As the anniversary of the second year with Covid came and went, the world is still dealing with the virus that has so markedly changed our lives. The knock-on effects, the distrust in governments, and the sheer loss has been monumental. As concerns grow over vaccine protection waning, the UK government and NHS have started a Spring Booster programme aimed at the extremely vulnerable. Here’s what you need to know about the 2022 Covid spring booster vaccine for the over 75s and immunosuppressed.
Why Is There A Need For A Spring Covid Booster Vaccine?
The vaccination programme in the UK has been reasonably successful, at least compared to the utter shambles of almost everything else our government has done throughout the pandemic. Worldwide, different vaccines have been used to protect the public and they’ve doubtlessly saved many lives. Unfortunately nothing is perfect and these jabs were rolled out as quickly as possible, so they’re not as effective as they perhaps could have been if scientists had years to improve them. Real world data is now showing that effectiveness wanes over time, with increasing numbers of individuals, especially the elderly and vulnerable, falling seriously ill once again despite prior vaccination. It’s now thought that within 6 months of the third dose, people are already losing a degree of protection that puts them at greater risk.
After over two years of Covid19 changing our lives and many of us practically putting our lives on hold, there’s still no sign of the virus disappearing. The good news is that vaccines have given us an edge by offering protection across the world, and it’s also heartening to hear that Omicron appears less potentially dangerous than the previous variants. Many scientists hope that as the virus continues to mutate, it’ll continue to get less vicious, but the truth is nobody really knows. It’s possible a new variant could prove to be more dangerous. The reality right now is that infections are soaring as the current variant is highly contagious and easily transmissible, and hospitalisations and deaths are likewise worryingly on the up.
Thus far in the UK, the wider population have typically been offered first and second jabs, followed by a winter booster in 2021. They’ll likely be offered another booster later this year for winter 2022. The vulnerable, being the elderly, immunocompromised and at-risk with underlying conditions, have been invited for the first, second and third primary jabs, as the first booster was considered a requirement of original treatment to get effective protection. This new vaccination is a spring booster for only the most at risk as deemed eligible by the government and NHS, with invitations starting to be sent out fro mid-March 2022 onwards.
The spring booster is hoped to top up the protection for those over 75 and those with a weakened immune system to help keep them safe over the summer. Many individuals who’ve been cautious throughout the pandemic had hoped to start living “normally” and getting back to life, but seeing the hospitalisations and deaths increasing, and knowing vaccines don’t equate to guaranteed protection, means there will be people still shielding or being particularly careful, still putting their lives on hold.
What Vaccine Brands Are Being Given?
The spring 2022 Booster brands of choice by the NHS are Pfizer (full dose) or Moderna (half dose).
Who Is Eligible For A Spring Covid Booster In The UK?
Please note this post is about the UK generally and the guidelines provided by the English government, headed by Boris Johnson. Keep in mind that all nations, including England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own policies and procedures in place and may differ slightly from what is here.
According to the English government, the Spring Booster is primarily for people aged 75 and older, those in care homes for older people, and those age 12 and over with a weakened immune system.
Unlike the original booster offered towards the latter part of 2021, the Spring Booster is more restricted in terms of eligibility.
Firstly, with the age requirement being set at 75 and above, which is higher than the 50 years cut-off for the fourth jab in the US.
Secondly, there’s no mention of carers, frontline staff in medical settings or NHS staff.
Thirdly, instead of the at-risk groups with underlying conditions being eligible, the current wording is simply “those with weakened immune systems”.
An NHS CCG website states that the ‘weakened immune system’ category here “includes those with underlying health conditions such as chronic leukaemia or lymphoma, and those who have had immunosuppressive treatment following an organ transplant or have had radiotherapy or chemotherapy.”
As a result, the spring 2022 Booster is predominantly for “those at extremely high risk”. It is to be given at least 6 months after receiving the last vaccine dose and is to help reduce the risk of Covid causing severe illness during the summer.
If you have Covid19 when your Booster is due, the government advises you should wait 4 weeks after infection before vaccination.
So what about those who aren’t eligible, including individuals with underlying conditions putting them at greater risk?
What About Those Who Aren’t Eligible?
All of those who are more vulnerable for any reason, such a chronic illness or learning disability or other underlying condition, may be wondering whether they’re eligible or not. Are people with other underlying conditions eligible? It certainly doesn’t sound like it, not unless the condition or your treatment suppresses your immune system. So why aren’t those who had the original Booster as a third primary dose also eligible for this one?
One theory (my theory) is that the government and NHS are cutting costs as they brush Covid under the carpet. The problem is that merely wishing it away doesn’t mean Covid is no longer a problem, especially as hospitalisations and deaths continue to rise in the UK and elsewhere globally. Individuals are dependent on the government’s say so here because vaccinations can’t be bought over the counter.
However, it might not be that black and white in terms of eligibility.
My mother had a heart attack recently. During an appointment with a cardiac nurse, she asked if my mum was up to date with all her vaccines. She said yes, and I dropped in a query about whether she’s actually eligible for the Spring Booster. The nurse was positive she would be as she’s in the high risk category with a serious heart condition (atherosclerosis, blood clot and heart failure). The nurse said she’ll be contacted in due course to book for her booster. I wasn’t so sure, not based on what the government and NHS have been telling us.
I’m a bit stumped, because heart damage is not the same as being immunocompromised. I asked another doctor about eligibility and they actually didn’t know, being rather confused themselves as to what happens with all those at greater risk with non-immune issues whose last vaccine will already be wearing out.
I called 119 to ask what those with underlying conditions in the general at-risk group are to do, hoping I could clarify the matter in this post for those needing an answer. Are the at-risk eligible for the spring booster, even if their conditions are not related to a weakened immune system? After going through 8 menu options and waiting a very long time for the advisor to enquire, the answer was… they don’t know. I confirmed, “so there is no clarification from the government or NHS about who is actually eligible for the spring booster?”. I was told no, they don’t know. The best he could suggest was to wait to see if you receive a letter or hope that in the coming weeks there is more information given as to who will be allowed to receive it.
We’re told not to enquire about our vaccines, not to ask our GP practice questions and basically just to wait. At least this time we can be proactive in booking an appointment before the 6 month mark rolls around, but the eligibility still remains as clear as mud.
In a nutshell, the question remains to be adequately answered.
This is not official advice, just my thoughts – If you have a medical appointment coming up, perhaps ask them for their understanding of the situation. You can wait to see if you receive a letter, and hope that the NHS provides further guidelines on eligibility soon. You could alternatively ask your doctor to write a letter that you could show the vaccine centre when you arrive. The best bet is probably to gather any evidence you have of the condition that puts you at greater risk, and hope for the best on Booster day. It’s not very reassuring, especially for those having to travel and aren’t well to begin with.
How Can You Book Your Spring Covid Booster?
There are a few ways to book Covid Booster vaccinations. Eligible individuals should be contacted six months after their last vaccination. However, another difference with the spring booster is that it appears you can go online to book prior to this.
As per the government website : “You may be offered appointment dates from 3 months (91 days) after your last dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But try to book an appointment around 6 months after your last dose to get the best protection from your spring booster.”
Essentially this means people can have more flexibility here with their needs and requirements. You could book earlier to get a slot that suits rather than wait far beyond the 6 months then face a delay with no availability as some had to previously.
The routes for getting your spring booster are as follows :
- Wait to be contacted by the NHS, either by letter from the vaccination service or through their GP practice
- Visit the NHS vaccine booking website. The quickest way is to input your NHS number, which should be on the top of any medical appointment letters
- Call 119 to book – Be prepared for a number of menu options and a potentially lengthy wait
Booking Your Spring Booster Online
When you book via the booking service website, it’ll ask you which dose you are trying to book: a booster for someone age 75+, a booster for someone with a weakened immune system, or “not trying to book either of those doses”. If you choose the third option, it’ll simply say you can’t book the vaccine.
High Risk Individuals : Guide To Booking Your Booster Online
> If you select to book as someone with a weakened immune system online, the next page tells you the eligibility criteria. It’s very wishy-washy, simply saying that you need to have a “weakened immune system” currently, or at the time your 1st or 2nd vaccine dose was given.
> It goes on to say that someone at the vaccination site will talk to you and check your evidence to ensure you’re eligible. You’ll need to take evidence that you meet the criteria with you to your booster jab, ie. of having a weakened immune system.
Examples of “evidence” for the spring booster include:
- A letter from your GP or hospital specialist asking you to get a booster for people with weakened immune systems.
- A medical letter that describes your condition or the treatment you’re on that causes you to have a weakened immune system.
- If your medication is what causes you to have a weakened immune system, such as is the case with the immunosuppressant Methotrexate, you could take your prescription paper or your medication box with your name and date of it having been prescribed visible.
> Below that is a small get-out clause : “If you think you’re eligible but you do not have a suitable letter, prescription or medicine box, you may still be able to receive your vaccination.” That doesn’t really tell us much, other than that we could book online and take our chances turning up, not knowing whether we’ll be turned away or not.
> After the eligibility guidance page, you’ll be told if you’re now able to book, which most likely will be the case. That just doesn’t mean you’re actually eligible as your eligibility will be decided on your evidence when you arrive on site.
> Next, enter your postcode to find the nearest centres. You can specify any accessibility needs, such as car parking, Braille, wheelchair access or sign language.
> It’ll then list the available centres. Choose one to book your slot.
I’ve found that the centres available this time around are very restricted. There was nothing in my town at all, and driving to the next city would mean centres without any parking, which isn’t very helpful. Hopefully over the next few weeks more centres will pop up.
★ ★ ★
Arguments over efficacy aside, the elderly and immunosuppressed may be reassured to know they can get a vaccine top-up to help protect them over the coming months as cases continue to rise.
Unfortunately, the scheme isn’t clear and individuals with underlying conditions that put them at risk may need to wait to see if they’re contacted or hope the UK government and NHS clarify the spring booster vaccination eligibility criteria sooner rather than later.
You can find out more in the Government’s Guide to the Spring Booster 2022.
Related Reading :
- Immunosuppressed & The Covid Vaccine – Where Can You Get An Antibody Test In The UK?
- What Covid19 Treatments Are Currently Available?
- Coronavirus Vaccination – What To Expect & My Experience
- Is The Covid19 Pandemic Increasing Your Stress Levels?
Caz ♥
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Hi, Caz.
Be careful with the mRNA “vaccines.” [link removed]
It appears to me that the main thing accomplished by the mRNA treatments is to get the populace to accept government orders; the same for lockdowns.
I am not opposed to “recommendations,” but a free people should be able to decide one-by-one what is best for themselves, and not be mandated by a disinterested government.
❤️&????, c.a.
I’m afraid I’ve had to remove the link. While I’m open to other views and insights, I won’t have misleading anti-vax propaganda here. This post is just to help alert those who are in need of and wanting the spring booster. It’s a personal choice. There’s no vaccine mandate in the UK.
It makes no sense for vaccines to have been created merely to get the populace to accept government orders. We already follow government orders in our day to day lives and the gov doesn’t benefit from having us be jabbed. It’s not even about the money made by vaccines, because the money wasted during the pandemic on other nonsense like track and trace has been far higher. Vaccines and lockdowns and masks etc are to help protect people. Sadly the UK government is sweeping it all under the rug because they don’t care about us or keeping us safe. Money will always come first for them.
Hope you’re wrong about the gov and nhs trying to cut costs. Immunosuppressed people must have the booster if they want it!
I hope I’m wrong, too. I think the tighter margins for eligibility are part of cost-cutting, because otherwise they’d offer it now to the over 50s and all with underlying conditions that put them at risk. That’ll cost a lot more moolah though. Everyone at higher risk should be eligible right now as a priority, as well as anyone wanting it that don’t meet these criteria (in my opinion).
You’ve done a great job of pulling information together here.
Thanks, Ashley. I was a bit peeved that I couldn’t actually answer the question I set out to answer though! It seems the criteria is pretty wishy-washy for the spring booster. Hope it’s clearer and also open to more folks in the US and Canada than ours seems to be so far ????
Hubby and I have not been vaccinated and don’t intend to. The government has no business telling us what we must do. Period. Reminds me of Nazi Germany…Where are your papers?
Very informative post as always.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Caz. Big hug. ♥
That’s fair enough – everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings on this, and I don’t think vaccines should be forced on anyone or mandated, especially when it’s clear these don’t stop many/any people from catching Covid and passing it on in the first place. But they could save a lot of lives, particularly those at higher risk, and make a potentially very serious virus less dangerous. x
I agree with your theory – the government is cutting costs as they brush Covid under the carpet. I’m sure the NHS would rather offer the vaccine, but they’re forced to cut costs thanks to our wonderful government.
The right hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Nobody knows exactly who should and shouldn’t get this booster. What we do know is that since everything was ‘brushed under the carpet’, hospitals are full, schools have less pupils and teachers and so many works can’t function because people have covid. Even British Airways had to cancel flights.
It’s such a mess, isn’t it?
All that aside, you’ve done a brilliant job with this by providing people with such helpful information.
I hope your Mum is recovering well.
Liz x
It seems money and political gameplay are the only reasons for anything in our government, not the consideration of their people, not to help or do the right thing. There’s such a stark lack of common sense being applied in what feels like every area that you just want to scream. How is it all carrying on? I can’t quite believe Boris and the conservatives are still there, making out like (or worse, actually believing) they’re doing a great job.
I’ve seen today more messages from the NHS for people not to go unless they’re dying, asking for family/friends of a patient to take them home even if they’ve got Covid because they need to free up beds etc. What a shambles. And it’s the general public that will suffer, physically and emotionally and financially as we pay for their mistakes and failings.
I was disappointed I couldn’t answer the question of who is actually eligible, but I thought I’d raise it here for those who perhaps hadn’t thought about the spring booster yet or who don’t know what the process is this time around.
My mum is doing a bit better, thank you for asking. Still early days I think, a fair bit of breathlessness, poorly some days, on so many meds that she rattles when she walks, and we don’t know the full degree of heart failure yet, but I still thank my lucky stars each day because it could have been so much worse.
I hope you & hubby have a lovely, relaxed weekend, Liz ???? xxxx
Hubby has had his message today. I’ve a few years to catch up on him yet 🙂 great informative post as usual Caz x
That’s fantastic, I’m glad he’s already heard about his. I hope it goes well and gives him the best protection possible when he has it ???? x
Its worrying I think the government is continuing to fall apart when it comes to – well, Governing – God help us cos they probably won’t! My neighbour has caught it, n=and she has underlying conditions – this never should have been allowed to go through the general populace IMO, track & trace & isolate, but that boat has long sailed . .
I agree with you. It’s worrying, isn’t it? I’m sorry about your neighbour – how’s she doing now? I remember at the start of the pandemic, the UK gov wouldn’t tell us where the first odd case was. Just a general area, but nothing else; they said “oh well we’ll be contacting anyone they’ve been in touch with”, and obviously that’s not good enough. Meanwhile, they allowed everyone to come through on planes and such from key countries with the virus, with no testing or isolation whatsoever. We then pay the price for that. You’re right, the boat has sailed. The question is, how do we move on from here, especially those concerned about catching it or at risk of serious illness. Society and the gov has moved on, but they can’t. xx
The COVID vaccine is the only one that requires frequent booster shots. That tells me that the vaccine does not work. All organisms adapt, mutate, and evolve, yet we aren’t told to get the flu vaccine and then a booster. To me, there’s something fishy with all of this.
Yeah, that’s what I mean about these not being hugely effective and how it could have been different if scientists had years to develop a vaccine. With something that mutates and changes, like flu, we do need more than one jab (ie. every year), so it’s similar to that and yet isn’t stopping all that many from still catching Covid, even after three vaccinations. I was fine with the first three vaccinations, but looking at the fourth within a year is a bit disconcerting. All we can really hope for – hope – is that it blunts the experience and stops Covid from being severe enough to harm your health, hospitalise you or kill you. x
Hi, Caz,
I am not anti-vax, as Anita and I have both had two shots of the J&J vaccine, which is a traditional adenovirus vector and not mRNA. You may want to read up on the invention of the mRNA “vaccines” by the guy who came up with this technology. And Bayer’s head of pharmaceuticals, the link you removed is not anti-vax either. He just objects to the idea of calling a gene therapy a “vaccine.” More about this in email to you.
And I agree wholly that the main issue is money. Investigations are beginning on Fauci here in the US and his tangle of ties to Pfizer, the main proponent for the mRNA treatments that he concentrated on.
❤️&????, c.a.
That’s fine, C.A, I just don’t want the links on here, that’s all. At the moment, at least we have something that can blunt the effects of Covid and hopefully – hopefully – prevent enough people from getting badly ill or dying. There is of course always going to be dodgy political and financial dealings, but these vaccines are all we have at our disposal other than masks and hiding away from society as we try to stay safe. This thing just seems to be endless, doesn’t it? I can’t imagine how all those desperately trying to stay safe can keep going like this forever as it is affecting many at risk individuals mentally and physically, while the risk of Covid comes with a potentially larger but unknown physical risk. x
Well done as usual, Caz. Disappointing to find some misleading views by your commenters, though, and I agree with your responses. People who don’t understand how long and deeply mRNA has been studied weigh in without sufficient info, and it’s sad to me that Anthony Fauci, who has had an impeccable reputation for decades, has been the focus of attacks based on blatantly wrong information.
Sure, money is always a factor, and your suspicions about NHS policy are probably well-placed. In the US, the politicization once again threatens us, I fear, as the Republicans will not allow the expenditures necessary to prepare for subsequent waves that many experts believe are inevitable.
I hope your mom and you and everyone else who needs the extra vaccines will be able to get them.
Thank you, Annie, I really appreciate your comment. Notions bordering on conspiracy theories, incorrect information, and judgements based on faulty thinking are going to run rife on contentious issues like this, sadly. I’m sorry it’s a similar situation in the US with money coming first over protections for the people, which is as heartbreaking as it is hugely infuriating. The UK government decided just to brush it under the rug and now society out of home has largely gone along with it, acting like normal. That’s fine, except for all those who are concerned about Covid or are at risk, etc. They don’t have a buffer to protect them and even when it comes to vaccinations and treatments and medical care, too many are not going to get what they need, when they need it. Oh if only we could have people with intelligence and compassion in politics for a change! xx
Really appreciate the wealth of information that you have collated here, so much so, I have bookmarked it in with my CDC/WHO articles.
What I wanted to highlight is that there are 4 nations within the UK and we all have different rules on Covid. Here is Scotland, we still have mask restrictions, and that decision is nothing to do with the UK Govt. Similarly, our Health service and the decision makers on who is eligible for Boosters is separate from the English Health service/NI/Welsh Health service. Very much political point scoring rather than people helping. At least you have tried to create a clear path to getting the help that a lot of vulnerable people need to stay safe. Thanks again, Steve
You’re absolutely right, Steve, the different nations do have all different rules. I actually started this post broken into areas, but it got so complicated that I thought it might lead to more confusion than not, especially as it’s hard to get the full details on anything because the government and NHS haven’t made things clear ???? I’ve just added to the post to advise nations have different guidelines and procedures in place. I agree, politics, money and saving face have more to do with decisions during this pandemic than care for people and lives.
Hi Caz,
Here in Australia those who have had their booster shot (third vaccine) are now eligible for the fourth vaccine. Not an eligibility concern here; anyone who wants it can have it providing it has been four months since their third shot. One rule for all…..
Hope you are faring well
Wow, I hadn’t even realised that, Carolyn. I really should see if I can move in with my aunt, uncle and cousins in Oz! I think that’s a great route to take, offering it to all who want it. It’s reassuring to know that some governments do try to do the right thing by their people. xx
Once again, you’ve brought all the important information together in one place, and that is so useful. I only just got my booster, but I’m going to check into the fourth vaccine in my area.
Thanks, Kymber, I hope this could help someone in some way, even just to make them consider whether they want the next booster or to speak to their doctor. I’m glad you’ve had your booster now & I hope it gives you the best protection possible ???? xx
My husband just got his second booster, and my mom will get hers soon too. I’m going to wait until I am six months out from the first booster before I get my second one. I’m glad the US is letting anyone over 50 get them, and I wish the UK was doing the same thing. I’m also glad that you’re taking the time to explain the process to people, as it sure can be confusing. (Like the original roll out of the vaccines in the US…very complicated!) Take care!
I’m really glad your hubby as now had his second booster. I wish the UK government gave more thought to compassion and keeping people safe, rather than political games, saving face and saving money. Those over 50 should be offered it and all those with underlying conditions that put them at risk, it’s crazy that they’re not. At least offer them to those that want it, especially as not everyone will take it up anyway. Thanks for the comment, Ann. I hope the booster gives hubby & your mum the best protection possible ????
Lulu: “Our Mama and Dada are eligible for another booster here, but they’re going to wait a little and keep an eye on this new variant and then go get boosted when cases start to rise again. Which they probably will …”
Sounds like a plan! ????
I don’t think it’s a matter of “the vaccine doesn’t work”. Given the massive number of infections worldwide, which provide the virus with incredible opportunities to mutate, it’s hardly surprising that boosters are required. You get a flu shot every year because the flu mutates as it spreads; with COVID, we’re probably going through the equivalent of an entire flu season every few months.
Absolutely, it’s not surprising either that with different variants, a vaccine may work more or less effectively than with other variants. It’s a shame it’s not more long-lasting, but that’s exactly why I think people need to be aware of that because these boosters may be needed, especially for those at risk, to keep them safe. It’s reassuring too that there are now treatments available, albeit limited and people need to meet criteria here in the UK to be eligible (sigh) but it’s better than nothing. We’re in a better position now than at the start of the pandemic because of the scientists making these potions, and for that I’m very grateful. More people will have a lesser infection or will have their lives saved as a result ???? xx
(BTW, I understand that you are not personally making or espousing the “the vaccine doesn’t work” position!)
I have to make a correction, Caz.
Those over 65 or of Aboriginal or Torres Straight peoples, health care workers plus those immunocompromised aged 16 years and older are the first eligible for the ‘winter booster shot’ (fourth shot) from mid to late April.
Here’s a little excerpt from our Government website:
“COVID-19 booster vaccines are not mandatory, however if you are eligible and have not had a booster dose more than 6 months since your second dose you will no longer be considered up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations (overdue).”
So yes, come live with your rellies. Sending hugs!
Ahh so there are restrictions there, too. I wonder if the “immunocompromised” there also includes those at higher risk (ie. lung problems, without being specifically immune system weakness)? I suppose they might also offer widespread vaccinations to everyone else later in the year like the UK and probably the US will. Thanks for the info, Carolyn! xx
Wow, Caz. My mind melts these days over all this. I’m sorry You are not getting clear answers about Your mom. I hope either the letter Y’all need or an answer comes soon!!! Thank You for this. Sending so much Love and Huge hugs Your way!!! ????❤️????
Thanks very muchly, Katy! I’m disappointed I couldn’t answer the question because a lot of people will be in the position of being at risk but without a specific immune weakness, so hopefully there’ll be clarification soon. Sending lots of love, I hope the week is treating you kindly so far my friend ???? xx
Due to my previous job, I was one of the first batch of people to have my covid jab back in December 2020 and it is now 6 months since I had my booster (3rd jab), which worries me slightly. My Dad (in his mid-80s) had his 2nd booster (4th jab) a week or so ago, yet there’s no sign for me.
It’s confusing that they’re changing criteria in a way that doesn’t make sense. I suppose they’d say for those jabbed because of their job is that they’ve probably still got some degree of protection and would be okay (presumably) if they catch Covid. It doesn’t work like that of course. Nor does it for those with underlying conditions rather than an immune system weakness. I’m glad your dad has had his spring booster now and I hope it gives him the best protection possible. I think if you don’t get invited, the only way around it is to speak to a medical professional and ask, if they agree you have a need for the jab, if they can write a little letter you can take to a vaccine site ????
Caz, sifting thru the info available I couldn’t state categorically a yes or no to your question. “I wonder if the “immunocompromised” there also includes those at higher risk (ie. lung problems, without being specifically immune system weakness)?”
Here’s the latest update – 7 April 2022
(An additional booster dose is currently not recommended for people not listed above [those I mentioned in the last comment] as there is not enough evidence of the benefits of this dose. This includes people younger than 65 years with medical conditions that may increase their risk of COVID-19, people with disability and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recipients who are not in residential disability care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 to 49 years, workers at healthcare or residential care facilities, or younger healthy adults. This advice may change as more evidence emerges.)
It’s certainly a mind field for some. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!
as always, tx for publicizing great info, Caz. my household has had all 3, now readying for #4 🙂
M pleasure, Caz!!! You know, soooo many people are running into dead ends where answers about ANYTHING Covid are concerned. I myself had quite the runaround a few months ago. I wanted to know something and searched online to no avail so I went, in person, to the health department which sent me to the hospital which sent me back to the health department. No answer. I kept asking if there was anyone I could call. A website I could search. Nothing. Eventually I spoke with a pharmacist who just shook his head when I asked him the question. He said, “I’m gonna be honest with You: No one knows. Period.” So…..Your diligence and passion to keep everyone informed is amazingly beautiful and it’s probably understood by everyone who reads You that if there’s an answer out there….You are the one who will find it!!! Thank You for caring so deeply about everyone. And Thank You!!! I hope the week is treating You kindly as well!!! Huge hugs, beautiful!!! ????????☀️????????????
Hey! I wrote a response but I’m not sure if it posted…so just gonna say briefly here (so I don’t repeat if it shows up!!! ????) it’s always my pleasure, beautiful!!! And Thank You! I hope the week is treating You kindly as well! And I know it is SOOOO disappointing to not find answers, but You ROCK!!! I have also run into some odd dead-end-you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me NO answer there Covid circles. It’s so frustrating. Maddening and scary at times. Your passion and devotion to be of help is an amazing gift!!! ????????????????????