thank you for a thorough education on CBD, its benefits, pros and cons and everything in between. Awesome!
I agree with you in thinking that CBD should be viewed more holistically, as part of other ways in which we can look after ourselves. In the UK it’s marketed as a food supplement and companies can’t (or shouldn’t) make medical claims around it, which I think is sensible. Plus with everyone finding things differently you never know what it’ll be like unless or until you try it, so you have to take claims and reviews with a pinch of salt to a degree.
It’s great you found CBD to have an effect when used in conjunction with other changes/management aspects in place, but you’re right, prices can be pretty steep. That’s another reason why starting small with strength is a good idea, because it’s much cheaper!
I’m glad you liked the post. I think Ian did a great job in sharing some helpful insider knowledge! Thanks for another fantastic quote lovely.xx