Hello hello, how is everyone? I thought I’d share a brief update and then a few funnies & memes to add a little brightness to your day.
I’m really glad I drafted this ready to post a little while ago so I can just add a little update then hit publish.As is what happens with best laid plans and when you have plenty of things to do, something goes wrong. I was very ill at home, and I suspected something like food poisoning (sick, fever, passed out, very weak etc) but then my stoma/small bowel started twisting again (v.painful) so I had no choice but to go to A&E. My ECG & BP were off, my bloods showed infection of some kind, and the surgical consult agreed my small bowel is still twisting on itself. Ergo, I’m always right 😉
I got home Wednesday and straight back into bed. I think I’m back on the mend again now slowly and I’m grateful to be out, though I’ve missed a few days of life as a result. There weren’t enough baubles in the hospital and I didn’t see an inch of tinsel, which means I’m not as much of a Christmas Grinch as I initially thought!
December Funnies : Christmas Memes & Funnies
We could all use a giggle, especially those of us struggling or are feeling overwhelmed with life at the moment. Take a moment to step back, say hello to your inner child & let yourself laugh. Laughter is the best medicine 😉
These are taken from the selection of 50 Christmas Memes over at Bored Panda.

One I made earlier, as I’m sure a lot of us would like to ask Santa for a new immune system or some fully-functioning body part this Christmas.



A Heartwarmer – The Dancing Doc
I called to make a GP appointment recently, only to be told my doc had left a couple of weeks ago! It can take so long finding a half-decent doc, and when they suddenly disappear, you have to start all over again. You know the feeling…

Caz ♥
Thanks for the laughs
Enjoy the holidays
Got me chuckling. Thank you. Xx
Love those!
Good ones Caz, enjoyed the giggles! Take care ..
Fabulous, Caz, I’m grinning from ear to ear! It took a moment, but, I’ll never see palm trees in the same light ever again!
The dancing doc was featured recently on one of our current affairs programmes here in Oz. How special he is! 🙂
Take care.. Laughter really is the best medicine.. Hahaha.. 🙂
Thanks for making us feel better! I hope you feel well soon, too, and enjoy the holiday.
How fun. it’s good to laugh at this time of year. Many are trying to do way too much.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
Glad you liked it – we need to make time to remember to breathe and laugh and not focus on all the busy-ness all the time 🙂
My gp quit at the beginning of the year. I’m still devestated. My new gp actually told me when I went in, “But you look fine.” I get the impression that he’s one of those doctors that thinks fibromyalgia isn’t real. Sigh. Have a happy holiday, Caz.
Oh no, that’s absolutely gutting! I’m so sorry you’ve now got a close-minded idiot, unless he proves to overcome that in time. If you get stuck and need help but aren’t getting anywhere, please do try to say something or see someone else, it’s not fair that patients get sidelined by doctors who don’t listen or don’t appreciate conditions like fibromyalgia. xx
bone 🙂
Funny bones need a good tickle every now and then 😀
great ones! I especially love the dancing doctor – wishing you & yours fun holidays & a great 2019, Caz!
Thank you lovely, I’m glad you liked them. I hope you’re enjoying the festive season so far – Merry Christmas to you and yours, too! ????
Now you’ve got me ‘snorting’ ???? Glad your feeling a little better Caz, I didn’t realise you were on Instagram, somewhere else to stalk oops I mean follow you ???? Have a great Christmas ????????
Likewise with the Instagram thing (I’m still a bit behind on the whole thing but I’m trying to post a few bits & bobs), I’ll make sure to stalk you back. We’ll know when the other is lurking nearby by the echoes of our snorts ????
Glad you liked the post, thanks for the comment! x
I loved this Caz! You have an amazing sense of humor. I hope you have a lovely Christmas sweetie!
Sorry I’ve only just spotted your comment! Happy to see the post gave you a little chuckle 🙂
Very cute and made me giggle …lol. Thank you!
♥️ ♥️ ♥️
It’s good to have a giggle, glad you liked them! =]