Laughter is good for the soul. If you’re struggling with pain/illness, things going on at home & the stress of everything in between, then now’s the time for a little laughter therapy. Enjoy!
1. A Baby Goat Pyjama Party!
Baby goats can be incredibly cute, so this is almost guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
2. Doggie Workouts
Getting fit for the New Year, golden style.
3. Toilet Signs With A Difference
A collection of naff weird & wonderful bathroom signs to welcome you to take a wee in style, collated by the Daily Mail.
4. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

5. What the..?
A collection of pointless inventions reported by the Daily Mail, with the whole collation found at WorldWideInterWeb here. A few examples shown here…

A few more funnies reported by the Daily Mail, this time from a collection that you can find on Bored Panda here. A few examples…

6. Ouch!
Sometimes you have to make light of the mundane things in this life, and this company did just that. I spotted this van recently and it’s too good not to share.

7. Nooooo

8. Gangsta Cats
Some of these are hard to watch without cringing. Cats really cat be pretty mean!

Caz ♥
If pet shops sell dog clothes there is obviously also a market for a goat pyjama boutique.
If I was the electricity meter reader I would so leave a note like that…
Hahaha! Made me laugh!
O-m-g baby goats at amazing!!!!! Tx for all the chuckles. I especially needed right now 🙂
Love the spider one – such professionalism.
Rofl. These really made me laugh.
Balls grinding, hahahaha.
The goose warning is hilarious! Thanks for posting, Caz, and have a wonderful weekend!
The goose warning is fabulous! And the gangsta cats are ,,,, well CATS!
Hahaha… I watched the ‘Gangsta cat’ video twice, Caz…. so, so funny!
Thank You for the great laugh..
I love this. You have me giggling this morning first thing. Excellent fun. Thank you.
January giggles indeed! Much-needed antidote to all sorts of dreary stuff.
Lots of good ones, but the doggy workout is my favorite.
The car park ticket barrier reminded me of a scene in Mel Brooks’ movie Blazing Saddles. All the worst desperados are speeding through the desert. Then one by one, they stop, in the middle of the wide open spaces, to dutifully insert a coin to get through the barrier and continue their rampaging.
Thank you, Caz!
Annie xx
HA! Loved it!!
Charlee: “Look, Chaplin, it’s a video full of cats who behave the way you do.”
Chaplin: “Oh come on Charlee, I’m not that bad.”
Lulu: “Uhhh I’ve seen you and yeah sometimes you are.”
Chaplin: “Pffft, what would you know about cat behavior? You’re a dog.”
You’re right, Caz! We do all need a laugh once in a while…at the very least. Thanks for providing it!
Thank you for this. But I now want a baby goat. Aren’t they so sweet?
Thanks for this, it made me laugh, and like you say, it definetely was good for my soul LOL
Ha ha ha! Thanks for the laughs 😀
Lots of super laughs! 😀
These certainly brightened up my day. Thank you! 🙂
Thanks for the laughs!! I love the goats! ????
Thanks so much for some good feels today Caz! I love those baby goats. I used to tell my husband that when we retired I was going to get a pet goat. Since we ended up living in the city, that’s not going to happen, but I sure do love seeing everyone else’s. Those cats were so mean – almost as mean as my parents’ cat.???? Thanks again for the laughs!
Lots of funnies, but the dog in the exercise class was my favorite.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
ROFL. Some great laughs here, but that cat video is hilarious!
Loved the dogs working out!
Hmm, odd! I could’ve sworn that I commented and liked this post already! It says I’ve done neither. (sigh) January must have REALLY started off rough, geez. I’m so sorry Caz!
I absolutely LOVE this post. You make me laugh all.of.the.time. We agree – laughter is the best medicine. Isn’t it amazing how much of a release it can be? How many times have we been down in the dumps and not realized just how low we’ve gotten until something hilarious makes us do a belly laugh? It’s like we instantly lose 10 pounds off of our shoulders. We need more of that, I think! ????
Those gangsta cats though — LOL!! ???? Even the still image for the video, hilarious. He looks like, “Go ahead – cross me buddy!” Haha. Cats are funny. We never quite know what they’ll do next. Makes life entertaining for sure!
Sending you all my love. I’ve shared this in hopes others will come and get their medicine too. 😉 ???? Holly
Thank you, I’m just sitting here trying to avoid packing.
Distractions are good at a time like this then! How’s it going? Fingers crossed everything’s going as smoothly as possible.xx
I’m kinda sad and all-the-way stressed. Trying to cheer myself up and look forward. Thank you for actually asking, Caz. xox
Aww Lorna, I’m sorry it’s getting so stressful. Make sure to take some of your own advice with making some time to ‘chill out’. It’ll all be worth it, and it’ll be a new start in a new place soon, just don’t break yourself in half trying to get there. Sending hugs xxxx
How did I not know about diet water? That’s why I can’t lose weight, must be all of that non-diet water I consume every day! LOL