Home General Info & Awareness Where Can You Get A Coronavirus Antibody Test In The UK?

Where Can You Get A Coronavirus Antibody Test In The UK?

by InvisiblyMe
A yellow background with a blue gloved hand holding three vials of blood samples. To the left is the title: Where can you get a coronavirus antibody test in the UK?

There have been countless delays and hiccups over these past few months when it comes to coronavirus testing in the UK, both in terms of initial diagnosis and retrospective testing by means of an antibody test.

There are likely many people who experienced symptoms prior to April 2020 when widespread testing wasn’t available to the public, and who are now quite curious and anxious to confirm whether they did indeed have the virus. Although coronavirus antibody testing isn’t being conducted via the NHA and finger prick tests have been put on hold by the government, it is now possible for the public to purchase their own venous COVID19 antibody test. 

What are antibody tests, do they work & where can you get one? 

What Are Antibodies?

Antibodies are blood proteins produced by the body’s immune system in response to antigens as a means of fighting infections, bacteria and viruses. Antibodies are also referred to as immunoglobulins. 

Am I Immune To COVID-19 If I’ve Already Had It?

As coronavirus is relatively new, not enough is known about the virus and as such there’s no confirmation as to whether you would be immune to the virus in future or for how long immunity would last if you’ve previously been infected. 

Research is indicating different findings in this regard. Some suggest those with confirmed coronavirus develop low levels of antibodies that may be undetectable, while others suggest a potent immune response. Some indicate short-lasting immunity while others suggest 6 months immunity with or without antibodies.

That said, an antibody test could provide a little reassurance and allay the curiosity for those wanting to know whether they may have had the virus in the past. Discovering has an active infection, who has been infected previously and what immunity is possible are all crucial in overcoming this pandemic. Furthermore, some researchers and healthcare providers are looking for previously infected patients and plasma donors for medical studies and treatments.

Types Of Coronavirus Testing

An antibody test is different to a COVID-19 test. The diagnostic COVID-19 test looks at whether you currently have the virus. There are two types of diagnostic test: Molecular (nasal, throat or saliva) with results between 24hrs to 1 week, and antigen (nasal or throat swabs) with results up to 1hr. 

Antibody testing, on the other hand, seeks to discover whether you’ve had the virus in the past based on whether your body has developed specific antibodies. 

Types Of Antibody Tests

There are a few manufacturers supplying outlets with their antibody tests. These fall within two groups: Venous testing (blood taken from the vein in your arm) and finger prick testing (usually home test kits with blood samples collected from a finger prick). Finger prick kits in the UK were suspended in April 2020 following concerns raised over reliability by the regulating body, MHRA. 

Two particular companies have hit the news for their immunoassay antibody test: Roche and Abbott.

How Does A Coronavirus Antibody Test Work?

Antibody tests look for antibodies in the blood, which can typically occur 1 to 3 weeks following infection. A positive result suggests you’ve developed antibodies and as such have previously had the virus.

The test examines the binding of antibodies to antigens (the viral proteins). There are a few platforms with which to do this, including chemiluminescent immunoassay, lateral flow assay, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA test).

There is a possibility of false negatives and false positives with such tests. One potential issue is the timing of the test. As antibodies can take several weeks to develop, it’s typically recommended to wait a few weeks post infection prior to having an antibody test. Rates of accuracy may vary depending on the manufacturer and best results depend upon efficient sample collection. 

Where Can You Buy An Antibody Test? 

Antibody tests are now available online and on the high street, but it’s important to research who the test is manufactured by, where it’s being analysed and what the validity rates are. Checking that the test is CE marked (confirming with European standards) & MHRA approved are also reassuring signs. As finger prick tests are still undergoing validation by the MHRA, all tests must be done via a venous sample by a medical professional. 


In May 2020, Medichecks released a Coronavirus Antibody Blood Test with finger prick and venous options. Given the restriction on the former, individuals can now order venous testing from Medichecks.

This is a CE-marked IgG test developed by the leading global healthcare and medical devices manufacturer, Abbott.

The black and pink Medichecks Logo with the following underneath : Know yourself. Inside out.

This is the newer, accredited test for quality and accuracy, with results in 3 working days. At present, no other rapid detection tests have stood up to scrutiny of validation and accuracy like this test has. 

For this test, a blood sample is taken from a vein by a nurse at a registered clinic. Clinics can be found on the Medichecks website. Alternatively, you can order the kit option where a nurse will visit you at home to collect your blood sample. The sample will be sent for analysis at a UK-based UKAS-accredited laboratory.

Medichecks is popular provider of blood tests, registered with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and with an extensive range of tests and happy customers. I was previously gifted their thyroid test kit to review and had a thoroughly positive experience, hence my confidence in recommending them as a provider.

This antibody tests makes use of chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) technology. The manufacturer’s validation study detected antibodies in 100% of coronavirus cases with samples taken at least 14 days following initial symptoms. A negative result was produced in 99.6% of samples in those that didn’t have the coronavirus. This is far more reassuring than the findings from any other test thus far.

The Coronavirus Antibody test looks for immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the virus that causes the current COVID-19 illness, SARS-CoV2. The body’s immune system produces antibodies in response to the coronavirus infection and are typically detectable after 7 days from when symptoms start, increasing as time goes on. It’s thought that antibodies are detected in most who have had the infection from 14 days following symptom onset. As such, Medichecks has reported that their laboratory are finding an increase in the likelihood of detecting antibodies in tests taken 17 – 21 days after symptoms begin.

This test is a means for the general public to be tested, so an individual can see whether their immune system has developed antibodies and as such whether they have had coronavirus in the past.


Superdrug have also made a coronavirus antibody test available. Individuals need to call to book an appointment and register with the Superdrug Online Doctor service, before going to clinic for the blood test. This test using the TDL (The Doctors Laboratory) for analysing samples, with validation studies suggesting a 97.5% sensitivity rate and 100% specificity rate. 

You can find out more about the Superdrug antibody test here.

The Superdrug Logo

Antibody Testing In Brief

If I were to choose, my personal choice would be Medichecks given my prior positive experiences, the validation studies conducted by Abbott and the reassurance of quality laboratory analysis. In addition, the test is convenient to order online and find a clinic. If you’re isolating or otherwise unable to travel, the nurse visit is a fantastic alternative. The Superdrug test gives us a familiar and approachable outlet to use, but less information on the test specifics is available and validation results are slightly lower than the Abbott test via Medichecks. Other providers may supply a test but leave you to source the blood draw itself, and there’s no guarantee your NHS GP will do this and as such the sampling may incur additional charges. 

As this is a novel virus, there’s still not enough known as to how immunity works, such as whether someone is immune following infection or for how long. It’s important to still follow government guidelines, including the recommended hand washing and social distancing measures. 

Further Reading : 

A black scroll divider.

Caz  ♥

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mentalhealth360.uk July 30, 2020 - 3:47 pm

Another fine article, well done. I love how you do so much research but leave out the gobbledy-gook 😉 so we can all understand it x

InvisiblyMe August 1, 2020 - 4:18 pm

I’m glad you liked it, fellow Caz, thank you. I quite enjoy extracting gobbledy-gook to create a simplified version ???? xx

Animalcouriers July 30, 2020 - 4:03 pm

Great to know whether they’re worth trying and which seems best. Thanks for the research!

InvisiblyMe August 1, 2020 - 5:18 pm

There’s a lot of mixed messages at the moment & very little clarity in terms of antibody tests and how we can get them. I know a lot of people have been very anxious not knowing whether they’ve had the virus, myself included, so I hope this might help some. Thanks for reading – I hope you have a good week ahead! xx

Sandee July 30, 2020 - 4:07 pm

Well done. I’ve not been tested and have no intention of going anywhere near where folks may be sick. I’m old that’s why.

Have a fabulous day, Caz. ♥

InvisiblyMe August 1, 2020 - 5:19 pm

Keeping as far away as possible is the best plan I think, Sandee. Stay safe & have a great week ahead! ???? xx

Cathy Cade July 30, 2020 - 5:46 pm

I was wondering if tests were available yet (we think we had it late February). You’ve saved me the research, and with a review to boot! Thanks for that.

InvisiblyMe August 2, 2020 - 10:07 pm

I’m sorry you suspect possible infection before testing was properly rolled out to the public, too. Is it wondering about possible immunity or just the curiosity that’s making you wonder about being tested? Without knowing what immunity is like post-infection even with antibodies it’s a tricky one. For me it’s just the curiosity, just wanting to know for sure. I hope this post could help in case you do decide to go for antibody testing, Cathy ???? xxxx

Laura Beth July 30, 2020 - 7:22 pm

Fantastic post, Caz!

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 3:29 pm

I’m glad you thought so, thanks Laura! ???? x

Svet Pavlovsky July 30, 2020 - 7:29 pm

Interesting! I am not sure if they do it in Canada as well.

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 3:31 pm

Ooo I’m not sure, Svet. I don’t really know what the testing situation is like over there generally, but I had hoped other countries might be more on the ball with antibody testing. Hopefully it’s available for you if you’re curious to know. I imagine if the scientists can say antibodies mean some degree of protection that antibody testing will become crucial.x

Dolphin Girl July 30, 2020 - 7:49 pm

They should just call it an Eliza test. Change the s to a z…

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 3:33 pm

They should! ????

Darnell Cureton July 31, 2020 - 4:31 pm

These are good choices in the UK. My company did testing for employees, which I was grateful for here in the US. Its not very organized in general and people have experienced long wait times. Its got to get better.

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 3:35 pm

I’m sorry the situation isn’t great there either. Testing has been an utter shambles in the UK for covid diagnosis. Antibody testing itself isn’t available (through the government/NHS). The only option at the moment is private venous testing, which not many people know about. You would have thought that by now, months into this crisis, Western countries with so much in the way of science, money and technology, would have got their shit together on the testing at least. Stay safe, Darnell.x

James Viscosi August 2, 2020 - 6:26 pm

Our national COVID-19 response here in the US has of course been an utter fiasco. We’re glad to be in California, where the governor took it seriously from the beginning, but even here things have gotten out of control due to, among other things, premature reopening, widespread noncompliance with safety guidelines, and lack of testing. We are starting to see antibody testing offered in the community which will maybe give us a better idea how far the virus spread silently, if they can get the reliability kinks worked out. Anyway, it’s going to be interesting to read the histories they write about this pandemic someday …

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 4:25 pm

I was going to say all of the same things you did about the testing in the UK! I’m sorry it’s not been better over there. There’s no antibody testing available here via the government/NHS, so the only route is private venous testing and sadly not many people know that’s an option (if they can afford it). I dread to think how this will be written in the history books..! x

Holly August 3, 2020 - 3:05 am

Brilliant post, Caz, which for you, is absolutely nothing new! When you write about these topics, I love how easy to digest you make a nearly overwhelming amount of information. It’s truly impressive how you do that!

I’m not in the UK, but this information was valuable anyhow, and a very interesting read. Reading about the antibodies had me curious because I had been wondering how long the ‘immunity’ lasts for most people.

Bill and I both got VERY sick in early February. We are about 99.99% sure we had COVID based on the symptoms we experienced. I thought I was going to die. Flu isn’t something he and I typically get, and this was different. When the news began to circulate about this virus, we looked at each other and said, “Ah ha!” Shortly after that, speculation started swirling that people who became terribly ill in January and February most likely had the virus then. Now I wonder if we are considered safe, or if we pose a threat to others who have not been ill with this mess.

Amazing amazing stuff, Caz. Your writing is the best. I really do love reading your posts! ♥

Sending my very best love your way. I sincerely hope you are well and getting plenty of self-care in!

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 4:30 pm

I actually really enjoy researching then trying to condense and make things a little easier to digest. It’s really good to hear you found it easier to understand, so that’s fantastic, thank you! I’m sorry you’ve been through the wringer with being so terribly ill, and both of you not being able to be definitively sure that it was covid, let alone whether you’re immune. I’m feeling the same in the increasing confidence that what I had was also coronavirus, partly because it’s taken me three months for my breathing to get back to baseline. It would be good to know for sure, even to put an end to the curiosity. Do you feel the same? As for whether you pose a threat to others, I absolutely wouldn’t have thought so given as that your likely infection was several months ago, unless of course you were to catch it again. I’d also like to hope that’s highly unlikely, but please still be very careful. Sending lots of love right back at’cha, stay safe both of you  ♥ xx

Michelle August 4, 2020 - 3:38 am

This is such an informative post! I didn’t realize there were different types of tests out there. I have been reading about the plasma, though. I do hope that can help those who are sick get better quickly.

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 4:37 pm

Nothing about this pandemic has been straightforward and we keep getting conflicting information, so I’m not surprised you weren’t aware of the test types. I’m glad I could share the information ???? The plasma thing is quite interesting, I hope that can help save more people. xx

forresting365 August 4, 2020 - 1:13 pm

Wow, Caz. This is such an extensive, well-researched post. I had no idea there were so many tests out there either. This piece is a gift for those living in the UK. Well done!!! Cheers and Hugs!!! ????❤️????

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 4:44 pm

I really enjoy research & putting it all together in an easy to understand piece, so I’m very grateful to hear you liked it! The information we get in the news isn’t too clear and we hear a lot of mixed messages, so I’m not surprised you didn’t know about the different types of tests. Considering we can’t get antibody testing via the government/NHS, it’s frustrating to know that not many people are aware there’s an option to pay privately. Thanks for the comment lovely – have a great rest of your week ???? xx

Despite Pain August 4, 2020 - 1:55 pm

Great article as always. It certainly would be helpful to know whether or not you have antibodies. Hopefully they would give some kind of protection.One of the worst parts of COVID-19 (apart from the obvious) is that scientists still know so little about it. It was hard to believe that early on, the UK government were considering herd immunity without even knowing what immunity people would have.

InvisiblyMe August 4, 2020 - 4:47 pm

Thank you very much, Liz! ???? I think the government have made a pig’s ear (a polite way of saying it!) of the situation from the get-go. They could see what was happening in China but chose to ignore it, then dragged their feet for far too long. It’s been rash decisions and nonchalance that have cost so many lives. At the moment, with what we hear of spending on tests that don’t work and throwing money at vaccines to see what sticks, it sounds like a lot of money is being wasted too, when we know there are more vital ways it could be spent. Hopefully there will be a time in the not too distant future where scientists will be able to tell us if and what type of immunity antibodies and prior infection provides, because that would be very helpful to know. xx

Michelle Curtis August 4, 2020 - 6:25 pm

Great information. I’m sure we have options in the US, but I’m waiting on more concrete info before I bother with it. I’m not sure I understand the point, presently. Are you planning on doing the test?

InvisiblyMe August 11, 2020 - 4:56 pm

I would have thought they would have conducted more research on antibodies from previous infection in terms of immunity by now, but then again I’m not a scientist and have no idea how difficult it must be really. To me, it’s the uncertainty and not knowing for sure that gets me, so if I do have one, which I’d like to but it’s the cost that puts me off, it’ll be out of itchy curiosity.xx

Ar August 10, 2020 - 1:24 pm

There’s a lot of really useful information here caz, thank you for doing so much research! The whole thing is really stressful, especially living as an immunosuppressed family. Hopefully we’ll see some kind of improvement sometime soon, but I’m not holding my breath xx

InvisiblyMe August 11, 2020 - 4:58 pm

It really is very stressful, I agree. I’m finding myself getting so annoyed and angry with a lot of folks who aren’t taking it seriously, especially the ones that are quite insulting of those that actually wear masks, take precautions or who can’t go out because they’re vulnerable. I’m sorry you’re feeling similarly with the immunosuppressed family too. Hang in there lovely. This has to end eventually, we just need to ride it out until it does. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later…  ♥ x

Lindsay August 15, 2020 - 2:45 pm

Very thorough and well-researched post! The diagnostic COVID test is still very difficult to get in my area. They’re conducting 8,000-10,000 tests per day in my county, but you have to be very sick to get one. I have heard, locally, that the diagnostic and antibody tests are still fairly unreliable. That being said, I am still interested in getting an antibody test to see if illnesses I had earlier this year were related to COVID.


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