As it’s World Book Day – March 1st 2018 (don’t get me started on where the past two months have gone…) – I wanted to do a bookish post to celebrate the joys of reading.
I thought I’d do a quick update on what I’m reading at the moment in case anyone has read any of these, or perhaps needs a little inspiration for something to check out. Reading is a comfort and respite for me, and it’s even more appealing to snuggle up with a good book at the moment given the bitterly cold and snowy weather right now. So, what am I reading?
The Favourite Author Pick
This is the newest standalone novel from Karin Slaughter – The Good Daughter, which I’ve just finished. I’ve loved her books in the past & find her to be an excellent author with a confident, intelligent & authentic writing style that you can’t help but find yourself becoming absorbed in. The Good Daughter was more of a mystery drama in some respects, focusing on the characters that were brought to life with depth, intermingling with this legal proceedings, murder, tension and emotion aplenty. The way in which the book was laid out, showing us bits and pieces of the puzzle from past and present times, made it gripping to read as I was kept hanging to see how things would turn out. It’s one I’d definitely recommend to Slaughter readers and fans of the crime / thriller genres.
The Bookclub Pick
Next up is my current read, which was selected by Nat for her Surviving Life Book Club. This one is actually from the author behind the TV-inspired Big Little Lies, which I loved. The Husband’s Secret – Liane Moriarty. I was a little late to the party getting this one in terms of the bookclub but I’m curious to keep reading, as straight away it’s making me question what’s really going on. This seems like quite a popular book at the moment, so I’m hoping for good things!
The Book With-A-Difference Pick
Then of course I’m dipping in and out of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck, which I’m finding as entertaining as it is a breath of motivational fresh air.
The Psychology Pick
I’ve also picked up a copy from the library of Man’s Search For Meaning by the psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl. This is an incredibly well regarded piece, considered to be a memoir of life during Nazi Germany times. It’s about coping with suffering and finding meaning in it as it’s an unavoidable part of life. I’ve learned of his work previously, including during my Psych degree, so I’m keen to take a look at his work in more depth.

What are you reading at the moment?
Caz ♥
Happy reading!
Thanks! Are you reading anything at the moment, Ben? 🙂
There’s nothing like a good cup of coffee or tea and a good book. Enjoy.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Oh yes, can’t beat that combination! Thank you – you have a lovely day too, Sandee, and thanks for stopping by 🙂
There’s nothing like a good read, I havce recently read City of Friends by Joanna Trollope and Miss You by Kate Eberlen, both fab reads. I am now reading some oldy worldy book about a young Yorkshire midwife, a bit of escapism which is great.
I hadn’t come across either of those authors – Trollope or Eberlen – so I’ll have to make a note to check them out! Thanks for the comment Suzanne – Enjoy your Yorkshire midwife read & stay warm! 🙂
Caz xx
Thank you so much! I love mystery murder books! I have been waiting for a book by one of my favorite authors to be released at the end of April. It will be the 18th book in this series and I am SO addicted!! I am going to check this book out you have recommended. Happy reading sweetie!!!!
Which author is that? You’ve made me curious! I love it when you find a writer that you love, that you can pick up a book by and just know you’re going to enjoy reading it 🙂
Hmmmm, they all look grand, Caz. I am reading Oola for Women and The Copywriter’s Manual. But it’s time to pick a fun book, Patterson, Allende, Roberts… oldies but goodies! (I recently helped my Mom clean out her bookshelf, we were crazy readers and now I have many of the books I read as a teen.) Maybe I should pick something a bit newer? Decisions. xo~Kim
Not come across Oola for Women but I’m intrigued! I had a run of Patterson books not too long ago, they do get addicted! I think rereading a book from your teens would be nice for the nostalgia. Depends what kind of mood your in and what genre you fancy. Good job there are so many excellent writers out there to keep us busy! Enjoy the reading Kim 🙂
Nice picks! I’m currently reading The Disaster Artist, which is about the making of The Room, a really weird and bizarre movie haha!
I love Frankl.
His work is pretty damn interesting!
They all look great! I’m about to start the next bookclub pick – The Night Circus – and I’m also reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which is meant to be a classic, about growing up there in the early 20th century. Enjoying it so far! Xxx
I’m so far behind – I’ll have to see what The Night Circus is about.
Will have to check out A Tree Grows In Brooklyn too as that could be a good pick for my mum for mother’s day – enjoy your reading, Jen! 🙂
Great list!!! Another reminder that I should read more 😀
Glad you liked the book picks – hope you manage to find a little time to read more soon 🙂
I haven’t heard of Karin Slaughter’s books – I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled on my next trip to the library! I’ve had a few duds recently, but I did enjoy Clare Mackintosh’s second thriller, I See You.
I don’t think I’ve read that one, I’ll have to make a note of I See You to check out in future! Karin Slaughter is definitely an author I’d recommend if you like crime thrillers as she has an excellent writing style. Thanks for the comment, Rosie, have a great weekend 🙂
I love seeing what people are reading 🙂 Book love!
I love seeing what others are reading & have on their to-read lists too, it’s fascinating. So many great books out there! 🙂
I’m between books right now, but the title of your PSYCHOLOGY PICK (“Man’s Search For Meaning”) reminded me of one of my I’m reads titled “The Meaning Of Human Existence” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edward O. Wilson. I’ll quote a few sentences from the book to give an idea of what a potential reader can expect:
“The greatest contribution that science can make to the humanities is to demonstrate how bizarre we are as a species, and why.”
“The humanities treat the strange properties of human nature by taking them as “just is.”
“The meaning of human existence cannot be explained until “just is” is replaced with “just is, because.”
That sounds like an interesting one, definitely a book I’d like to check out – thanks for the heads up! The title actually rings a bell, but not with Wilson’s name so I’ll make a note of it. Thanks for taking the time to share the snippets, too! 🙂
CORRECTION: There’s a typo in the first sentence of my previous comment: “one of my I’m reads” should be “one of my RECENT reads” — sorry about that! My mind must be dizzy from being compressed “between books” – ha ha.
I just finished The Husband’s Secret (we’re in the same book club!). Man’s Search for Meaning is my favorite book. It’s a depressing read, but beautiful.
Did you find yourself a little confused at first with the different storylines and characters? I’m having to keep reminding myself who’s who! But I’m definitely curious as to where things are going… I think Man’s Search for Meaning should be one of those ‘must reads’, it’s such a poignant piece (and I’m surprised I haven’t read it in its entirety yet, which is why I’m rectifying that now). Thanks for sharing Lindsay – enjoy your reading! 🙂
The last one on your list sounds particularly interesting. Will have to put it on my list!
If you do get around to reading it then I hope you enjoy it, it’s definitely one worth having on your list! 🙂
Ohhh the husband’s secret looks good- I looveeee psychological thriller/ suspense books lately. I just finished ” the marriage pact”- highly recommend except I didn’t love the ending. Now I am reading ” All the ugly and wonderful things,” which I am hooked on already.
Just finished The Husband’s Secret – I’d say it’s more of a drama, but an interesting one as it unravels bit by bit (just took my awful memory some time to keep up with who’s who!) Will add The Marriage Pact to my list as I’ve seen that around before, and bear in mind the ending may be a bit annoying! That last one, All The Ugly And Wonderful Things, isn’t one I’d come across before though, will have check that out, thanks – enjoy it! 🙂
I love reading posts like this and having a nosey at what other people are reading 🙂 I’ve recently been recommended the last book in your list, too, but I’ve not got around to getting hold of a copy of it yet. I’m interested to hear what you think. My sister is a fan of Karin Slaughter….that sounds like a good read, too.
I love having a nosey at what others are reading too, it’s a good insight into people and a place for inspiration for what to read next! The last book that you’ve tried to get a hold of – you mean Frankl? You can also get it from The Book Depository fairly cheaply (brand new for less than what you’d pay second hand on eBay with most sellers because they offer free delivery). Linky is here (it’s affiliate linking, sorry) – https://www.bookdepository.com/Mans-Search-For-Meaning-Viktor-E-Frankl/9781846041242/?a_aid=invisiblyme
Karin Slaughter is fab, I loved the new book of hers so I’d definitely recommend that if your sister hasn’t already read it 🙂