It feels like it was only recently that we were talking about last year’s Wego Health Awards, but alas it’s here again – The Wego Health Awards 2021!
I’m very honoured that InvisiblyMe has been nominated in a few categories already, so I’d like to say a huge thank you to those nominating and endorsing me and other bloggers in this niche!
The Wego Health Awards 2021
Wego Health have been running awards since 2011. This will be the 10th annual awards this year ???? Wego is a massive worldwide, health-related platform and their awards are a fantastic way to connect people, share new content and acknowledge the work patient leaders are doing.
Nominations are open between 1st July to 31st July. You can nominate here. This means you can select a person you think deserves a particular award(s), and there are a few to choose from.
You can also endorse patient leaders, basically giving them a thumbs up for any award they’ve been nominated for. Each thumbs up endorsement counts, and it’ll show your support for that person and make their day.

A Blogging Journey
I never thought I’d last longer than maybe 3 months when I started this blog, so to still be running InvisiblyMe now is mind-boggling. It hasn’t been easy with chronic illness and pain that wears you down and leaves you so little time on any given day to even get the basics done, but the blog has given me some purpose and a sense of achievement. It has connected me to the world and kept me going even when my world got smaller and I lost so much.
I’m still not a big blogger with endless followers, but I do have a robust, reliable following and some awesome online friends as a result.
The chronic illness & pain community is absolutely amazing, and I hope others who sadly find themselves walking a similar path with their health in future will be able to find the warm community as I have.

What do I want to achieve with InvisiblyMe? I’d hoped to share some of my experiences, raise awareness of key issues, provide a little advice, encourage a community vibe, and spark a little inspiration.
I don’t know whether I’ve been successful with any of these. But I do know that it has been, and continues to be, a colourful journey. I try to support other bloggers as much as I can but I always find myself frustrated that I can’t do more because I wish I could. I’m so far behind all the time these days with being poorly but I try my best, and it’s a privilege to have this blog and be a part of this community.
Thank you to all who read, lurk, comment and share. Thank you to the support and friendship. I’m always open to ideas and suggestions for InvisiblyMe, and I’m just an email away if anyone needs someone to talk to.
★ ★ ★
Want To Endorse InvisiblyMe?
I hate writing these posts because I’m incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of asking for nominations or endorsements. But I also can’t not write this post, because I don’t want to ignore the fact that I’ve been nominated, which is super cool beans.
So, if you’d like to nominate me for a new award or endorse me for current awards (you don’t have to, so if you hate my guts then feel free to ignore this part) then you can do so here. To endorse, just click the thumbs up next to the award and complete the steps shown on screen :
Endorse InvisiblyMe – https://www.wegohealth.com/cazh/awards
You have until the 31st July 2021 to nominate/endorse. There are lots of awesome patient leaders to nominate and endorse, so please do check them out and remember that each vote will mean the world to them.
To old & new readers: Thank you, you rock!

Caz ♥
Fantastic! Congratulations!
Thanks, Benn, I’m genuinely thrilled! I hope you have a great week ahead ????
Thank you, Ashley, you’re awesome! ???? x
Nomination submitted. Good luck, Caz! ????
Aw that’s very kind of you, Paula. Thank you! ???? xx
Congratulations, Caz. I endorsed you in all categories. You rock.
Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥
That means a lot to me, Sandee, and that’s very kind of you – thank you! ???????????????? I hope you enjoy boating tomorrow! xx
Congratulations!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks lovely – I hope you have a great week ???? xx
Way to go! You got my vote on all categories.
That’s very kind of you – thank you muchly! ????
I hope the week ahead is kind to you! ????
Cool stuff!
Very cool beans indeed – it’s great to have something that brings bloggers and patient leaders together like this. Wego is a pretty amazing platform ????
Congratulations!!!!! So well deserved. I’m so happy to be able to endorse you, I’ve submitted the nomination. Thank you for all the incredible blog posts, you’re a shinning light. xoxo
That is such a lovely thing to say, Masha. And thank you for endorsing – I really do appreciate it, so thank you! ???????????? xx
Done. Good luck — you absolutely deserve to win!
Aw thank you very much! ????
I hope the week ahead treats you well! xx
A year already!! Wow, where does the time go?
Anyway I can’t think of anyone who deserves recognition more. You support so many people.
More than happy to endorse you. Good luck!!
That’s very kind of you, Liz. Thank you very muchly! ???????? xx
You’ll always have my votes Caz. I think you are simply amazing ❤
Coming from you, that is quite the honour! Thanks, Sam. You da best ???????????? xx
I will always endorse you Caz. You’ve done so much to shed a light on chronic illness and I just know you have helped so many people. Thank you !
That means a lot, Michelle, so thank you very much ???? I hope the week ahead treats you kindly ???? xx
You rock too!
Thanks dude ???? I hope you have a good week ahead!
Congratulations on your nomination. I wish you well and all the very best!
Thank you very muchly! I hope you’re keeping as well as possible ????
Charlee: “We endorsed you!”
Chaplin: “We put in Dada’s name because it required a name and we figured it probably had to be a human name.”
Charlee: “Of course, this means Dada can’t endorse you himself, but oh well.”
Lulu: “Hey … At least two of us have human-sounding names. Maybe Dada will go back and endorse as one of us?”
Chaplin: “Nah, he’s probably not sharp enough to think of that on his own.”
Thanks for the idea you guys!
Thanks you guys & Dada – I’m hugely appreciative of the endorsement! ???? I think you all have good hooman names, I’d at least open the front door to Lulu, Charlee or Chaplin. Maybe not Blue or Spigoli though ???? xx
Congratulations and done! Good luck. <3
We’re fairly new followers of each other so this is really kind of you, thank you muchly! ???? x
Congratulations. So well deserved. ????
Aw thank you lovely! ???? xx
Congratulations Caz! You deserve all of the awards you’ve been nominated for and more! Of course I endorsed you for all of them. You said your purpose for starting your blog was, “to share some of my experiences, raise awareness of key issues, provide a little advice, encourage a community vibe, and spark a little inspiration.” You definitely have succeeded in all of these categories, and I’m proud to call you my friend, even though we’ve never met. You should be so proud of yourself sweet friend!
Aww Terri, you are incredibly kind. I’m proud to call you a friend, too, and I’m very glad we ‘met’ in the blogging world. Thank you very muchly ???????????????? xx
I think I nominated you. At least I tried.
Hahah, I get like that a lot with things online these days, not fully sure if I was successful or not – I’m sure it would have worked so thank you very much! ????
Fabulous Caz, so deserved, I will pop over and also contribute to you ????
Aww thank you, Bar! I hope you’re keeping as well as possible ???? xx
Caz, congratulations on this nomination! It’s very cool, and you deserve all the accolades you get. I’ve learned so much here. I’ve also felt like this is a safe place for anyone suffering an invisible disease. Bless you. xoxoxo
Aww thank you, Kymber. That means a lot ???? Sending lots of love your way & to the family ???? xx
Brava, dear Caz! So well deserved. I’m about to go endorse you with pleasure and gratitude for all you do.
Annie xxx
Aww thank you, Annie, that’s very kind of you! ???????????????? I hope the week is treating you kindly so far xx
Thanks, Ann! ???? x
Hi Caz! ????
This is amazing news and many congratulations! ???????????? You are an incredible person and deserve all of the accolades.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
I endorsed/nominated you ???? Best of luck!
Awww that’s so kind of you, Genevieve, thank you, that means a lot to me! ???????????????? You da best! I the week is treating you kindly so far. xx
Many congrats Caz, I’ll definitely put in a nomination for you!
That’s very kind of you – thanks muchly! ????
Congratulations Caz! I have ‘thumbs’d up’ all your nominations 🙂 Xx
Naww thank you very much, Ami! ???????? xx
Congratulations! Well done! 🙂
Thank you kindly! I hope you have a lovely end to your week ???? x
Wendy, your nomination is so well deserved. Congratulations on this achievement.
It’s ‘Caz’, but I don’t mind a name change every now and then ???? Thanks very muchly for the comment! x
Congratulations! What an awesome honor! ????????✨????????????
I’m very honoured to be nominated, absolutely. It’s made my month – thanks, Kym! I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead ????
Congratulations on this nomination Caz! Your blog is truly inspiring and you do and amazing job raising awareness on chronic diseases. This is so well diserved! (I voted for you and I hope this comment finally gets submitted, I tried many times but for some reason it didn´t get sent).
Aww thank you so much for your kind words & for voting, that means a lot to me ???? Thank you also for persevering with the comment – I’m sorry you had trouble with that. What happened when you tried to comment, did an error message come up? Someone else told me they’ve not been able to comment either. Grr! Sorry about that, but this comment came through perfectly so thank you! I hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead ???????????? x
OK… Done!
You deserve all the nominations there are, Caz. Well done!
That’s very kind, Carolyn – thank you!! ???? I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead. When are you hitting the pole again? I think we need some photos or a video of this new adventure! xx
Thanks very much, Mark! ???? I hope you have yourself a great weekend ahead!
Warmest congratulations on your achievement. Well done!
That’s very kind of you – thank you for the comment! ????
Congratulations you really deserve this! I am a big fan of your blogs. Your blogs are truly inspiring. you do an amazing job. Keep up the good work and have great weekend ahead.
Aww that is very kind of you, Olivia. I really appreciate that, thank you – I hope you have a great weekend, too! ????
am overjoyed to know about & vote! sharing to all my social media – am wondering if this is the sort of thing where one can vote once each day?…
Aww that’s so kind of you, da-AL, thank you! I think you can only vote once per email account ????
You’re the best, thank you lovely ???? xx
my pleasure, Caz – btw, imho that’s more fair – my eyes were opened when a friend was competing elsewhere for something & turns out winners had folks vote for them daily for a month…
Well deserved! Looking at all these responses, I think it’s safe to say your blog has made a big difference!
Aww thank you, Linds! I hope you’re keeping as well as possible & that the week ahead treats you kindly ???????? xx
Congratulations Caz, you’ve got my vote! I’m new to blogging and you’ve stood out as being so regularly supportive of me and my posts so thank you, I really appreciate it 🙂 Lucy xx