We’ve probably all been there, to some degree. Feeling we’ve been on a downward spiral, pushed to breaking point or close to the edge. These are the times that nearly, almost break us. But they are also the times that make us. Don’t underestimate the power for good from those darkest of dark days.
Those times haven’t broken you. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get back on track, the main thing is that you do. You keep going.
“Never quit. You can take breaks, you can pause, you can stop for a little while but never turn back, never give up. As long as you are moving forward, you are making progress, no matter your speed.”
― Avina Celeste
Inspirational quotes like these are more than just words; they can be powerful reminders to guide and uplift us when we need it the most.
Those times that almost break you can provide a learning curve from which to propel ourselves forwards. Maybe we learn something new, maybe it shows us a different perspective, maybe it teaches us something we already knew but haven’t fully appreciated before. We learn, we grow. We get stronger and more resilient even without realising it.

The bad times can make us question “what for?”. Because you owe it to yourself. You deserve happier days. You’ve come this far and you’ve overcome endless challenges and hurdles and dark darks before, just like you will this time and the next. And the challenges you face don’t just make you stronger, they can show you light and goodness, be a springboard from which to bounce back, at your own pace. It can lead to you having to find new paths to take as you readjust and face those challenges head-on. These are the times that make you. Look for the goodness you can’t see, keep your heart open & have faith in yourself.
Caz ♥
Wise words indeed, Caz.
What we go through is what makes us what we are. You rock in my book.
Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Big hug. ♥
Inspiring words…
If you’re at the bottom, the only place to go is UP. It’s like the song by Chumbawamba, “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down.” Learn from the experience, look outside the box. The main thing is to stay positive as you recover at your own pace.
Great advice to start the week Caz.
Beautiful post, full of wisdom.
Never looked at the good that comes from hard times. Thanks for giving me something to think about, Caz xx.
Fabulous post, keep strong all, don’t forget all the days that give you something to smile for – we have those as well.
Beautiful post. I’ve fallen down that rabbit hole a few times, and it takes all my strength to climb back up. We’ve all fallen, and climbed back up again. And you are right. Life is good, life is light and we are here for a reason. We all have a purpose. Wishing you a good week Caz. ❤????
Great post Caz and truly inspirational words. Been there several times. Last year being my toughest, which then I nevrr thought I come back from it, with all that was thrown at me. Including emotions.
I have come back. I am now tougher than before and I have aims that I have wanted to do, but more determined to try and achieve. I now need to stay at my game. X
Attitude is everything and I do like yours my dear.
I’ve always found that those times lead to lotsa learning. Although they don’t seem worth it, we can gain from them.
I hope you are doing okay now…
Sending sunshine and peace…
Love, light and glitter
Nicely said, dear. Sometimes we forget.
Words full of insight and wisdom Caz. I hope you are doing ok. Xx
Great post!! Unfortunately I’ve been in a situation where all I could see was darkness. But now years later I can look back on it as a learning experience. I don’t think I’d be the person I am today if I had not experienced that.
Well this post is indeed very timely! Hope you’re doing well lovely. Many Blessings, Grace. Xx
Sometimes I look back at certain things that I went through in the past and I wonder how I even did it, but now looking back at that time I can see how it was that very hard, dark time that I went through that brought me to where I am at today. Very wise inspiring post. Thank you.
Very inspirational words, Caz. We get knocked down, but we get up again. Always. Hope you’re doing okay.
I love this post. You are very wise my dear friend!
We grow much more during the hard times than we do in the easy ones. It’s never fun to go through those tough times, but if we can just keep going until we come out the other side, we’ll be better for having gone through them. Thanks for another outstanding post Caz!
Very inspiring post and gives encouragement to keep going in tough times!
Love your encouragement to trust ourselves — as well as to keep our hearts open — yes! <3
This is beautiful Caz. I often look back at some of my darkest times and wish that I would have believed that there was a lesson I had to learn and that the sun would come out again. Now when I have dark times I know it will pass and there is some lesson that I need to learn. Just flowing with life instead of kicking and fighting against what’s happening actually works out so much better for us.
Wonderful share! I would love to read this post again during tough times, so I’m bookmarking it. Thanks so much for sharing such an inspiring post.
I love your heart, Caz. Wisdom is one of those things in this self obsessed culture that has been lost. When you share these truths, you grace us readers with reminders to keep going – even when it’s too dark to see. I love that. It’s not easy when you’re in the thick of the battle and all you see is the problem. Finding a solution takes objectivity and when we are already overwhelmed, our energy is spent simply on keeping our heads above water. Terrible feeling it is!
I love your quote by Avina Celeste too. For some reason that quote brings to mind a person who is running at full stride but becoming more and more fatigued. Eventually, we can no longer run from our problems and fears but instead face them head on. There’s so much power in realizing that we can pause but the decision to continue and move forward is ultimately in our own hands.
You are such an encouragement dear friend. Please don’t ever forget that. Your voice has helped carry many people through some terribly dark days. Your love and empathy has been what made the difference. You know, I think it’s easy to underestimate the impact you’re having on other’s lives when sitting on the other side of a screen. Know this: your words on our screens have been catalyst for change, hope in darkness and a gentle embrace when compassion was needed. Thank you for being you! YOU are loved ???? ~ Holly
Another amazing post Caz. You really are an inspiration and thank you for being there through my dark times at the moment. It means the world to me and will help me get through the next few days/weeks. Xxx
Caz, I am so sorry for my delayed response. I must admit, you always have fantastic advice and I do try my best to follow your advice. Things lately have been so difficult and I often want to throw the towel in and give up, but I am too stubborn for that. Between being the only one in my house working, massive headaches, stress with insurance issues, stress from everything I am just exhausted with it all. I am trying to maintain and do what I can to keep life going forward, but continue feeling like things are never going to improve. Thank you for this amazing post Caz!!!
This is so true. It’s only after some of the worst times that you can appreciate the good ones. You’re always so positive despite the obstacles in life, I really admire that xx
Such a beautiful post. Thank You for these words! Cheers!!! And for whatever reason the “like” area isn’t loading….but I REALLY like this!!! ????❤️????
Wise and encouraging words that everyone needs at various times in life. Have a wonderful weekend????.
Very wise words, Caz! I know you are speaking from experience, but this is something we all need to remember!
So true!
This is definitely the mindset I’ve obtained during my recovery ????
Love this post! The words are just so true and an excellent way at looking at life. Thank you for sharing.
What a lovely positive blog! Sometimes I’ve used the phrase, ‘I’m broken’ when really I’m not. I’m a whole person. I dont need to be ‘fixed’ ❤ lovely words Caz
Coralle xx
Very well written post. Yes, we have to see for positive in most negative situations too. I have to grow up more mentally in this past 1 month and not get negativity eat me. Good reminders & good positive posts are so needed for all of us.
The like button didn’t load so I wanted to let you know that I really liked your post. It can be so hard to get through difficult times and this really helps.
I agree with everything about this post- and especially the last line about looking for “the goodness you can’t see”. I’ve come to realize that even in the very most challenging and painful moments of my life, there have been small blessings that have come along at just the right time and made things even the tiniest bit more bearable. And that knowledge always helps transform some of the sadness and frustration to gratitude. ????
I absolutely agree. I have had so many bad times but I always came out stronger. Everytime I spiral into my anxiety I know its temporary xx
Thank you for sharing your words with us! Yes, sometimes it is easy enough to become broken. I have been there, as well as trillions of everyone elses. I should start booking this year’s calendar, but I will be positive and not book it up, yet, with all my Nervous Breakdown appointments.
Also, I was looking for your Corona Virus post, again. I didn’t know we were supposed to stock up on stuff. I’m always the last to know what’s going on.
I have lots and lots of soap, and a weak amount of Hand Sanitizer. I need to get more tissue (tp), food, and bottled water. But, at least I have lots and lots of soap.
I hope this year is a brighter one. If it’s not brighter, at least it’ll be cleaner considering how much soap you’ve got ???? What’s the coronavirus situation like near you at the moment? Hopefully the supermarkets aren’t too empty so you can still get what you need. Stay safe and well ♥ xx
Caz, thank you! ???? I am not sure what the Corona Virus is up to, around here. I should check, though. When I went to the store yesterday, I saw toilet paper and housecleaning goods. So, I went to the candy section, and picked up some much needed Tootsie Rolls, instead. ????
You’re smart, Tamtamtamaaaara. Usually I have a reasonably stash of chocolate (I always stock up when something’s on sale, never buy at full price because I’m so tight). Now that the self-isolation ban is coming into place I’ve almost run out – typical! Enjoy the Tootsie Rolls!xx
Great post. Thank-you!