Home Lifestyle 5 Warming Foods For This Winter

5 Warming Foods For This Winter

by InvisiblyMe
A photo with a white background and red and green chillis lying flat as one of the warming foods listed in the post. Overlaid is the title : 5 foods to warm you this winter.

I’d like to share a guest post today on 5 foods that could help you stay warm this winter. As someone who struggles with the cold, and I know a lot of you probably do too, I thought it was pretty interesting read! When you start to feel the chills, try chowing down on some of these warming foods.

Warming Foods To Keep Toasty This Winter

As winter approaches, there is need to keep handy those foods that keep you warm. As the temperature begins to drop gradually, dressing up in warm jackets, gloves or hats and sleeping in cozy blankets won’t completely solve the problem.

Eating the certain variety of foods like whey protein isolate would be effective, so you should continue to eat foods that keep you warm and disease free. Also take hot drinks like hot chocolate, coffee and tea. To perform better, live happily, productively and healthily you need to eat quality foods this winter.

In this article, we are going to talk about 5 amazing and proven foods that will boost your immune system and keep you warm this winter. These warming foods have been severely tested and proven to be highly effective for your consumption this winter. Here are the details:


Ginger is a magical root you can add to your cup of tea in the morning. It is powerful, besides keeping you warm during winter, it has the capacity to keep you free from various kinds of diseases. Are you suffering from cold weather, are you affected by cold or flu? Then try steaming a cup of ginger tea. To reap the huge benefits in it, you can add it while preparing your favourite meal or soup. 

People are happy with ginger because besides keeping your body warm, it also helps in boosting your digestive and immune systems. You can grind ginger and drink it with hot water, or use it in salad dressings such as baked goods and ginger carrot soup.


Drinking steaming glass of turmeric milk has the power to make the flu to go away. Turmeric is another powerful food that keeps your body warm during winter. In many Indian homes, turmeric is a must-add to their daily curry or meal. Indians love turmeric due to its nutritional benefits. Thus if you are feeling cold, you can simply add turmeric to your diet to feel better and stay away from venereal diseases.

Green leafy vegetables

During this beautiful winter season, make sure you take green vegetables  that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as fenugreek (methi), spinach, mustard, green beans, turnips, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes etc.

They help in boosting your immunity and keeping you strong. You need green leafy vegetables because they are made up of amazing vitamins and flavonoids that keep your body in shape, more productive, active, fine and fit. To boost your energy levels, ensure you take green leafy vegetables this winter.


Cinnamon is a good food that aids in drying dampness in your body and keeps you warm. It is an excellent digestive and antiseptic tonic.

Several sticks of cinnamon on a white table.

You can use it to boost your immune function. You need cinnamon to treat joint pains and warm the extremities that usually gets worse during cold weather. Cinnamon has so much nutritional benefits. So, you can sprinkle it on liberally on your baked goods, cereals or coffee.


If you are looking for a good meal to eat this winter, then try chilli with cheddar and pasta. Chilli is an amalgamation of velvety vegetables, ground beef and spices that will make your body and digestive system to function at an optimal level. Also, it has the capacity to keep you warm. You will never regret using it.

In this article, we were able to share awesome foods you can eat this winter. Was this article really helpful to you?  Kindly share your ideas in the comment box below. We would like to read your thoughts!

Author Bio : I am Michael Morelli. I am passionate to write about topics on health, fitness, exercise etc. Through my blogs, I am helping people to efficiently build muscle, calculate BMI & other health & fitness tips.

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1 comment

Cheryl Wright January 29, 2018 - 2:59 pm

I am going to try adding ginger to my tea. Thank you for this information.


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