Problem Peepers : Tired Dry Eyes
Dry, tired eyes can be very uncomfortable, yet it’s quite common. The reasons for it vary. It could be due to dry eye syndrome, also referred to as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, when tears evaporate too quickly or when your eyes simply don’t make enough tears. Specific eye conditions can cause sore eyes and you should speak to your optician/GP for their recommendations. It could also be due to autoimmune conditions like Sjögren’s, where dry eyes and a dry mouth are frequently seen.
Tired, dry or irritated eyes can be experienced by anyone, either infrequently or often, such as from eye strain, technology/screen use, poor lighting, dry air from air con or heating, allergies, dust, pollution or lack of sleep.
An optician can test for dry eyes and you should see your GP if it’s problematic as it may in a small number of cases, as noted above with Sjogren’s, be a sign of an underlying condition.
So, what can you do about tired, dry eyes?
You could break out a romcom dvd and see if you can have a good cry. Or you could try eye drops.
Eyes watering just thinking about dry eyes? If you have watery eyes a lot, speak to your GP/optician as eye drops may be recommended for you, too. Drops can help lubricate and provide the moisture needed so your eyes don’t have to overproduce their own.
Here are a few products to help, including my personal recommendation after buying Blink drops recently.

My Recommendations For Dry Tired Eyes : Blink Intensive Eye Drops
This is the one I’ve recently started using & I find it incredibly refreshing and instantly soothing. The drops are slow and steady to come out so only one will drop at a time, meaning no mess or accidents if you’re not too adept at doing it, which I’m not. It’s 10ml and a little goes a long way. Whether you use it several times throughout the day, or occasionally as needed when your eyes are uncomfortable, tired, dry or irritated, it’s safe and effective. It’s also suitable for those with contact lenses. A very valuable investment, I just wish I’d started using this stuff sooner.

Available at :
Boots UK (free click&collect from store)
Other Products …
Thera Tears (US)
You get more in this one at 15ml and it’s got a 4.5 star rating on Amazon, so people are pretty happy with it. It helps restore the natural tear pH level and moisturise eyes while helping to prevent further irritation.
Available at :

Optrex Intensive Drops

This lubricates and relieves dry eyes intensely, while being suitable for those with contact lenses.

Murine Advanced Dry Eye Relief

A little more expensive but it’s another option for quick relief and long lasting results

Optex ActiMist Spray

If drops aren’t your thing, how about a spray? A good alternative if you can’t manage drops while still providing immediate cooling and soothing.

Do you use eye drops? If you have dry eyes or are regularly using screens, have a condition like Sjögren’s, or battle with modern life affecting your peepers, then it’s worth considering for your own comfort and the health of your eyes.
Caz ♥
I’m a senior and the over the counter stuff doesn’t work very well anymore. I’ve been using Restasis for years and it helps with dry eyes very well. I also take Flaxseed oil and between the two it really helps.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
I wonder if perhaps your eyes need something a little stronger, with different ingredients to what you may have become used to in the past. I Googled what you take and it looks like it’s cyclosporine, which I hadn’t considered for dry eyes. I hope that, and the flaxseed oil, continues to help 🙂
Thanks for the comment!x
I’m prone to dry eyes after laser eye surgery. I like Systane Ultra. If I’m using it more than a couple times a day I use the preservative free single use ampules to prevent irritation from preservative overload.
Ashleyleia, I was told as well to use preservative-free if I’m needing drops more than a few days in a row. Great tips, Caz.
Do you think that’s a permanent/long term thing now since the laser eye surgery? I hadn’t heard of Systane Ultra so thanks for sharing, and the preservative-free single-use format sounds good as an alternative. Preservatives in drops wasn’t something I’d thought about before either. Thanks for the comment 🙂
Excellent set of tips!
Thanks, glad you liked them! =]
Thanks for this, I have so many eye problems especially the days of heavy blogging.
I’m sorry you have eye issues too, I think it’s becoming more common with such increased use of screens and technology. I hope eye drops (or spray) can help provide a little relief if you decide to try them! 🙂
I’ve nominated you for … 🙂
Sorry I’m late in seeing this, I’m just catching up on reading blogs today after being a bit poorly. Thank you so much for the kind nomination, and congrats on your award! 🙂
I get dry eyes especially when I’m on the computer a l t, I didn’t think about the fact that some days when your eyes are watery it is die to your eyes actually being dry and needing to wet themselves.
I didn’t realise that either with watery eyes until recently. I think use of screens can be a big factor in eyes getting sore and dry, so it’s worth taking plenty of screen breaks and considering drops if you need them. With such an increase in how much people use technology, it’s probably no wonder more people are getting ouchy, dry eyes! Thanks for the comment 🙂
Hi Caz, I was diagnosed with dry eyes by my optician and got a doctor’s prescription for lubricated drops called Hylo Forte. It really helps.
I’m glad you have a prescription for them and that they help, so thanks for sharing as I hadn’t come across Hylo Forte before! 🙂
Great post! When I was a junior in college, I went to Spain for three months, where I was exposed to a lot of second-hand smoke. I could have really used these products. I may still need them here in Washington eventually. Even though it rains a lot, the climate is generally pretty dry and I notice my eyes are getting dry as well.
Yes, smoke could do it, as can dry air, wind and pollution, not to mention more use on screens. Worth keeping drops (or a spray) in mind as I’ve found mine really useful! Thanks for the comment, Cecilia 🙂
Excellent tips I hope I never need, Caz…
Sending hugs… 🙂
I hope you don’t need them either Carolyn. Perhaps unsurprisingly, more people seem to be getting dry or tired eyes because of increased screen use, pollution, etc. x
Thank you for this Caz! It seems that my eyes are always dry, but of course it could be the annoying contacts I have to wear to see! I always appreciate your words of wisdom!!
It could be the contacts aren’t helping, along with a range of other things (screen use, pollution, dry air etc). Have you ever tried eye drops before? Many of them you can use safely with contacts, so it’s worth considering as dry eyes can be so sore! Hope you’re doing okay lovely..xx
I use the blink drops with my contact lenses! They’re really good.
Glad you like them too, they’re pretty fab! 🙂
Excellent tips! I have painful dry, but weeping eyes since MECFS. I wake in the night and they feel glued back. I’ve tried a couple of different drops but the best thing I’ve found is washing them daily with a tea tree facial scrub (recommended by eye Dr). He said the body can become allergic to what’s on the eyelashes (bacteria), and inflame. Washing daily helps keep the eyelashes clean and not as much inflammation. It’s not an overnight thing though, can take a week or two and if you slip it comes screaming back. Thank you for sharing!! 🙂
Oh ouch, I’m sorry you have to deal with that as an extra symptom. That sounds a bit like with blepharitis, where the irritation with the eyelid can cause problems so washing and keeping it hygienically clean can help. I’m glad you’ve found somethings that works with reducing the inflammation a little, but it does sound like something you’re having to keep on top of to prevent it coming back with a vengeance! Thanks for sharing, Mishka. I hope you’re having a lovely week so far xx
Something my opthamologist gave me (and I should go back to using) is a bean bag – covered with material – that’s meant to be heated in the microwave and then put on the eyes for a few minutes. It really helped me when I used it. Though now that I don’t my eyes are constantly sore so that I usually forget about it. I should look into drops or a new bag
I’ve seen microwavable bags for other things (comfort, pain relief for muscles/joints) but hadn’t heard of them to be used on your eyes. I use Therapearl, an eye mask which you can use hot or cold, on your eyes and head which is great. Maybe your bean bag is a similar idea. Really good to hear it’s been helpful for you, sounds like going back to using it may be a good idea 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Eliza, I hope you are doing okay this week.. xx
After my corneal transplant I started having dry eye. My corneal doctor recommended using eye drops (but can’t use any that say they take the red out…not sure why). I haven’t had much luck as the drops that I have used don’t seem to last long. I am interested in the Murine long lasting relief drops that you mentioned in this post. Might give it a try! I had never heard of eye spray before. I might have to check that out as well. Thank you for this post. A lot of people take their eyes for granted! It’s really important to keep them healthy.
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that after the transplant. When you say about not being able to use drops that say they take the red out, do you mean like redness and soreness of eyes? I’ve noticed some drops say dry eyes, whereas others say dry and irritated. I actually just found one that was specifically for ‘redness’, so at least it’s clear on that one you shouldn’t use it. I wonder if it’s a specific ingredient that you shouldn’t use. I hope you can find some relief in one of these, I’d like to hope Murine would be good as they say long lasting, but you never know until you’ve tried something. The spray is an interesting alternative, though I’m not sure if I could manage that (it takes a lot of guts for me each time I attempt drops because I find the whole thing of putting something into my eye like that so unnatural!) I hope you can find some relief in one of these, I’d like to hope Murine would be good as they say long lasting, but you never know until you’ve tried something. Thank you for sharing this and I’m glad you liked the post.xx