We all know that things can get tough. Things can go wrong, we can feel miserable, let down, like there’s no hope. We can feel as though we’re not good enough, not worth the effort.
The only person to truly fight for you, is you. The only thing you truly have when all is said and done, is you.
You are worth fighting for, you are worth living for, and you are the only one you need to answer to. Treat yourself as you would a loved one. Don’t give up caring, you are worth more than that.
You are priceless and irreplaceable. You are a warrior.
Yes! 🙂
It’s not about what you work for or what you sacrifice. It’s all about what you believe. If you truly believe in what you are doing, you would never give up. And even if you do, means your belief system is not powerful enough.
Stay happy.
Beautiful reminder and love the picture. xxx
So true and so difficult to remember on the bad days!
Having just retired I definitely feel that I’m such a one-off that I won’t easily be replaced (though I’ve often felt over the last 3 years rather like a battle-weary warrior), and several colleagues mentioned that they would miss my sense of humour – others jokingly said they wouldn’t! Sorry to have missed a lot of your posts recently – what with a family wedding and a family hospitalisation/ rehabilitation to contend with, plus finalising retirement plans, life has been rather hectic of late!
You are definitely a one-of-a-kind! And no apologies for not having missed any posts, I hugely, hugely appreciate you stopping by and commenting whenever you can. I really hope everything is okay with the family member that’s been in hospital… Sending positive thoughts your way to you and your family.
Caz xx
Wonderful encouragement!
Beautiful post!!
Your words are perfect love this!!!!!!!!
OHHHHH I adore this one xx