I just wanted to give a very quick update to apologise for the radio silence. I’ve been back to the glorious hospital by way of A&E. It’s getting a 0 TripAdvisor rating so I wouldn’t recommend it.
I knew things hadn’t been quite right for the last week or so, but I figured they’d sort themselves out. On Tuesday morning, it hit and it was excruciating. Same thing that’s happened various times before – my insides had twisted around themselves and that in turn messed up my stoma. I’m back home now and had the best shower, which was very much needed!
So much for bravery. I was bawling my eyes out on the day I had to go in. I was so damn desperate not to go. I waited as long as I could before I knew it wasn’t going to get any better. Sometimes these problems happen at home and resolve, other times they don’t. The last time was May that I went to A&E. This time, my body chose the one bloody heatwave in September to land me in the humid, airless hospital. I love the warmer weather. I just wanted to stay home in my Hello Kitty t-shirt eating ice-cream.
A&E IV Mishap
No selfies in the hospital. My face was just a state. I think the IV morphine did a number on my face making half of it lopsided.
Funny story, they gave me IV Buscopan at the A&E department (which I said no to but they gave it anyway) and it nearly gave me a heart attack. Heart rate shot up from just under 100 to past 175 and I felt my heart was going to rip out of my chest. That was pretty scary!
Misanthropic Medical Staff
I don’t understand how I can get so many borderline evil nurses. I had a few really nice ones in my local hospital prior to be taken to the next hospital. It wasn’t long before I was pretty much clawing at my skin desperate to get out.

I wore a new 3M mask into the hospital and asked them to please put it with my bag because I need it for whenever I go home. They lost it. I was challenged over something I said no to because I knew I was right, making me very upset. I asked I can’t remember how many times if I could get a glass of water to take the tablets I was given, but nothing came, then I get spoken to like a child for not taking them.
I had a nurse spill shit all over me, literally, and I came out of the hospital with no trousers. I asked for ice cream as I was told to try eating after two days no food, and a nurse threw a warm ice cream pot onto my table, so warm that it was totally liquid and it has started to separate with yellow clumps underneath. Oh yes, the joy of hospital trips.
I’ve had better and I’ve had a hell of a lot worse too from other A&E visits and surgical stays. What’s also a bit worrying this time was the state of the hospital. Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly “Covid-secure”. General hygiene was a problem let alone virus prevention.
I’m grateful for the handful of nice nurses, and the two really nice guys in the ambulance that I chatted to about rock music, Superwoman, the NHS and the best/worst hospital to land in when you’re sick. I’m not as grateful for the misanthropic nurses that are mean and make any patient’s stay more miserable than it has to be. If you don’t like people, why become a nurse?
A&E Closure
I live in a big University town. The hospital has an A&E department that serves lots of smaller towns in addition. The NHS trust has wanted to close the A&E for a while but after much petitioning they agreed to shelve the idea. Then covid hit and they had an excuse card to play. They closed it for 3 months temporarily, but it was closed before they claimed it had (I know because I turned up there in May!) and it’s now over 4 months, still shut. Word is they’re staying shut until next year but there’s no explanation given as to how this is a good idea.
My bet is that these sorts of decisions, much like reducing and removing painkillers, are made by people that don’t use the services and won’t be affected negatively by the fallout.
I went to my local hospital on Tuesday and the A&E was still shut. I was triaged, doped up on morphine, then waited over 4.5 hours for an ambulance to the hospital in the next city.
I’ve written back and forth to the NHS trust and have heard not a peep back about the closure of my local A&E. I’ve Tweeted, signed petitions. I’ve written to the MP. I suppose it doesn’t matter about the patients harmed in the interim, the ones going to the next city over and not making it in time, the ones lining up for hours to get an ambulance or be seen by a doctor.
Home Sweet Home
Rant over. I need to work on stressing less but everything seems to be going against that. I got home to hundreds of emails, lots of things I need to do, work to catch up on, grocery shopping I need to get for my folks, and I’m in so, so much pain everywhere. Hospital beds and the so-called ‘pillows’ are not comfortable, especially with things like fibromyalgia and nerve damage. I’m very, very glad to be home.
My folks came to pick me up and as soon as we got home I said “dad, wash your hands!” He actually laughed and said he missed that. He was getting annoyed with me over the months with nagging him to wash his hands and anti-bac everything because of the pandemic, so I imagine it was quieter at home without me saying that every 5 minutes.
I’m super happy to be home. But the joy from that feels short lived. I’m frazzled and I just want the world to stop for a minute so I can catch my breath. The problem is, the world doesn’t stop and there will always be a lot of things to do, there will always be the next challenge, those things we say to ourselves that “once we get past this/that/the other” we’ll do things differently. We’ll prioritise self-care, just as soon as we’ve got this other stuff out of the way.
I’ll leave my ramble here for now. I’m not sure if makes the slightest bit of sense but I wanted to quickly update everyone here as to why I dropped off the face of the earth for a few days. I did post on social media to say I was in hospital, so I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the lovely comments on there. It really does warm my heart, which is thankfully going at regular speed again!
I can’t imagine having to go back again but it sounds like this is just what it’ll be like because there’s apparently no way to stop this from happening. I can’t even think about that. It’s not something I find easy to accept. It’s a ticking bomb in my tum and you’ll never know when it’ll go off next. I wish someone would turn the music off in my tum so my insides would stop dancing. It’s tiring me out.
Are You Overwhelmed?
If you’re feeling super stressed and overwhelmed, now is the time to take a step back. Stop waiting to get past a certain challenge or to finish your your to-do list before you take time out for yourself. Now is that time to recalibrate. Now is that time to look after yourself and do some of the things you want to do. Now is the time to let go of the small stresses and things that don’t really matter, to focus on what does matter. Save your valuable, limited energy for what counts.
I’ve written this in a bit of a jumble so I hope it makes some kind of sense! I’ll hopefully be back to reading blogs & catching up with everyone soon.
I hope everyone’s keeping as well as possible. Sending lots of love.
Caz ♥
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What a saga! Glad you escaped in the end and that experience is over for you. I think whenever we go to hospital we’re already super stressed and when extra things go wrong it makes it just so much harder. I hope you’re on the mend now x
You’re right, we’re already in a bad way so any negative experience is just all the more awful and difficult to deal with. Thank you for the kind wishes. I hope you’re having a lovely weekend ???? x
I’m so sorry to hear you had another one of these darn hospital stay. I hope you can recover peacefully at home now xo
Wow! What a harrowing experience! Sorry for your troubles. So glad you are home!
Thanks very much, Benn. Me too! I hope you’re keeping as well as possible my friend. x
Caz, I feel so sorry to hear what you went thru. My heart aches for you. I sincerely hope, wish and pray for your health. Take care my friend.
That’s very kind of you lovely, thank you. I’ll be okay, I’m just super glad to be home! How’re you doing? I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend ???? x
I am well. Still getting the hang of the schedules after schools opened.
Thank you for asking Caz! you take care
I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this! I truly don’t understand why people choose to go into health care if they’re just going to be miserable towards patients.
Thanks, Ashley. I don’t get it either. It’s like teachers that seem to hate kids. It seems illogical! xx
Caz, SLOW DOWN! All that amtters is you and your family. EVERYTHING else will work it self out. The blog, comments, emails, everything can wait. Your health, your mental health, your rest and the destressing is what you need. Take all the time you neeed. Stress causes inflamation and you don’t need any more inflamation. Please take care of yourself.
Such a good reminder, thank you lovely. I’m trying to separate what I have to do, and what can actually just wait. There’s just so much that I do need to do, and then I feel guilty if I try to shelve anything else. I’ve done the super important stuff though so now I’m hoping to keep going with the rest of the to-do list but more slowly. You’re right about the inflammation with stress, so I know it’s an issue I need to work on! How’re you holding up? I hope you’ve been doing as well as possible this week ♥ xx
I could never understand nurses who are mean to patients. I was in the hospital a lot a few years ago, and this seemed to be a recurring theme. So strange. I’m glad that you’re home now and taking care of yourself <3
I’m sorry you had to experience similar, too. It’s so at odds with the profession, isn’t it? It doesn’t make sense. Thank you for the kind wishes lovely. I hope you have a great week ahead xx
Man, I am so sorry you are enduring all that. I am glad you are back home at least.
Thanks, Maranda. I’m glad to be home, too! I hope you’re keeping as well as possible this weekend xx
So, after your well deserved “rant”, if you will, you still have a moment to reach out to others in your closing paragraph. Amazing.
Aw, thank you for the comment. I always feel selfish doing update posts all about me, but I also want to let people know why I’ve not been around. I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend.x
Can I please copy and paste this?….AND hang these little notes all around her house!!!! Absolutely Amazing!
What a strong post! I love love love the ending. Those are very wise words and they also count for you <3
I’m better at giving wise words than taking them myself ???? I hope you have a great week ahead lovely! xx
I’m so sorry you had to go through this. It’s hard enough having disabilities and chronic illnesses, but when the things that are meant to help you and get things sorted are failing and falling apart, it tips you right to the edge. On my last hospital stay there were no pillows, there were patients on palliative care that had their heads propped up on blanket piles. It’s unacceptable and unfortunately only getting worse. Luckily someone brought up my pillows from home.
Take it easy, take some chill time. We will all still be here when you’re feeling up to it.
Take care.
It’s very disheartening, isn’t it? I’m sorry you had less than ideal experiences too. I was told, after asking for a different pillow, that they were ‘a limited commodity’. I used to have my parents bring me in a pillow too, because of migraines and nerve damage lying on the pillows in the beds there is torture. My folks are shielding but there were no visitors allowed anyway, so it makes it all the harder for patients now. I hope you don’t have to have any return stays in hospital, Gemma! Thank you for the lovely comment. I hope the week ahead treats you kindly.xx
Oh, sorry to hear that Caz, and your encounter at the hospital. I am happy you are back home to rest from all of this. Kisses, Svet
Thanks very much, Svet. I’m glad to be home, too! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend xx
Just tons of hugs, Caz—tons of them!
Annie xx????
Received with thanks, Annie! Hugs right back at’cha! ???? xx
I forgot to say how bad I feel for such a crapy experience. Nurses can be rather snippy. Take care of yourself. Everything will be okay as you said.
Thanks lovely ???? xx
Oh wow, I’m so sorry to hear about this experience, Caz! Gentle hugs xx Understandable that no selfie but know we love you!!
Definitely no selfie! I wouldn’t inflict that kind of mental damage on any of you ???? Thanks for the hugs, Christy. How’re you doing? I hope you’re doing as well as possible.xx
I am sorry for such experience. Take care Caz and Stay Strong ????.
Thank you, Anjali ???? I hope you have a lovely Sunday! xx
Dearest Caz, I am so so so so sorry for what you’ve been going through. I’m also ticked that you never showed up on my social feed, meaning I didn’t know you’d landed in hospital. Sorry my friend! ????
Words can’t express how it ticks me off to hear how poorly you were treated in hospital. It is a relief to hear that at least there were a few bright spots! Like you said – why would you become a nurse if you genuinely don’t like it? I’ve asked this and the response is typically, “job security.” (sigh) Gee, thanks a lot! So glad to know our care is in your hands. ????
I pray the screwy politics will cease and your local A&E will re-open soon. As you say, when you need a hospital FAST – what do you do? It’s much like rural communities in the US having little to no access to medical care. Lives really can be on the line. What a tragedy.
So glad you’re home, my friend. I know you are too. Hear me though: PLEASE go easy on yourself!! All of these to-do lists you mentioned, CAN WAIT. You are by far the priority here. All that other mess will still be there after you’ve gotten a bit of rest. Your blog, our blogs, social media and all of that — they can wait. We love you, care about you, and will always be supportive. If anyone has an attitude because you’ve been absent from posting or commenting — good grief, THEY are the ones who need a reality check. Don’t you dare put pressure on yourself for this nonsense. You hear me?!?
Stress is the very last thing you need right now. I know you already know this, but I pray you hear me and take your own advice. (Yes, I know, we are often terrible at this!) It’s true though — put yourself first right now. Do what you love, rest, and get some real living in. Sit outside in the garden, hug Virgil and read a book, whatever it is. Just do it!
I am sending my prayers, warm thoughts, and love to you. You matter, Caz. Don’t forget that! ❤
Awww Holly, it never fails to amaze me how kind you are and how lovely it is that you spend such time leaving awesome comments. Thank you!
It’s so strange with nurses that seem to hate people. It’s like teachers that dislike children. It’s so illogical. It makes an already scary and miserable experience for patients all the more awful.
I’m sorry there are so many communities in the US with little or no access to medical care. In this day and age, in a well-built country with money and technology and all the rest, it shouldn’t be happening.
I’ve got through a lot of the super important things I needed to do, so I’ll continue on the to-do list at a slower pace now. I can’t kick the guilt with not being busy and getting things done, it’s something I find oddly difficult. I also feel selfish doing these update posts about me me me, but I wanted to let people know why I’ve not been around and that I’m not ignoring them, honest! But I hear you. Less pressure on self. Yes m’am! Thank you again, Holly. You’re a gem of a friend. How’re you holding up? I hope you’re keeping as well as possible and having a relaxing weekend. Stay safe and switch off the news a little today if you can, there’s so much negativity and fear, it’s suffocating. I hope you can find small joys to enjoy and smile about today ♥ xx
Hah! Look who’s talking about spending so much time leaving awesome comments. I’d say that’s you! Not to mention the kindness, Caz. YOU are one of the kindest people I know, hands down. In all sincerity, I consider you a gem of a friend. Please never doubt that for a moment. It has nothing to do with what you DO or don’t do. It has everything to do with WHO you are. You are loved, you are good enough, just the way you are. Hit that pressure release value, my friend. You deserve it!
I agree with absolutely everything you said about health care, nurses, and the whole messed up bit. It is truly ridiculous and should never happen. (sigh) Sadly, I don’t think it’ll change because the ones with money and power at the moment seem to be terribly corrupt. So long as their pockets get fatter, that’s all that matters. ????
I get where you’re coming from about writing posts about yourself. Here’s the thing though — it’s not selfish. Every word you share is a word that makes someone else feel less alone. Just because you are sharing your story doesn’t mean someone else can’t relate. They can and they do! Just by being honest and real with how you’re feeling, you are changing hearts and lives. Never discount the impact you have. It’s immeasurably more than you could ever imagine.
Doing ok here. You’re so sweet for asking. I had to take a bit of a step back again. Emotionally, everything got so darn heavy. I kept feeling the atmosphere around me and it was overwhelming. Sometimes we simply need to step back, laugh like crazy, and just let ourselves be for a bit. You know? I pray you are doing just that! You and I will get together and have a good laughing fit sometime, hey? 😀
All my love and heartfelt prayers coming straight away…. ????
I echo what many have said regarding your horrible experience once again in hospital by staff who shouldn’t be working there, if they can’t give the respect and care a patient needs.
It’s bad enough with what you have, the worry of being in a medical setting and the pain, to have that also on top.
Certainly after all that, take the break you need. We’ll still be here.
Glad you are home. There’s nothing like home and your own bed. Xx
It’s awful to think so many patients have an even worse time just because of the staff, let alone the other issues around the condition of the hospital, lack of beds and all of that. Thank you for the lovely comment, Liz. I’m getting back to blogging today after trying to catch up on other things at home, I’ll just try to take things a little more slowly. I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend and that you’ve got some good DVDs to enjoy! xx
I’m glad you’re home, Caz and I’m sorry your stay was not nice in many ways. Sounds like you had some not very nice nurses. Shame on them. I wonder how they would feel if they were the ones in the hospital and getting such poor care.
I agree, live life to its fullest.
Sending you warm healing hugs and tons of prayers. ♥
I wonder that too, how they’d feel if the roles were reversed. Thanks, Sandee – I hope you & hubby are having a lovely weekend! xx
Aww, I’m so sorry to hear about your difficult time Caz. I hope that you are feeling better now that you are back home and able to take some much-deserved time for yourself. Wishing you all the best.
Gemma x
I’m super glad to be home! Thanks, Gemma – I hope you have a great week ahead! xx
Caz, you just focus on you for a while. Blogging, etc can wait. We’ll all be here when you’ve recharged. If there is anything at all I can do in the “virtual” sense to help you please let me know. You are always such a support to me, reading my blogs commenting and encouraging everytime. You are a special lady and I’m just so sorry you’re having such a tough time. Lots of love xx????
Aww that’s very kind of you, Sam, thank you. With all that you go through, I look up to you with your attitude and compassion. I sometimes feel the state of the situation, especially with the governments, healthcare providers, and so on, wears me down into someone that’s so negative and cynical and angry. I don’t want to be like that. I also think that it’s probably needing a break from time to time that helps us from getting too low in the negativity, so I’ll try to take things a little more slowly now. Thank you again, it really does mean a lot to me. How’re you doing at the moment? I hope you’re finding some simple joys to enjoy and things to smile about this weekend. Sending gentle hugs your way ???? xx
WOW. So sorry to read what you had to experience…when you are in the most need of kindness and care, this was completely unacceptable
It makes me worry for other patients, all the more during the pandemic when most can’t have any visitors. It just makes a bad situation even worse, doesn’t it? Thanks, John. I hope you’re keeping well, good sir! x
Wow. I got the message and although it’s hard to put in practice, it’s necessary to care for ourselves before our choices are made by someone else. Sometimes I find myself just petting my dogs knowing that’s the right thing to do regardless of any urgency I have constructed in my modern head.
I’m glad you have your dogs to help slow things down. I do think animals have this special power to calm and ground us, getting us away from the chaos in the world and inside our own heads. Thank you for the comment, Tim. I hope the week ahead is a good one for you ????
Rant as much as you want, Caz; I know there’s lots here on WP who’ll listen!
Yeah, hospitals can be frustrating places, for sure. I think I’ve experienced half and half. Half seem to know what they’re doing. The other half – well, it’s just a job. Sort of similar to other professions/institutions really. Even waitressing attracts real stalwarts and real unreliables.
Though, it’s when we feel at our most vulnerable, like when we are ill, that we need those stalwarts so much more.
Here’s hoping you are getting back to your normal, Caz.
I know your dad will be pleased. It’s funny the things (even so called irritating things) we miss when they’re not around. 😉 😉
I suppose it’s almost good in a sense that you’ve experienced kind, effective staff half of the time, even though surely this should outweigh the not-so-kind or decent nurses and specialists. You’re right though with comparing it to other professions. It’ll be a mixed bag. I’m hoping my dad has missed my irritating nagging a lot because I’ve not missed a beat with doing it as soon as I got home – The first thing I did was reach for the anti-bac spray! ???? Thanks for the comment, Carolyn. I hope you’re having yourself a relaxing weekend.xxxx
Oh Caz, I’m so sorry for all the shit you had to put up with. I’ve had lots of evil nurses in my life, so I know what it feels like. I’ll share it one day. It seems I’m not ready yet. That’s how traumatized I was.
If I could, I’d stop the world for you. Now breathe some. Don’t do anything, don’t think too much, just breathe.
Hugs from me, my dear.
Ugh, I’m sorry you’ve had the experience of too many nasty nurses, too ???? When you’re already vulnerable, poorly and in a total mess, it’s a kick when we’re down to have to be treated like that. It genuinely is traumatising. It’s why I was besides myself at the thought of having to go back in. If ever you want to share your story, I’ll be there to read it. But it’s something you do in your own time, if you want to. I hope you never have to go back to another hospital or be in the midst of such people again. Thank you for your kind comment, Bo. Sending lots of love your way xxxx
Sorry you’ve had another bad experience but glad you’re home now. I wish i lived closer to you so I could do your parents shopping for you. Would you like me to see if there are any local organisations like RVS that can help you out? If so just send me an email. Please take care xx
Aw Jo, that’s so kind of you. I really do appreciate it. I shouldn’t moan, and I don’t mean to, it’s just exhausting when sometimes you just want to stop, just for a day. I’m grateful that I’m here to help my folks with different things during the pandemic, and they’re there for me too, so I’m very fortunate. I can’t imagine what this situation would be like if I were actually healthy and living elsewhere, so I’m glad to be here to do what I can. Thank you again lovely. How’re you doing? I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend and enjoying a little of the September sunshine ???? xx
SO sorry for all this, Caz. I know it’s exhausting to be brave and exhausting to be told you are, BUT, you are. I’m so sorry you have to be, though. Hoping you’re through the worst of it and that home is bring some much needed rest and comfort. Sending strength and lots of love. ❤️ Stace
It is exhausting, and I’m sorry you know all too well what it’s like being sick. Thank you for such kind wishes, Stace. I’ve got through some main things on the to-do list so I’m trying to slow things down a little now. Sending lots of love your way & I hope you’re also able to have a restful weekend ♥ xxxx
I’m so sorry to hear about your hospital experience! No one should be treated like that. Covid has made things worse everywhere, but that’s still no excuse. Sending prayers for healing your way!
I think Covid is bringing the NHS to its knees, but it shouldn’t be like this and you’re right, there’s no excuse for the attitude of many of these ‘nightmare nurses’ that are like that any day of the week, well before the pandemic. Thank you for the kind wishes. I hope you’re keeping as well as possible, Ann ???? x
so very glad you’re home, safe & sound, dear Caz — here in US a&e means arts & entertainment cable tv channel lol — for whatever it’s worth, have read that stats show that most demanding patients, who take most charge of their health, are the ones who heal better. sending you my best <3
I’d prefer to be discussing a cable TV channel! I love the sound of those stats (I feel another blog post coming on ???? ) so I’ll have to Google that. Thanks very muchly, da-AL! xx
I’m so sorry to hear that you had to go through this ordeal! The NHS is spread so thin at the moment it’s basically translucent, but nobody deserves to have to put up with these things when they need care. Not surprised the IV morphine and hyoscine did a number on you! Hope you’ve had some time to rest up at home and recharge (with proper ice cream that isn’t basically a puddle in a cup).
Very translucent, it’s becoming like a net curtain for some people accessing NHS services. It’s worrying, isn’t it? I do think some nurses have an attitude or person-dislike issue prior to the current situation, which I don’t really understand. Why do into the job if you’re not keen on people? But it also means the nice nurses are super nice in comparison, so I’m even more appreciate of them! Thanks for the comment lovely – I’m definitely enjoying frozen ice cream now! Have a lovely rest of your week.xx
I am very sad to hear about your experience. My hospital experiences have always been good up to now, but my local hospital (A&E) is a rural one. Hope you can begin to recover soon.
I’m glad you’ve had positive experiences and I hope it stays that way. It’s always heartening when I read something like this, to know that there are good staff and decent hospitals still out there. Thanks for the kind words lovely xx
Always good to hear from you Caz. I think all nurses are good…until they are bad. It must be overwork syndrome or some such nonsense that turns some into fire breathing dragons. Praise the few good ones. The power of fate dictates that you will encounter a better experience if you have to go back, hopefully a long time from now.
So much to do..so little time. I know the feeling. Be well as can be. We have your back.
I wonder if it’s just the personality of some, a bit like receptionists. Some are wonderful but all too many seem to really dislike people in general. I’m hoping that better experiences are in the future too, Darnell! Thanks very much for your kindness as always my friend. Make sure you take care of you, too, Darnell. xx
Hi Caz! I’m so sorry to read about your ordeal. It sounds awful and I’m sure it’s going to take some time to recover from. Sending you spoons and healing vibes. Thanks for being so brave and sharing your story!
I certainly didn’t feel brave, but I’m happy to share my story because I’m sure many of us feel vulnerable when we’re poorly and all the more upset when we’re not treated well by those looking after us. Thanks very muchly for your kind comment ???? I hope you’re having a lovely week! xx
I’m so sorry to hear about this horrible experience but I sincerely admire your courage to share this kind of stories. I hope one day I’ll be brave enough to open myself up like you do. You really are an ispiration to me.
Take care, Caz! Hope you’ll feel better in no time!
I don’t know about brave – I certainly didn’t feel brave going into hospital but I guess it’s easier to share my story here, knowing that I’m not alone and I hope it can help others that feel so vulnerable when they’re unwell or who struggle with getting poor treatment from those that are supposed to be looking after us. I think you’re braver than you realise and you could share more of your experiences and thoughts if you’d like to but there’s no rush; only do so when you’re comfortable and you want to. I’m also always around if ever you want to chat about anything. Thank you for the lovely comment! Take good care of yourself ♥ xx
Ooof, why does it always have to go this way for you?
Sorry it was extra crummy on top of all the pain.
Glad you’re home. Rest up.
One time I end up in A&E I’m going to have a really positive experience and nobody will believe me! I’m always heartened when I hear that others have good experiences of hospitals, healthcare and nursing staff. It makes me know there are some good people and places out there. Thanks, Jay xx
Oh, Caz, your experience sounds awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of it. Are these nurses overworked and underpaid? But still, that’s no way to treat patients. Stress is a killer for sure, and we all need to find ways to destress. Take care and hope you’re feeling better. xo
I think sure, for some there will be so much stress and exhaustion on top of a difficult job but others..? I can’t help but think it’s a personality thing, and that makes me question why they’d go into a caring profession when they don’t really like people. It’s like teachers that don’t like children, it’s just odd. Thanks very much for the kind comment lovely. I hope you’re keeping as well as possible ???? xx
Charlee: “We’re very sorry that you had to go back to the hospital, and that so many of the workers had to make an unpleasant situation even worse.”
Chaplin: “Glad you are back home now! We are sending lots of purrs that you get to stay there. No more trips to the A&E for a long, long time!”
Lulu: “I’ll second those purrs with some tail wags!”
I’d much rather go to the harbour with Lulu!
Thanks very muchly guys – Hope the week is full of lots of mischief, tail wagging & snuggle time with mama and papa. x
So sorry to hear you’ve had such a rotten time 🙁 Stay home and stay safe!
Thanks very much, I’m super pleased to be home! I hope you’re all keeping as well as possible – lovely to see the latest photos of safe and happy reunions with owners, all the more so given the travel issues during the pandemic lately.xx
I hate hate hate that you keep getting mean nurses, as well as hate hate hate that you’ve had another hospital stay. Ugh.
I hate it too. I’d like to get a free pass for a toddler tantrum one day, just to roll around on the kitchen floor and cry about it! There are some good nurses out there, great ones even, I just seem to experience way too many of the opposite kind, which I don’t think I’m alone in. Thanks very much for the comment lovely. I hope you’re keeping as well as possible.xx
Wow! Take good care of you!
That must have been a terrible experience, especially in a pandemic. I remember a horribly painful time in Scotland with endometriosis and a botched surgery – I bawled too. Sending you a hug, Caz. K x